It's habbening

Domino's has declared pizza war in Norway

against who

domino's is the best pizza in scandinavia

scandinavian pizza is atrocious

>against who

against other pizza chains ofc


there are no pizza chains in Scandinavia. At least not in Sweden.

Every pizzeria is a kurd/turk local business.

Are there chain or store looking for pizza mercenary?

Maybe not in Sweden but we have many pizza chains in Norway, and they have answered Domino's pizza challenge with " c'mon make my day"

Little Caesar's > Cuckmino's

We have Peppes Pizza. We also had Dolly Dimples but now it's been bought by Domino's.

lmao wew

we only have mcdonalds, burger king and starbucks (very limited locations) that are the foreign fast food chains here



Peppes Pizza and Dolly Dimples are Norwegian chains.

I'm pretty sure Sweden has KFC as well, probably more. Seems like you haven't got a clue about these things at all.


We have Dominos in Skåne and Copenhagen is PACKED with Dominos

I'm going to put this as lightly, and least smugly as I possibly can

Who cares about garbage Scandinavian pizza chains and garbage American franchises fighting each other? It's all fucking garbage. I legitimately feel sorry for you people.

-t. Chicagoländer

Dunkin Donuts near Stockholm

Yeah we do but to be fair it came here only 2-3 years ago

Also PH isnt really the same as in America over here. It's more a restaurant than a fast food place. A large pizza at PH costs $25 and to get it deliveried to you depends on the distance but it costs $19 for me and I live 12 minutes from the pizza hut

deep dish is trash

stop eating pizza

Sorry I couldn't help but focus on the cardboard in your teeth as you said that. Maybe you should return that to Papa John's or Sbarro along with all of the disgusting grease they put on their cardboard.

Finland has three domestic pizzeria chains, dennis, kotipizza and golden rax pizzabuffet.

why can't swedes make pizza?

Nothing beats the local kebab pizza.

>It's more a restaurant than a fast food place
what do you mean by that?

Pizza Hut is a fast food place, their pizzas are just overpriced. They cost too much here too, I just buy pizza from the Pakis down the road when I want something other than frozen store bought stuff.

>what is a drive-thru
I really want you to think before you post

pizza hut is a legitimate restaurant here. not a fast food place. they have servers and shiet

dunkin donuts is a meme place. its literally a mini café located in some of the big malls.

see >Skåne

Must be a recent meme. Never seen one in my 20+ years

He probably means it's not fast food. At least not by the Swedish term (fast, cheap and easy).

Literally everything beats kebab pizza
>just drench my pizza in sauce breh

You have to wait in line for a table, they have servers etc

Sauce is everything
All hail sauce !

pizza hut is same here. it is a pizza restaurant with servers and shit.

>Literally everything beats kebab pizza
your tastebuds are shit

your local pizzeria or a mcdonalds/burgerking/MAX are not the same as pizza hut

dominos pizza sucks, worst pizza i ever had and no one in the store spoke a word danish

>fast food
There is only one option that matters. Gas station foods.
And a potato mash & sausage plate with shrimp salad is the best. No pizza or burger can beat it.


yeah, that's what i am saying. pizza hut is different than mcdonalds, bk and other fast
food joints. you wait to get seated and and a waiter takes your order. just like stake'n'shake for example. it is in between a fast food and a "real" restaurant.

Meh, still expensive when you consider that you can have a cheap steak for the price of their cheapest pizza.


Last time I visited Domino's all the staff were some sort of minority and they played loud hip hop music. Thanks America.


gas station food in finland has gone downhill since a company called restamenu started their franchising crap. it's all finger food, french dogs, hot dogs and stupid shit like that and of course it's all frozen and precooked offsite and then reheated at the gas station. none of it is fresh in any sense of the word and they even manage to fuck up something as simple as fries

nowadays, old style grills are the only places you can get a decent plate of pyttipannu for example.


>putting ketchup on your pizza

literally no one does this

Fuck pizza, you can go to Max and get a halloumi salad

Max has the best burger I've ever had

Max makes the best burger I ever tasted, and I am a burger

based enlightened people

Domino´s are trash, basically a 3€ frozen pizza sold for 12€

Homemade pyttipannu? The only place I’ve seen it being served outside of my home is on the ferry to Gotland from Nyneshamn.

basically every grill serves pyttipannu here but they more often than not call it makkaraperunat (sausage with potatoes)

Sounds so comfy

Only true fastfood is sausages and fries with pickle salad

in Tampere this is a small size sausage&fries from Ullan grilli

I want to make this, what’s in it?

>it's yet another predatory american corporate capitalism spilling over to peaceful nations episode

I don't use to eat pizza but when I do I don't eat domino's overpriced shitty pizzas, we have a chain that is a bit more expensive but 2 times better and italian restaurants for the same price that make have delivery service

*blocks your path*

heh nothin personel inferior fast foods

it's shite
literally worst fast food ever

sausage burnt to a crisp
raw onion
cucumber mayonnaise
a few tomato slices
pickle relish
ketchup (to taste)

honestly I'm surprised you have to ask. it's the kind of food that you make when you're drunk and when you look inside your refrigerator you decide to put one of everything in one dish. it's only missing a fried egg

They did the same thing here, the problem is their pizzas are absolute trash and all the stores are run by pajeets and chinks.

dominoes is shite. papa johns or 4 star pizza is better
its not even cheap here either, like €15 for a pizza and a side

t. retards
you gotta put ketchup on your kebab pizza or it's not peak flavour.

are those veggies? Gross

>kebab pizza

Looks good and I’m hugry and i just so happen to have everything but the cucumber mayo.

LMAO @ your life

The one redeeming thing about dominoes is $5 pizzas

as far as I know cucumber mayo is an explicitly Finnish thing because it was popularised by Hesburger
you can eat all the kebab pizza in the world for all I care. I don't even touch the stuff because it's all crap, just like the people who eat it

>hva er pizzabakeren
lmao bor du under en stein?

It tastes fucking perfect, you can go on all you want about how unhealthy it is, but if you don't enjoy kebab pizza then your life is shit.

Go get checked by a god damn doctor, an Italian praising that shit lmao @ YOUR life

Fuck d*minos

They charge like a $3.99CAD Delivery fee AND expect you to still tip the driver, who doesn’t collect ANY of the delivery fees, just tips + minimum wage ($14/hr).

Even at the bottom of the order screen it says some shit like “Drivers carry less than $20 cash, Please reward your driver for awesome service!”.. some crap like that I don’t remember, but fuck a $4 delivery fee

Eastern Mediterranean cuisine is unironically better than Italian food

pizza is pizza
kebab is kebab

I want my pizza with italian style marinara sauce and salami
I want my kebab with hot sauce, yoghurt sauce and served on fries or with bread cubes

>Domino's has declared pizza war

t. turk

That's depressing.

I've never seen a dominos resturant, he's quite obviously full of shit.

mushrooms you pleb

looks shite m8

>Scandinavia still doesn't have $5 hot-n-ready large pizzas or based crazy combos

t. discount fin

marinara sauce is marinara sauce
mozzarella is mozzarella
i sure wouldn't want some madman to mix them together on a pizza, there is no way two different things cfould go well together man.
you fucking retard go check yuour city, how many kebab places do you find? How is ti weird that an italian praises it?

Fucking no kebab pizza fags are getting super desperate with their retardation,.