Where are you m*Ds hiding?

Where are you m*Ds hiding?

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im blonde haired and blue eyed but im still a virgin

so*Throns btfo

beta med genes pulling you down




how does he keeps doing it? he keeps BTFOing m*ds every single day

Are Irish nords or are we the s*uthron menace?

m*Doids on suicide watch
based VARG

>Nordic women keep coming in Italy even today as literal sex tourists
>they are famous for it since the 50's
>Swedes are the biggest sluts
>mfw Nordic soyboys claim to be the most desired

umm... you were saying?

>tfw colonized by so*thron m*doids

DAS RITE, Eorl*ngASS tremble in FEAR before my mighty Mûmakil

is that pewdiepie?


How did you get my photo? I'm calling the police.

m*Doids BTFO

Who is Varg talking about? he is brown haired (well, grey haired now).

s*Uthrons btfo

wtf pewdipie looks ugly in this and marzia looks cute. complete reversal.


Just a reminder that Varg's mom would go to Cyprus to get railed by Greeks and Turks. This is why he has such a hate boner for Southern Europeans(specifically Greeks.)

how can one man be so based?

He has light brown hair which is basically blonde

ooga booga where da nordic wimminz at

um no honey

He's clearly dirty blonde

You are a NORD, and probably swedish too

AHAHAHAH fucking pippi longstockings mutafuckah

lmao if that's blonde then I'm blonde too

I don't care when whites bully me or other meds, I feel glad for them :)
But I get sad when I see blacks bully white people. :(

Why are people obsessed with race and muh biological imperatives so fucking wack?

Varg is of sound mind.

why do brown people keep saying that, he said greeks harassed his mother while iraqis left her alone. this only proves that greeks are just turks in denial

So let me get this straight.He hates southern europeans for existing?And meanwhile he doesn't hate northern europeans for letting millions of muslims fill their countries?

We must work to keep Med racial hygiene pure from N*Rds.

He dyed his hair because it was cool in the black metal scene. He actually was clearly blonde.

He doesn't hate you, he just thinks you are arab-admixed mongrels and are thus not fit to survive on european land.

They dyed their hair black, not brown. Show me one picture of adult Varg as blonde.

how does he know what southrons think about his nordic people?


He lives in southern France.

>Med racial hygiene pure
haha good one

Have you ever seen an actual blonde person? that's light brown

he should return to his land, his people need him.

The only ones that will not survive are nordics

It WAS pure until Germs corrupted it, bringing out the Western Roman Dark ages.

That's blonde... dirty blonde if you want to be a fag about it

There's varying shades of blonde you know.

But it's ok to be a murderous immigrant living on welfare who doesn't integrate to local culture when he does it :)

This ;_;

Just stop with hair autism. Light Brown with natural blond highlights = Dirty blond.

All of Europe is his land. In fact, all of Europe was entirely blonde and blue eyed before the southern parts were invaded by arabs or mixed with africans.

he's a murder?

there is no way there is 2 blonde italians here

Yes and hate Christianity

I am dirty blonde
Like Varg


nah, someone tried killing him and he acted in self-defense

If that's blonde half my country is blonde

Half your country is literal arabs.

Yes, he murdered the guy who actually made him famous in the first place because he was paranoid that he would murder him

>amerimutt nerds can't even talk without resorting to their nerd hobby.


And even Arabs have that shade of hair from time to time

Absolute state of N*rdics

post hair

>If that's blonde half my country is blonde

Yeah, so we can put him in jail and end this national embarrassment once and for all.

i know this feeling :(

That's dirty blonde and no half israel isnt blonde

An easy trick to see if someone is dirty blonde or light brown is to see how their hair changes during the summer.
If their hair turns blonde in the summer it's dirty blonde, if it doesnt then its light brown

Not gonna post that
Avoid the post and go on if you don't believe sorry

No no no, there is not THREE blonde italians in this thread

med "blonde" is more like brown/ dark brown to us

Maybe not half but this shade of hair is extremely common here, and even in a country of shitskins it's not considered blonde

>goes to live amongst meds
>shits on them everyday
>takes their governments welfare money
Has there ever been a greater example of the Great Scandinavian shitposter?

mine is brown and brown eyes too, and I'm virgin too.
Maybe this Varg guy isn't so wrong after all :(

if he's so successful with women, why did he marry one that is unironically mentally handicapped?

also give me tips for haircuts, my hair is kind of thick, I can' do much with it after a certain lenght

She's a good mother. If you know french, you will understand that quickly by watching vids on her channel.

Why your pic has a Sup Forums pic name?


>unironically mentally handicapped?
you mean southern european?

Here's a tip: don't take haircut tips from autistic virgins on a bantunese hamster training bulletin board

I had already posted it in /fa/

>a good mother
her children are growing isolated from the rest of the world and will probably become murderers like their father

I am a med in Sweden.

>med fantasies

You studying?

She teaches them about the modern world and many different subjects. Pic related. They probably get a better education than most public school kids.

hair is fine. if you want to try being chad mode you can get the meme undercut, but if you just want to look normal then it's fine how it is.

Yes. My parents came here as PhD students from France and they stayed. Now I am studying here.

that's not the point, they're growing outside of society

Italian normies are the worst
I give you that

How can one man be so based?

The appearance of isolation that Varg tried to show in his vids was a charade. He actually lives similarly to americans in suburbs. He is surrounded on all sides by loud normie neighbors.

what's a southron?

look in a mirror

i mean where does the word come from?

>her children are growing isolated from the rest of the world
That's a good thing.

I haven't been to Israel but i've watched Conan O'Briens trip to Israel and I didnt see a single dirty blonde person in that entire video


seems pretty weird since it's supposedly "extremely common" there

