Sharing a tender moment Edition
Sharing a tender moment Edition
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dady lynch fuck d girl in her jew pusy
>"what do you mean I'm not preforming at the roadhouse? What do you mean "don't do any preparation just come as you are?"
Beige or Red?
>"Hey David, Why are we filming my scenes in your bedroom? Where are the cameras?"
>chat button on the page
>for a furniture website
>"saved" icon is the typical options/menu icon
I am irrationally upset about these things.
And yet it has concrete characters that reappear throughout the movie and a pretty standard rising action, climax, falling action layout.
In this interview he says that at a certain point something did start to come together and so there was a concrete relation between scenes, it just developed later than normal. And not just in the editing like you're saying.
This method was also used to an extent in past projects and worked out, such as how Bob in Twin Peaks came about first from Lynch filming Silva with no context and him accidentally showing up on camera during the pilot.
>Now Sheryl, it wasn't rape, we all know NO means yes sweetie, let's not make a fuss about it, ok? all right. let's shoot
so if bob was born from a nuke is he a godzilla? and where did mike come from?
When did it click that Laura is going to be at the location Bobby and Hawk have been told to go?
He wasn't born from the nuke, the nuke opened a portal to the creatures of the lodge
Is that Sheryl Lee with red hair?
>Cooper gets out of Lodge at 2:53
>BOB and Cooper's doppelganger are meant to return to it at 2:53
>253 paces from Jack Rabbit Slim's
>2:53 10/1
>2:53 10/2
This means Laura will be 253 feet tall
He may have been spawned from "mother" / The Experiment or he may have hitched along with the rest of her eggs she spewed (which made American Girl and probably other weirdo beings).
Things were born from The Experiment when the nuke went off and opened the door to the other world by means of the explosive sciences
Anyone else here actually starting to believe that Coop won't ever get his mind back?
Reminder that the one who lives in NON EX IS TENT is BOB's mother / the one who allowed him entry into our world. Non-ex-is-tent is underneath the black lodge. The symbol is underneath the moon symbol on the paper. The other peak has the sun for white lodge.
This means BOB will unleash a nuclear explosion in western South Dakota in order to bring his mother into our world for untold mayhem and corn.
It doesn't have to be Euclidean, it's a representation from our perspective. Experiment symbol underneath crescent moon = The Zone is "underneath" the black lodge. From our perspective, if the diagonal lines of the lodge floor open up and we fall, we enter The Zone.
We know this because when Cooper fell downward from the black lodge, he landed in the glass box. So too did The Experiment.
This is not the same area that Cooper went to next when the glass box density-shifted him to the purple ocean (same domain as the giant due to purple ocean's majesty, potentially white lodge). Major Briggs' head ascended from his body from The Zone up to the white lodge, then we saw it float through space and tell Cooper "Blue Rose" while he was there.
It's a representation of the relative geometry from our perspective in a simple set of symbols.
BOB is trying to blow a hole through to his mother. American Girl refers to it as her mother also. The things she extrudes are eggs, suggesting they're to be born by way of her actions. BOB comes out in the stream fully formed and grinning so he could be hitching a ride. Either way, he wishes to unleash the power of the explosive sciences in order to open the door to the other world (to paraphrase Jack Parsons).
so, Bob isn't a native of the lodge?
best girl?
Nah, she's pretty ugly.
best hatefuck ever
What if they replaced Lucy with Pam?
>so if bob was born from a nuke is he a godzilla? and where did mike come from?
My guess is Mike was the frogthing in the egg that crawled into the girl's mouth
your standards are out of this world, I'd like to see yr gf
I don't think she's that attractive in the new season at least. I don't know what other stuff I've seen with her in it.
Joke's on you, I never had any.
do you have any webms of Shelly with her hair tied back?
knob head!
Is it true Coop didn't get with Audrey because Kyle was dating Donna IRL and she was a jealous skank?
Why does Donna look so much older and with worse skin in season 2?
Why is Shelly such a garbage mother?
Richard Horne is the best waifu
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I think it's not bad at all.
Damn didn't know she had a great ass. Got any more?
hardly. people just need a scapegoat for when things don't go their way.
This scene is really dumb. So, a kiss is enough for Booper? What's this, the 3rd degree? not even a handjob?
c-c-cute desu
>Two beautiful women who aged the best of all cast
>not in sequel
I don't think so.
>immediately after this, Kyle totally flubs his Dopple Coop acting
Is he an old pervert who got too into it, or was he so self-conscious about not wanting to be a bad kisser that it took him out of it?
Who's that guy supposed to be?
If you can give me a time frame and episode, I'll make one for you.
Mark Frost confirmed it himself. Or are you saying he's a liar too?
I don't remember a Red.
It's Red, the wacky guy with the coins.
I get the feeling that BOB made DoppelCoop more emotionless and robotic and now that he's gone he'll have a little more energy.
Magic motherfucker
It's episode 6 when Amanda Seyfried is introduced
This is probably the most fucked up thing shelly ever did. Why was she such a cunt here? I think Shelly is very cute and adorable but this is just awful.
So did Bobby and Shelley break out sometime after Leo got spidered to death?
Ohhhhhh right! He wasn't in the original series though right? Cause I thought they were showing us the people from the old show when they showed the table of the girls and then James, but then they showed Red and it threw me off.
do you have a source on what he said?
He wasn't. He's played by Balthazar Getty who was the second main character in Lost Highway.
Watching Eraserhead it feels like I'm watching a Twin Peaks prototype and also feels like this inspired Bloodborne.
I thought cocainefu is his daughter?
Yeah, I watched it again the other day for the first time in a while and it seems like the new season is mostly influenced by it out of any of Lynch's movies.
>Lost Highway
ANOTHER Lynch movie? Is it any good?
Leo was a vegetable lol
Becky is Bobbys daughter
Have you seen any other Lynch movies? I don't think it's one of his better ones but it's worth watching.
now that s3 is out, pretty much every movie ever made by lynch is now a twin peaks prototype
I disagree, I feel like it's closer in tone to lost highway, but episode 8 was obviously inspired by eraserhead yeah
What are some common themes in Lynch films/shows?
>long drives
>stages with curtains
>weird performances on those stages
Mulholland drive, I liked and didn't like it. It feels a bit dragging but at the same time very compelling and mesmerising.
It's one of his better ones imo. I suggest you watch it after you check out blue velvet or wild at heart. Those are the 2 you should start with. Very easy to grasp films of his
I don't know, user. It didn't really seem that way
>industry related things
>reincarnation and the process before it (depending on how you interpret some of his movies)
>nonlinear time
>small comfy towns
Confirmed at the very beginning.
>also feels like this inspired Bloodborne.
Sexual violence.
I've often seen Lost Highway described as Mulholland Drive in reverse or MD as LH reversed. I think MD is better but LH has a completely different kind of atmosphere that may appeal to some people better.
Related on the aspect of babies, birth, symbolic creepiness etc.
also the baby straight up looks like the whore's baby.
I guess thats that. Could have been Kyle's opinion as well
lol Frost is such a fucking geek, imagine if it was Lynch being asked that, he'd probably be like: ''what the hell are you talking about, next question''
Can someone explain what Eraserhead is about? I didn't understand it when I had watched it.
teenage pregnancy
The plot or what it might mean? The plot is mostly that the guy knocks a chick up while not married and she has a mutant baby which he ends up killing. Most people say it basically reflects Lynch's fears of being a father but Lynch himself says it's his most spiritual movie whatever that means.
Kyle's always stuck to his story that he found it inappropriate, but let's be real here, why would he admit that he let his ghoul of an ex bully him into helping her get her way over this? Especially in this day and age when people are already super sensitive. I say this from experience, there are a ton of tumblrina SJWs who don't believe the stuff about LFB and have respect for Kyle for refusing to take part in what they think is a dysfunctional relationship. Could you imagine the backlash if he came out with "lmao yeah she was a bitch and i was cucked into doing this"?
Going by his other movies, it probably means that Lynch literally killed a baby.
being scared of babies
I think of it being someone struggling with young adult life. Kind of like the darkness Ian Curtis felt before his suicide
This is the guy who apparently has a grudge against Heather Graham for not sleeping with him which is why her character isn't in the new season. Do you really think he wouldn't be vindictive as fuck against LFB who was by all accounts a bitch to work with, especially when she blackballed him by refusing to be in FWWM?
still more realistic than Frosts fairy tales
I actually know what you're talking about.
I'm pretty sure it was deliberate, and at the very
least I found it funny. I found that whole kissing scene funny. In the original show, it kept turning up how more and more people were in a web with Laura at the center, and people coming out of the word work... in this show, it's something similar at times with Mr. C
>kyle mclachlan and david lynch spend years dancing around the subject and making vague statements about the audrey relationship not fitting cooper's character
>frost just straight up blurts it out in a radio interview like a madman
this is why frost is better than lynch
>This is the guy who apparently has a grudge against Heather Graham for not sleeping with him
Now you're just making shit up
>Do you really think he wouldn't be vindictive as fuck against LFB
I don't think he gives a fuck really, they seem pretty friendly here
So has anyone gone to the coordinates yet?
What're the chances we'll see chet desmond come back? I wonder if that's who cooper ended up speaking to on his black box
>This is why Frost is a pussy and gossips like a chick
fixed that for ya