Will Dunkirk be Nolan's "Fury Road"?
I don't fall for hype anymore, I'll check out user's reviews before watching.
>Will Dunkirk be Nolan's "Fury Road"?
>Are you going to fight?
>No, I'm done, Kirk
Fucking bravo Nolan.
All recent Nolans movies have been hailed as the best thing ever and his recent ones were disappointing/embarrassing
"Fury Road" will be Miller's "Dunkirk"
>Spend half the films budget filming in 70MM and Imax.
>drench it all in pissfilters in post.
I didn't see any yellow hues in the trailers. Also you're retarded if you think color grading is inherently bad.
How many kangs are expected to be on the beach sacrificing themselves so whites can escape?
>I don't see any yellow
>clearly yellowed in OP
>I don't see
>clearly yellowed in OP
Not really. You do realise that around dusk the natural lighting will change hue, right?
I love monochromatic piss filters and low contrast for least visual excitement as possible.
>posts a bunch of downgraded artefact filled jpeg rotten frames from the already heavily compressed trailer as an example
yeah no
First time buying IMAX tickets, day one. Better be worth it.
i am from dunkirk and this is the shit
Hoyte von Hoytema is such a hack, did the same with Spectre and Her
There's rarely an opportunity to watch a film that's actualy filmed on IMAX cameras and screened in 2D IMAX, so I think you won't be dissapointed.
Interstellar was a great cinematic experience no matter the actual flaws and I'm sure Dunkirk will be too.
Though I would avoid the first few days of release because they will be flooded with Harry Styles schoolgirls fans, maybe not in IMAX necessarily but still there is chance of hearing loud screeches everytime he comes on screen.
Nolan couldnt shoot a beautiful shot to save his life, nor pace or edit one. Expect alot of exposition overlapping alot of scenes with a monotonous score pulsating for 10 minutes to build drama because god knows, nolan cant do it without.
Nolan isn't operating the camera you mongoloid, Hoyte Van Hoytema is.
And he said multiple times now that Dunkirk will have an extremely low amount of dialogue, that's why it's his shortest film since Following.
Good, Nolans dialogue is awful
yeah monochromatic piss filters and low contrast, sure thing buddy
You posted a promotional photo, post a SHOT from the film and you'll see
>implying Nolan doesnt tell the DP which direction to point the camera
>not a single drop of blood
>no scattered limbs, intesteines and general havoc of war
I want this extremely overrated 6/10 hack to fuck off already.
>Nolan couldnt shoot a beautiful shot to save his life
Direction yes, but does he frame and compose a shot? No.
Do you think Hoytema would allow for a badly composed shot in his career, even if Nolan said so?
If you think yes, then feel free to post a single shot from any of his films shot by Hoytema that have bad framing or composition.
>I need excessive amounts of violence because it's for big boys like me
Here's an explanation for the PG-13 rating from a Nolan Dunkirk interview which makes sense in the terms of the narrative
>[Saving Private] Ryan is a film about the body, blood, fear of being dismembered. Fear is physical. Steven was able to create a visceral intensity of the experience of war. Dunkirk doesn’t play in the same category. It’s a movie with suspense and a race against time.
So basically it will be a film about transporting a fuckload of people from point A to point B while being in extreme danger of being completely BTFO'd by Stukas.
There will be no close quarter one-on-one battles, don't expect the usual war movie, it will be a thriller in a war setting, much like every other Nolan film is a thriller in a dream/space/comic book setting.
Most of Sup Forums casuals will even say it's "boring" and "nothing happens", screencap if you want
I too agree that Martin Luther King should be played by a white actor in his upcoming biopic.
>bad framing or composition.
I never said that, I said he couldnt shot a beautiful (or exciting one for that matter) to save his life. Good framing and composition is like the bar minimum for mediocrity.
>one army is constantly on retreat so there wasn't much combat
>yeah but blood and gore tho xDD
>Expect alot of exposition
A number of reviews said "This is almost a silent film" and that almost no one talks as it is just a train ride of watching people trying to get out.
Miller has redefined the action film
no more TDKR-style fuckups, this is going to be the template for the great action movies of our generation now
>106 minutes
>barely any dialogue
>zero character exposition
>the big guy
>lad from that boy band
fuck nolan and his shit movie
all of those points are extremely kino wtf