Vocaroo Thread

Try this one:
Sally sells sea shells by the shiny sea shore
So she can see the shimmering silver ships
In sunshiny summers she strolls along the sea shore
shoelessly splashing summersaults while she skips
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked

Other urls found in this thread:




Kek did you just wake up?

Bretty good



R8 spic accent

You did pretty well

you sound funny, like a cartoon character with that weird frog sort of air

not bad, not bad at all, you don't have an awful annoying accent in the slightest!

excellent diction man! well done, keep it up, you're on the level


this is the fist voice from malta I've ever heard, I somehow think you guys must sound very italian, also, your mic is terrible broken

No, I was just trying to contain the cringe, and not shout so that I'm not heard by anyone in the house.

Here’s mine

you posses (as I'm sure you already well know) a lovely feminine voice

Ok, that was awful, sound-wise. I had to re-do it.

You still kinda sound like a robot, but you did well overall

Thank you for the compliment :3

Audio or the way I read? If the audio then I'll blame the mic. If the way I read, it is my fault. These tongue twisters break me.

No you’re fine, it’s the mic

the pacing of your reading is robotic, like you're a collection of phonetic sounds a program is assembling

ave a bri'ish accent


Not too bad lad!

New headset. That's not good.

Yeah because it is a tongue twister so in order for me to not mess up I read it like a robot.
I wasn't really successful in that but, eh. Local tongue twisters are not a problem, so I'll
blame English.

This one sounds like a collection of phonetic sounds a program is assembling


Thanks. I could do better.

Ah, forgot to blame my anxiety about being heard. I'm sure that also plays a part.

Sorry user, it just doesn’t sound very natural. Say something else


Kek, if that’s actually you, you have a really nice voice

Thank you user, I strive to be as human sounding as possible

>Local tongue twisters are not a problem
Scratch that. they're worse.

Post one

Hmmm sounds a bit suspicious


il-pespus pespes pespisa lil pespusa tal-pespus u l-pespusa tal-pespus għat-tpespisa tal-pespus, pespset.



That's good.

Oh thank you!

Got a japanese one if anyone is interested?

Actually, sounds like someone trying to learn the language. Sure it is a bunch of words made up of the same 3-4 letters, but the pronunciation is nice.

Rate/Give your thoughts


Not bad at all! Can hear each word clearly!

Mine is so bad. Sorry I totally butchered your tongue twister.

Peter unaccountably becomes Peer

You did well, user :)

Here's another one, because I'm enjoying this.
I'll record myself when I stop laughing because this one is funny.

Luqa mlaqqam il-lagħaqi lagħaq lagħqha 'l-qargħa li qala' u qela bil-għaqal
I like it. Quite soothing.

Ah, you did alright.


vocaroo.com/i/s1rkhF6hzpzX I made it.

Thanks :3

Do you guys think my accent comes across as Hispanic/Mexican? Like I know I don't sound like a native speaker but would you be able to tell I'm from Mexico?
Which Peter?

You did remind me of a Hispanic character from a TV series, so yeah.

Really good! Only a slight accent

Thank you :)

recorded from within a barrel I expect

Good job :)

Yeah you do have a hispanic accent, but you still did pretty well. Also post something so I can practice my spanish.

Christ this is tricky

I sound retarded

This the only tongue twister I know desu

"Tres tristes tigres tragaban trigo en un trigal en tres tristes trastos.
En tres tristes trastos, tragaban trigo en un trigal, tres tristes tigres."

Oh man, sounds like Arabic gibberish.

I'm sorry.

R8 my spanish

You did pretty good actually

Let's see how you would sound performing an exorcism:

Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux,
Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux.
Vade Retro Satana
Numquam Suade Mihi Vana
Sunt Mala Quae Libas,
Ipse Venena Bibas.

Kek, you pronounced everything correctly (bar one of the trastos). Your accent also sounds like those of English speakers t.b.h.
Are you the Ecuadorian user? The way you pronounce "tr" is off desu, otherwise it's good and accentless.


Interesting. Could be because of Italian, or the fact that aprox. half of Maltese vocabulary is Romance?


Yeah, probably, I think that Italian has mostly the same vowel sounds as Spanish


I really really love spasnish for some unexplainable reason that I will for sure not elaborate further so don't even dare to ask I won't tell anything.

Muy bien

Yeah, makes sense. Cool.

Pretty good: 9/10

Los chinos son reptilianos
y anunnaki los judíos
y a los Estados Unidos
los gobiernan los marcianos:
todo gordo americano
es esclavo del espacio.
Sus líderes son batracios
que drogan sus hamburguesas
pa lavarle la cabeza
hasta al gringo más reacio.

Un cyborg es nuestro Papa,
eso oculta el Vaticano.
Tiene láseres en el ano
pero su manto los tapa.
Y me cuentan los que escapan
del Triángulo de Bermudas
que cada vez que estornudas
es clonado un chupacabras
y es conspiración macabra
obra de monjas desnudas.

This is how Kangz speak Latin:

+1 for doing it fast
Everything was correct

Yeah I’m the Ecua grindia and yeah I gotta work on the r’s a bit.

I keep laughing.


You sound like a Russian!

Do you understand what it says?

No idea what kind of accent I have
I'm 19 if you're wondering why I sound young

Good lol.
I am one

Yeah, some of it. I keep trying though.

Lol do you make these up?

Hvad fanden sagde du lige om mig din lille kælling? Jeg kan sige dig at jeg er uddannet som den bedste i min klasse i marinen, og jeg har været involveret i flere hemmelige operationer mod Al-Quaeda, og har over 300 bekræftede drab. Jeg er trænet i gorilla krigsforelse og er den bedste skytte i hele det Danske militær. Du er ikke andet for mig end endnu en skydeskive. Jeg vil fjerne dig fra jordens flade med en præcision der er helt uset, mærk dig mine ord. Tror du at du kan komme afsted med at sige sådan noget lort til mig over internettet? Så kan du lige tro om nar rov. på nuværende tidspunk som vi snakker kontakter jeg mit hemmelige netværk af spioner rundt over hele Danmark og din IP bliver sporet lige nu så du kan forberede dig på storm, din mide. Stormen der fuldstændig udradere den lille solle ting du kalder et liv. Du er fandeme dod moj unge. Jeg kan være hvorsomhelst nårsomhelst og slå dig ihjel på over syv hundrede måder, og det er blot med mine bare hænder. Jeg er ikke kun trænet i ubevæbnet hånd til hånd kamp, men jeg har også adgang til hele det Danske marine korps arsenal og vil bruge det til dets fulde omfang til at udraderer dig elendige rov fra jordens flade, din lille lort. Hvis bare du havde vidst hvilken uhellig hævn din "smarte" lille kommentar ville forsage dig, ville du nok have holdt din kæft. Men det gjorde du ikke, det kunne du ikke, og nu må du betale prisen, din store idiot. Jeg vil skide raseri over dig og drukne dig i det. Du er fandeme dod for helvede din skide moj unge.


Damn Pope.

Why are Scandis so good at English ;-;

Only the way you pronounced shoelessly and strolls along the sea sounded weird to me.

I'm half Brazilian and grew up in rio though :D
Thanks for saying I was good. I rarely speak English irl

When did you start learning English? Do you speak Danish natively?


I've made some of those, but not all

Nice, I think the only weird consonant was the J.

First language I ever learned was Portuguese.
I picked up English subconsciously by watching TV and playing RuneScape.
My family isn't very wealthy but I got offered a scholarship to an international private school hen I was 10. So that helped sharpen my accent.
I only started speaking Danish at 14 and people tell me I have an accent.

Yeah? I thought I made a mess, to be honest.

Yeah, that probably helped, I only started actively trying to learn English when I was 11

Any French or German to do?

>tfw I never could say it as a kid


What we are voocaroing about?

top kek
Imagine a guy raging so hard and stuttering like that at the same time

That would be me, actually. Sometimes I get so mad, I lose the ability to form words.

I'm too lazy to read the other half.


y-you too


>mfw the gay kiwi posters are actually trannies

here is one

I own I am shock'd at the purchase of slaves,
And fear those who buy them and sell them are knaves;
What I hear of thcir hardships, their tortures, and groans
Is almost enough to dra
w pity from stones.
I pity them greatly, but I must be mum,
For how could we do without sugar and rum?
Especially sugar, so needful we see?
What? give up our desserts, our coffee, and tea!
Besides, if we do, the French, Dutch, and Danes,
Will heartily th
ank us, no doubt, for our pains;
If we do not buy the poor creatures, they will,
And tortures and groans will be multiplied still.
If foreigners likewise would give up the trade,
Much more in behalf of your wish might be said;
But while they get riches by
purchasing blacks,
Pray tell me why we may not also go snacks?