User, what do you mean I'm a "American mutt"???

>user, what do you mean I'm a "American mutt"???


It means we can procreate even thought i'm 90% Amerindian.

>bleached hair
LA CREATURA in disguise

dat face though

I mean that you need to get BLACKED ASAP for my pleasure.


Implying 90% of the NEETS here wouldn't blow spaghetti all over if they had to talk to her.
>we can procreate even thought i'm 90% Amerindian.
What are you part of the 1%?

>bleached hair
>LA CREATURA in disguise
Are you aware most Scandinavian blond women aren't natural blonds.



she's dating a literal clown

It means we should leave this boring game and you can give me a Yankee in the parking garage.

That means that you are a mix of nationalities.
There is no "white" ethnicity.
But I can show you something white.
You'll just need to play with one-eyed snake.

>play with one-eyed snake.

Trump would have grabbed, not asked for permission

I'm not a worshipper of Nurgle

you sound Slaaneshi to me

I'm more of a Ptra type of person.

This is going to sound edgy as fuck, but I think I finally understand the male impulse to rape.

I look at her and feel two things at once:
1. Utter disgust with her personality and full knowledge she's a horrible person who I would gladly throw in the gutter
2. Sexual attraction

The only clear reaction to that combination of feelings is rape. It satisfies both the lust and the rejection of her humanity

Lol not true. But there was a time some naturally blonde women bleached their hair to get the "porn look".

>I mean you're 56% cutie haha.... y-you too I gotta go.


fuck off American mutt roastie

It means if you keep looking at me, my dna is literally going to start breaking apart, roastie