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How do socialists feel knowing they're the laughing stock of the world?

c*pitalcucks are the laughing stock of the world

unironically this

Oh no everyone is laughing at me oh no what will I do
*makes another $2k overnight*

Sorry sweaty. You aren't gonna get free money for watching animes all day.


Lol how is it cucked to have a better life than poors?

Lol I bet the RICHBULLS are crying on their yachts about the opinions of their slaves

*makes $4 overnight*

Well, in our country (Soviet Russia), there was a transition period from capitalism to socialism (as the first phase of communism)
Tried to build, well, private property was abolished under Stalin and destroyed the bourgeoisie as a class. But state ownership has never become public.

Get a job, faggot

Already have one and I get paid more than $4 a day for it. Feels good living in the first world.

Yep, those Venezuelans are roaring with laughter at us.

Capitalism is pretty great. Maybe you'll work your way up to me one day



>Reddit filename

I hope it's real

porky ass on fire!

People with a higher level of education vote democratically/lean left.

Truth hurts, doesn't it?

Then why do they keep losing?

Because the American left is very recently starting to come back after it was violently stamped out in the 20th Century.

Social ideas never had a decent footing in USA because the poor had been brainwashed into thinking being poor is something you should be ashamed.

Okay sweetie maybe you won't be a loser one day.


Also, she got more votes. Only in America does the candidate with more votes lose.

>hurrr greatest democracy durrrr






maybe you're just a bunch of losers user


>left wing

Go on Cleetus, I'm sure you have more diarrhea to spew.

wtf do democrats have to do with socialism?

Cry more loser.

Democraps were brainwashed by Bernigger Strokers into unironically beliveing in "democratic socialism"

This. One based man single-handedly revived the American left.


I do genuinely feel bad for the Rust Belt people who fell for the Trump meme. Not sure how many of them still think he's somehow their guy.

Yeah they're so mad that they're making more money now, are about to be taxed less, and their stocks are better than ever.

They're absolutely livid.

Man Americans are annoying. Why are you LARPing as a rich person

Left wing is divided. The young generation is sick of center right candidates being considered "liberal" and want a drastic change.
Right wing falls into line, no matter who the candidate is.
>Then why do they keep losing?
Shitty candidates, low turn out, voter restrictions, gerrymandering and lack of excitement in the base.
Even with this, Democrats have been flipping seats and winning elections for the last few months.

For the record. I hate both parties.
Right wing is unhinged and retarded.
Left wing is just retarded.

I was under the impression that the tax legislation is going to ultimately benefit the wealthy at the expense of the middle and working classes after a few years. As for the economy improving, I'm curious as to what exactly Trump has done over the last 12 months which could be responsible. It's like the people claiming he "beat ISIS" but never mention what, specifically, he did differently than his predecessor.

Whatever makes you feel better poorfag

Maybe you should stop browsing Reddit. Most lower and middle class people will be saving $500-$2000 a year.

Because it's epic trolling for based keks.

>economy still doing better in 2020

>Maybe you should stop browsing Reddit.
Not an argument.

>Most lower and middle class people will be saving $500-$2000 a year.

He's autistic and is desperately trying to ruffle some feathers. The people who genuinely fell for it are even more autistic than him

But Norway is socialistic country.

>come in thread claiming shit and just posting bullshit said daily on Sup Forums
>i wonder why they don't believe me

I had no idea the public owns the means of production in Norway.

>As for the economy improving, I'm curious as to what exactly Trump has done over the last 12 months which could be responsible. It's like the people claiming he "beat ISIS" but never mention what, specifically, he did differently than his predecessor.
You really only addressed the last two words here.

Maybe you should do the math on your own income. Assuming you aren't a NEET faggot. Ah who am I kidding.

>dubious claim about "based trumpepe"
"got a source on that?"
>im not doing your homework for you cuck LOL

Every time.

I don't need a thirdie to believe me. You aren't human in my eyes.

So I was right and you don't have a job. Typical leftist cuckold.

Learn to read you retarded liberal.

Funny man

>TFW living with my parents and saving $2000-2500/month

>Brilliant minds like Mises, Hayek, and Hoppe all take years to write laymen friendly explanations of why capitalism is nessecary given the human condition
>Masses of people continue to insist that capitalism is bad

Really sick of people being retarded

It's not their fault. Leftism is a mental disorder

Where did you get that from?

I'm still waiting for an answer.

I was under the impression that some of those capitalist intellectual types still supported welfare states to some extent, and their right-wing think-tanks have social democracies outranking the U.S. in economic freedom and quality of life. I agree with them, yet you call me a "leftist/cuck/shill/etc."

>not recognizing that the DNC has become GOP-lite
>"socialism" is a blanket term used by the right to denigrate any policy that is used to actually help people, IE healthcare.

The saddest part about trump voters is that they think they won when we all lost. Joe Democrat lost just as much as John Republican. Trumps policies are an accelerated trickle down theory, which 40 years of economic data proves has failed, yet you think that an extra $50 in their paycheck offsets the massive cuts to education, healthcare, et al. You're fueled by arbitrary hatred for brown people when its the big business that outsources your jobs, pollutes your water and air, and skirts taxes, leaving you to foot the bill.

You immediately resort to memes or LOL U LOST KEKEKEK instead of objectively thinking about policy proposal and the historical similarities it entails. You are the epitome of stupid American, and you're so stupid that you don't even know it. It's honestly just sad at this point.

This 2bh. Definitions matter. Democrats, even Bernie Sanders, are capitalists. Social democracy (even though most Democrats are mostly just centrists) is not the same democratic socialism.

>rust belters own stocks
Most americans don't even have 1,000$ saved for retirement.

Democrats are centre-right. Or centre at the very extreme. The stuff Bernie calls socialism is called social democracy in Europe. The scandinavian countries he loves are models of welfare capitalism. It may surprise you to know they have relatively low corporate taxes.

>Im poor so that means you are too
Why are leftists so stupid?

You bring great shame on yourself, user.

You're making people want to support leftism even less you dumb redditor.

Over simplification of policy and buzz words/slogans "MAGA", "LOCK HER UP", "LEFTARDS" appeals to the lowest common denominator. Aka you.

Do we seriously have to deal with retarded liberals reeeing for another 7 years?

Go blog about how you're a virgin because of capitalism user.

>I was under the impression that some of those capitalist intellectual types still supported welfare states to some extent

Perhaps some people from the Chicago school of economics have justified welfare in some manner, but all the people I named were Austrian economists and would regard any non-consensual redistribution of wealth as undesirable appropriation that is morally equivalent to theft.

Non-argument. Why do you do this?

I don't argue with /r/politics users.

>it's an american flag making the rest of the world cringe in horror episode again

So am I better than the vast majority of Americans?

shoo shoo thirdie non-human

So this is how bad a thread gets without Euro flags.

Does aggressive shitposting like this really bring you joy? I don't understand it.

Why are you so fucking mad?

What are you talking about?

It's honestly just embarrassing how vocal and stupid you are. Too incompetent to take a historical based policy analysis, fueld by buzz words and contempt, and easily manipulated by a populist demagogue who gets a free by you at every turn because "HAHA LIBRULS R MAD HAHA". You're literally stupid.

Back to your thirdie general.

I'm sorry you keep losing and socialism will never work, user. No need to take it out on me.