>300,000 pedestrians were stopped and less than 4 percent were arrested or issued a summons.
>44 percent of those stops were made in two small, mostly black neighborhoods, home to just 11 percent of the city's population.
>African-American residents were three times more likely than whites to be stopped and searched by police, though whites were twice as likely to be found with illegal guns, drugs and contraband.
>Police conducted stops, searches and arrests without meeting the requirements of the Fourth Amendment.

Is it possible, just is it maybe possible that statistics depict that more crimes are committed by black people because black people have an unjust spotlight on them?

We already know drug usage is the same among white and blacks. We also know their are many cold cases, unsolved cases, and innocent prisons because investigations were poorly focused.

Other urls found in this thread:

>We already know drug usage is the same among white and blacks.

That's a strange thing that you "know"

What do they mean by "twice as likely"?

Define drug use because a white college kid sharing weed with his friends is different than a ghetto thug dealing crack

Drug usage is the same? According to whom? Cite the study you fucking cuck.
>dey made us commit violent crimez becuz wyte privleg
>y do we get arrested because of open air drug culture
>how do i not act like A COMPLETE NIGGER?

Sorry, I have a terrible memory.

Whites are MORE likely to abuse drugs.

Cite an actual source you fucking retard. That's a god damn time article written by a Salon writer. Direct source or get the fuck out.
wow legit source, nigger.


Your anger doesn't change reality. There is a reason a smidgen of crack gets you far more time than an equivalent amount of cocaine. Drug laws aren't colorblind.


>self report survey


>self reporting survey
Whew, do I even really need to go into why self-reporting surveys are complete trash for looking at a complete picture?
Also, one has to wonder how many ghetto dwelling niggers they get to do these surveys. I'll go ahead and answer that for you, not very fucking many. Try again, cuck.

Reading sure is hard.

>...says Dr. Dan Blazer, senior author of the study and a professor of psychiatry at Duke University
>Using data from 72,561 youth interviewed for the National Survey on Drug Use and Health,
>The study, which was published Monday in the Archives of General Psychiatry,

It is much easier to just attack a writer than the points actually being discussed.

Those orcs bear the white hand of (((sauron)))

>war on drugs impacts black people more
>therefore their high violent crime rate is justified

More bad math (proving) racism

Oh, I knew what it was quite well. I'm not going to spend my time doing his work though. Self reporting surveys prove nothing. I would highly suggest these "intellectuals" in the psych field to go pass out these surveys in the ghetto instead of college towns. That would be dangerous work, though, and not provide an acceptable answer.

If I know of two caves, only explore one of them and find gold I can't suddenly state that the other cave is devoid of all resources and is a nigger. You're seriously missing the point of the article if this is your best counterpoint.

If know one is shining a flashlight on other crimes then why would they ever seriously investigate them? If the majority of your police force is focused on those who you presume to be up to no good then it's very easy for someone to get away with numerous crimes. This isn't fiction it's common sense. There is a reason a jewel thief dresses in a suit instead of a burglar's outfit.

How dumb do you have to be to believe that blacks outnumber whites in EVERY crime?

You should go to your local gas chamber and hop on in

Anything else cucks?

One survey proves whitey b doin dem drugs mo' den DA KANGZ? Blacks are more likely to participate in open air drug selling. Wanna see my citation? Drive around a ghetto. You won't see that shit in white-opia because we aren't fucking stupid.

>patrol areas where major crimes occur
>make stops because you see people doing things they shouldn't do

Police focus patrol where serious crime occurs. This of course means that all other police interactions are going to go up as well. If the police spent a fuckton of time in lower crime (white) neighborhoods, then the numbers of interactions with the public would go up as well, but it would be a waste of their resources because they are in places where major crimes are less likely.

It isn't rocket science. You're right that this inflates numbers, but it's due to the bigger shit that happens in those neighborhoods (murders, assault, robbery, rapes, drugs).

You really hate reading.
>surveyors are compensated

You can't believe all blacks are coked up welfare queens that would shank their own kids for a $5 then imply they wouldn't answer a survey that compensated them with actual money.

It's called cognitive dissonance, my angry friend.

No, it a because black people are rowdy.

>blacks murder at a much higher rate
>white murder just as much, they just get away with it because cops are racist

>How dumb do you have to be to believe that blacks outnumber whites in EVERY crime?

>whites out number blacks in total crimes
>please ignore that adjusted for population, blacks commit most crimes at a higher rate, in particular violent crime

Yes, there is definitely a better methodology to finding out if people have abused drugs before they are arrested then by just asking them in an anonymous survey.

But until you share this method with wondering minds I guess we will just have to stick with practicality.

And if you're implying any race would lie more than any other when it comes to their own personal drug use then you're just being silly.

>they just get away with it because cops are racist
Are you implying there isn't evidence of this?

It's like you don't even watch the news. There is a reason white people blame the mysterious black or brown person when their kids or wife go missing.

No, coke isn't cheap you retarded beta. They'll be smoking weed or doing some other cheap shit. Project somewhere else, like back on reddit where you belong.
>Every person who completes the full interview will receive $30 in cash at the end of the interview in appreciation for their help.
wow man, tots worth. cud evn git dat fix wit dat 30 bux

I'm honestly not sure if you're retarded or not at the moment. Keep posting though.
Not my fucking job. Lower intelligence and poor culture are largely the obvious reasons that niggers are prone to being arrested.

It's urban areas
Rural whites >>> Rural blacks
Most police efforts are focused on populous areas, higher prospects and potential earnings
So it creates a black focused dataset
In reality urban whites and urban blacks are mostly caught
Rural whites outnumber rural blacks greatly but are never caught

Drug abuse violations: 837,851 White 353,862 Black
US population as of 2014: 62% White 12% Black

>There is a reason white people blame the mysterious black or brown person when their kids or wife go missing.

Yeah, because they commit more fucking crimes. It's funny that at first you pushed statistics about drug crimes, but when faced with statistics about violent crimes you go full "dindu nuffin".

*more likely to commit crimes

>answer nothing
>stay just as mad

Your life must be stressful. Could you make it a tad bit more productive though? I'm trying to at least humor you but you're giving me nothing. It's like talking to an edgy 14-year old who thinks being more ignorant, pridefully so, equals being right.

>not drug usage

Read the OP again.

What statistics?

And my "dindu nuffin" can be backed with data if you want to go down that path. Or you could just realize the innocence project and dna evidence aren't unicorns and leprechaun farts.

You had nothing to say past your trash tier survey and haven't bothered to respond to any other posts. Once again, you seem to be projecting. Keep trying, kiddo! .05 deposited into your account.

On mobile, sorry.


>And my "dindu nuffin" can be backed with data if you want to go down that path.

There were 4,379 murders by blacks in the year 2013, you're telling me most of them weren't done by black people. That the police lies about thousands of murders?

when i want to learn about my fate i consult a horoscope. can you name a method that is better at telling me my fate than a horoscope? no ? then horoscopes must be valid indicators of fate.

Ummm no.

Go to any major city that's racially divided. Police presence is higher in black neighborhoods, generally due to higher numbers of reported major crimes. This increases overall police/public interaction, so the numbers of stops and smaller crimes are inflated.

I imagine there are a ton of people doing drugs and other shit on the north side of chicago, which is just as populated as the south side of chicago, but the south side has massively higher numbers of murders, rapes, property crimes, drug dealing, so police focus their presence there.

Take a highly populated white neighborhood and a highly populated black neighborhood and major crimes will almost always be higher in the black neighborhood. You think white people are murdering each other at the same rate as blacks, but the cops are just like "meh, murder, no big deal they ain't black" and they're leaving bodies in the streets in front of wrigley field?

Whitey made them commit murder! And whitey also makes blacks commit a majority of robberies too! And doesn't give them the "good" jobs! And makes them score lower on standardized tests! And makes them get STDs at higher rates! And well, whatever other bad things you can think of! -t. cuckposter OP

>statistics depict that more crimes are committed by black people because black people have an unjust spotlight on them?

yep. that's literally how it works. if cops are constantly bugging one population ALL THE TIME then of course that one population is going to have all the arrests.

How else would you verify if all 72,561 "youths" polled were even white let alone drug users?

>generally due to higher numbers of reported major crimes.

this is historically untrue. Go back in history and you'll find greater constabulary attention paid to blacks as runaway slaves, as freemen, etc. they've always been under a shitty unfair microscope. the inflated proportion goes way way back.

Like how a white guy doing meth is lumped in the same category as a black guy smoking weed right

reason being that whites were always scared of blacks...and justifiably so. they knew that a slave rebellion would be curtains for white hegemony since they were way outnumbered.

we're still living that legacy.

this might be true about some point in history, is there any reason to assume this has any effects today?

Black people commit more crime because they commit more crime.

That's it.

Is it circular? You betcha, but it's not due to MUH POLICE OPPRESSIN ME.

you don't have to assume at all. just look at the data. if you treat a population in bondage like criminals, treat a newly freed population like criminals, treat a disenfranchised population like criminals, treat an impoverished and poorly educated population like criminals...guess what?

they're going to look like criminals.

So you're telling me all those 4,379 murders never happend?


>yes you've bested me there, but your standard isn't in practice so I'm going to base my assumptions on junk studies even if they may totally discredit my crumbling argument

So you don't deny that black people murder at a much higher rates than whites?

you're missing the forest for the trees.

thanks for the (you), but your emotional tirade does not answer my question.

Nobody gives a shit send them all back to Africa.

uh, nothing i posted is emotional. it's a matter of basic social science.

The city of Baltimore is populated with murderous, heroin addicted monkeys. The police should be stopping and searching more people, not less.

black people have a very high rate of VIOLENT crime, violent crime draws police attention. Police don't have unlimited resources, they have to focus on areas where they are needed most, which are black neighborhoods. I'm sure many white people sell weed and have guns, but they don't bother anyone so no one gives a shit

It does tend to mean that black people are disproportionally prone to minor drug offenses, but that's a result of the violence in the areas they live

>you're missing the forest for the trees.

Blacks are responsible for more than 50% of the murders, despite being 12% of the population. Why is this acceptable?

Give the leftys what they want, and have cops patrol white neighborhoods more.
Cops wouldn't mind, and nigs would kill each other off faster.

violent crime isn't acceptable, and i'm not here to excuse violent crime rates. i'm only trying to explain how and why rates have developed in such a way, and it has much to do with unfair and hyper-focused policing practices dating back to the 17th century.

if you're serious about identifying and fixing a problem, tracing it back is highly important.

They need to build walls around all niggervilles and let them kill each other. No point in risking the lives of police.

>if you treat a population in bondage like criminals, treat a newly freed population like criminals, treat a disenfranchised population like criminals, treat an impoverished and poorly educated population like criminals...guess what?
>they're going to look like criminals

>therefore blacks are greatly and systematically over represented in crime statistics

>this is science
good night, troll

Considering blacks massively disproportionately commit crimes which you don't have to stopped and searched for, like assault, theft, rape, and murder. No, it's not because of unfair targeting.

Under a microscope 24/7 cuz nigs nig, nigs keep on niggin. Wouldn't it be easier to not nig?

Gee OP how did that happen in Maryland.

We all know racism cannot exist in the Democratic party...

And they control Maryland...

What a mystery!

So spending less time and resources patrolling black neighborhoods will make it safer?

Or it could be that blacks are more prone to violence and lawlessness, as can be observed in every black community on earth, including those that rule themselves

it's called a compounding effect.

sorry you don't trust sociology. i guess dismissing an entire academic discipline is one of the last refuges of a mind desperately forcing itself into the sand. only a subject disproportionally important to a person's self-identity could produce such irrational stubbornness.

literally yes.

check this out:

If I became president i would:

1. Declare BLM a terrorist organization
2. use my intelligence services to incite a YUGE protest, nationwide, in multiple big cities
3. Arrest everyone I could with help from the national guard

(you can vote for me as president in 2032)

Alright I'll bite, if you want to know the source of the problem it's single mothers.

>The Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency reports that the most reliable indicator of violent crime in a community is the proportion of fatherless families. Fathers typically offer economic stability, a role model for boys, greater household security, and reduced stress for mothers.

>if you're serious about identifying and fixing a problem, tracing it back is highly important.

This is true, I actually don't disagree with the liberal ideal that the war on drugs destroyed the black family unit and sent many fathers to prison. This resulted in many single black mothers, which are highly correlated with raising criminal children. Furthermore, you add in liberal welfare policies that reward having children, feminism making single motherhood culturally acceptable and you got a recipe for cultural disaster.

Right. id rather hand around toothless hillbillies smoking meth and working blue collar jobs. Than lay about with feral groids smoking that loud drinking 40s and committing violent crimes.

>murder went down in one city of a country where murder also went down over the same time period


Not to mention there's literally no plausible causitive link between street stops and murder

Jalen Lewis, who hosted a party at his home, two doors down from Copley’s, on the night of the shooting, said the victim was one of roughly 50 guests at the party, he told CNN affiliate WTVD.


Bollocks. Blacks in general in the US are better educated, living longer and committing less crime than ever before. The concentration of criminals in Baltimore city is increasing due to the taxpaying blacks and whites that remain running away to Baltimore county.

Places like Baltimore city are an unnatural percolation of social vermin. The place is a containment facility for the side effect of black social improvement, the worthless junkie criminal blacks cannot hide amongst the decent blacks if the decent blacks leave.

true, crime is generally dropping nationwide. but what this instance does show is that decreasing tension between police and civilians does not RAISE crime. and that's a hugely important distinction. if it had, then perhaps the numbers here in new york would have leveled off instead of continuing to drop precipitously.

theyre intentionally misrepresenting the stats

i can guarantee you that

>whites were twice as likely to be found with illegal guns, drugs and contraband.


>twice as many (total) whites had drugs etc. on them than blacks

which really means that the blacks (11% of the population) made up a third of drug etc. arrests.

which means that the racial profiling was logical and effective

liberals dont really think about these things though so the article served its purpose

You mean it doesn't raise murder, significantly. Its effect on total crime is unknown and unknowable

>Is it possible, just is it maybe possible that statistics depict that more crimes are committed by black people because black people have an unjust spotlight on them?

This would only reflect an increase in lesser crimes. Explain the vast discrepancy among violent assault, rape, and murder.

Go be a nigger elsewhere. Blacks commit more crime in just about every single category we record. I'll even forgive them for the bullshit ones like gambling and drinking in public.

are you suggesting that because it may not solve each and every problem it's dismissible?

what is the subject of sociology? what are its methods? how are these methods suited to systematically(!) discover new reliable(!) knowledge about that subject? if you can answer these questions in a way that would satisfy an epistemologically literate person you deserve a nobel prize.
as it stands sociology has the same status as theology as far as scientific legitimacy goes. they are academic disciplines only in name, result of some random quirks of history, most importantly the regrettable influence of some confused individuals (comte et al). its continuing existence is based only on the female demand for zero-work university degrees that also provide them with a justifying ideology under the guise of science.

You're implying all murder are being solved and we have accurate data.

1/3 of murders go unsolved. How many of those are because of poor usage of police resources. Using just the original story look at how many police stops could've been focused on homicide investigations?

In the context of the discussion (i.e. blacks are overrepresented in jails because their crimes actually get investigated) to use violations is ignoring the crux of the argument. Crime statistics are not going to support anyone's argument because nobody is disagreeing with their numbers. The disagreement is on how the data is being used, interpreted, and extrapolated.

Strictly speaking the statistics you posted only prove that more blacks are CONVICTED of drug violations. Not how many blacks or whites actually commit drug violations.

I'm suggesting that both the old policy and its removal probably didn't affect the safety of new york in the slightest

i'd argue against this very old theory, but it's been refuted many times over many decades by people way smarter and way more articulate than me.

in lieu of that, check out this really weird/really interesting theory about the rise of crime in the 20th century and it's subsequent decline:

it's pretty compelling.

>make it easier to perform illicit activities
>criminal action goes on unreported
>stop and frisk wasn't meant to deter violent crimes but drug trafficking
>drug trafficking easy now
>communities suffer under gang controlled drug market
>but hey we are now reporting less crime because we not enforcing the law

Police that stop random thugs don't solve muders. Murders go unsolved for two reasons: lack of evidence, and blacks refusing to "snitch"

>linking mother jones

>poor usage of police resources

You are assuming that police resources exist in the relevant areas. If a place is full of blacks, the tax base is going to be hopeless and there is not going to be the budget to maintain an effective judiciary and law enforcement presence.

This is correct.

Our common police forces are direct descents of slave catchers and bounty hunters.

Look up Slave Patrols, for starters.

This explains the racial approach to over-policing black neighborhoods and utilizing the police force as a containment force.

>Hey Jamal, have you been frisked lately?
>Come to think of it Tyrone, I haven't.
>Golly. I'm not longer in the mood for murder.
>By Jove, I had just the same such thought.

just look past that and read the article.


You don't think the growing distrust of LEOs may be tied to the increased targeting of black people? This is a problem that grew in the 1980s and hasn't slowed down, especially with the recent spotlight on the BLM movement.

Whether right or wrong you can't expect people to trust you if you're always hemming them up when they're not committing a crime.

Back to my original point, many of those murders are just black-on-black. This doesn't address many of the unsolved white murders.

>though whites were twice as likely to be found with illegal guns, drugs and contraband.

THe only whites stopped by cops must really pass a super high threshold of suspicion

>>African-American residents were three times more likely than whites to be stopped and searched by police, though whites were twice as likely to be found with illegal guns, drugs and contraband.

So, if we go by OP's logic that blacks are being searched at random and whites are only being searched when they're clearly violating a law, that means that any random black person has a 50% chance of carrying illegal goods on them at any time. Gross.

Or maybe police patrol nlack neihborhoods more because of all the violent crime all the time

What did Trump mean by this strange post?

Hillary ordered no such thing.

Profiling isn't inherently bad. Regardless of how you feel about Israel they use it to great success.

The problem with stop and frisk is that most of our state and local LEOs are not trained nearly well enough to actually profile for criminals and use very broad strokes when stopping people (often illegally).




What the fuck are you doing America ? You are a few steps away to have a chimp uprising on your hands, just get a hold of the situation and contain those apes asap.