Thoughts? What comes to mind when you see this flag?

Thoughts? What comes to mind when you see this flag?

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Good people get a bad wrap because of their shitty diaspora.

assblasted Sup Forumstards and pinkos

Best ally

Best ally

ameriKKKa-backed imperialist genocide against the BLACK Palestinian people

Good people get a bad rap because of shitty Zionists

Deceiving people for money.

Best ally

Large breasts

israel = pol


Eternal *r*b butthurt

They're based.

If Israel falls, freedom falls.



Send pic pls?


A future nuclear wasteland

t. kike invading Australia

t. Literal Israel slave

t. Brainwashed Germancuck youth

t. Ladino Sephardic kike nigger



She looks like a brazilian actress

Like poetry.



I feel bad for them because extremists on all sides hate them and want to see them wiped from the Earth and centrists just care about appeasing those extremists.



>antisemitic ms paint drawings with no arguments
it's pol all right



I hate Sup Forums

Hot chicks.
Hotter traps.
Book of revelations.

2nd Greatest Ally

I only wonder if Jews think the same of us.

those are some nice boobies user. thanks



>Male jews are ugly goblins
>Female Jews are hot with huge titties

Waht does YHWH means by this?

Best ally


My Lord and Master.

Also, Big Jewish Titties. Thanks, Frenchanon.

French Jews are the best

um delete this post

They force their American slaves to waste trillions of dollars on useless wars that destabilize the Middle East

People think Israel is their buddy because of them killing Muslim Palestinians, but what most gullible Sup Forumstards don’t understand is they’d do the same to Christians and other people in a heartbeat if the need comes. They’re people that are obsessed with expanding their ethnostate as much as possible.

Sup Forums understands this very well, only r/The_Donald loves Israel

>This butthurt
If all Israel wanted is to "expand" Sinai would have never been given back to you for peace.


fear honestly. they need to simmer down a bit

Sup Forums and racists in general hate Israel.
Extremist fucktards hate Israel.

Those "Muslim Palestinians" want to destroy and wipe Israel off the map. They are the Nazis best friend.

Sup Forumstards are not Christians because Jesus was not a Racist. Let them argue amongst them to see "who is the whitest" like they did on WWII

French fighter jets

But what Arabs don't understand is that actions speak louder than words and Israel gives it's Arab minority better living standards and proportional voice in our democracy than they will ever get in your dystopian dusty shit-hole countries, and do more to minimize civilian casualties than a savage travesty of a country like your own would ever be expected, or indeed manage to perform (both technologically and morally)

Arabs hold up the magnifying glass to Israel's behavior and judge it on the highest moral grounds possible (as it should be, no doubt), while they themselves are centuries behind us by every standard you could think of.

Arabs accuse the Jews of hypocrisy while they are literally crippling themselves through their pride-fueled doublethink

The Arab countries that are shitholes to begin with are like that because they’ve been destabilized. Syria, Libya, afghanistan etc. Egypt could’ve been the same if we had Morsi but luckily we saved ourselves from putting Morsi in charge. Also please let’s not fool ourselves, there is a ton of discrimination against Arabs in Israel by Netanyahu and the far right party.

It’s funny you say that when israel was made by world war 2 and the nazis to begin with.

Nope, Israel is ancient. But yes, many many Jews in the diaspora did flee to Israel after WWII to escape persecution. A fact which "Muslim Palestinians" did not take too kindly to and tried to murder them there....leave one genocide for another.

This government hasn't really done anything to harm the Israeli-Arab population. It shits on non-civilian arabs but they aren't responsible for those 'refugees' in the WB or Gaza (Imagine being a refugee for 70 years - in any other place it would be legislatively impossible).

Israeli-Arab's living standards are improving constantly. Of course there is always stuff to improve on, and there will always be racism in our society, but they live in dignity, have equal rights (and fewer obligations one might add), and they aren't butchered by the busload like Egypt's major minority is.

Jews started going to Palestine occupying land long before the first world war even.

It’s not genocide as much as it is wanting to retake their land. 99% of Arabs want a diplomatic solution where want to send the Jews back to their European homelands before the past European dictators exiled them. European governments don’t take this very kindly so they release a lot of propaganda about how Palestinians are nazi anti semites who’ve murdered Israelis but if you look at actual stats, the total number of dead Palestinians blow Israeli numbers out of the water.

they were like 5-10% of the population during that time

le muslim brotherhood propaganda man

Jews always existed in Arab countries. It’s not the Jews we have a problem with as much as it’s the ethnostate itself.

Denying them voting rights and calling them retards doesn’t count as anything? Why do you lie?

>It’s not genocide as much as it is wanting to retake their land
Its not theirs. Arab land was in the Arabian peninsula. That's like white people in USA trying to "take back our land" from the Native Americans. Doesn't work that way.

> 99% of Arabs want a diplomatic solution where want to send the Jews back to their European homelands
Wtf. Jewish homelands aren't in Europe. Some Jewish people were exiled there and persecuted there and later moved back to Israel. How about the Jews send the Arabs back to Arabian peninsula instead? (Unlike Europe that actually is their "homeland") Oh wait thats genocide.

Majority of Jews in Israel were born there.

Israel is 25% non-Jewish and one of the most linguistically diverse nations in the developed world. If thats an ethnostate what does that make all the Arab majority nations?

Except they can vote like every Israeli citizen and nobody calls them "retards".
That guy wrote you detailed answers and you reply him this out of desperation? I'd be offended, in his position.

Dirty hook nosed kikes.

Which Israeli-Arabs are being denied voting rights? Literally none of them are. You probably mean WB Arabs who are not Israelis and do not deserve voting rights in Israel. They can vote in the PA elections if they have something like that over there.

Also what the fuck kind of claim is that we 'call them retards'. What does that even mean ffs


>russians, polaks and moroncanians are jews

>Nope, Israel is ancient.

Modern Israel =/= Ancient Israel, even if the modern Israel based the construction of their nantional identity on the ancient Israel's symbols and Old Testament stuff both are completely different entities and the existence of an "ancient Israel" can't be used as some kind of rightful justification for modern Israel's land claims, it's as absurd as, for example, the Aztlan movement that wants the land Mexico lost back just because alledgelly Aztecs lived there first (which is wrong since Aztec civilization settled and developed on what is Mexico City and most of the indigenous peoples that lived in North America including Mexico were not Aztecs) and Chicanos that adhere to that political movement think they are direct descendats of Aztecs so by that logic that makes them rightful owners of the land.

Modern Israel won the land they have by conquest and by displacing people that already lived there.

They aren't. But plenty of Jewish people lived in those places for hundred of years and was influenced by those culture.
Israel is very multicultural, multilinguistic, multireligious, multiracial etc etc. There's even a lot of Arabs who live there.


I'm a tunisian / polish mixed jew
fite me hans

>Modern Israel =/= Ancient Israel
This is true, just like Modern France =/= French Kingdom =/= Franks. But France is still ancient just like Israel is. Its more like Native Americans wanting to protect their tribal lands, or Australian aboriginies in Australia.

>Modern Israel won the land they have by conquest and by displacing people that already lived there.
Bullshit. Arabs are the ones who (temporarily) conquered the area. Jewish people started peacefully moving there from diaspora locations, Arabs threw a fit and tried to genocide them (much as Arabs have to many many other peoples who used to live in Middle East), Jewish people defended themselves and continue to.

Yeah so what happened was that the Likud sent out mass-SMS messages on election day saying 'The Arabs are voting more than ever, every vote for Likud counts' or something like that which is horrifically racist no doubt, but absolutely NO action was taken against any Israeli citizen (arab or otherwise) to obstruct their right to vote in the general election.

Netanyahu was later chewed out massively in the Israeli press and indeed in government by other parties. It's ugly and populist and personally I'd never vote Likud but it has nothing to do with obstructing voter rights or called people 'retards' (whatever damage that would do). It does show that there is still a lot of racism and paranoia in Israeli society though.

At the same time though - this was an absolutely massive national scandal. A populist and implied racist remark about Arabs. These are the gaps in standards that currently exist between Israel and our savage neighbours.

((((Jewish people defended themselves and continue to))))

supremacy in the most evil bad way
modern fascism
modern Nazism


I want to touch boobs

Arabic people tried to hurt the Jews first even if you restrict yourself "modern Israel".

>On the following day, 1 December 1947, the Arab Higher Committee proclaimed a three-day strike, and Arab gangs began attacking Jewish targets.[146] The Jews were initially on the defensive as civil war broke out, but in early April 1948 moved onto the offensive.[147][148] The Arab Palestinian economy collapsed and 250,000 Palestinian Arabs fled or were expelled.[149]

That's a trend throughout history though.
Every religion did that.

Yes Jewish are the constant scapegoats of everyone and not just religious groups but racial and political groups as well.
To this day I am amazed how Jewish/Israel manage to survive literal millennia as such a tiny group surrounded by nothing but hate on all sides.

western support

Not at first. The only country willing to sell them new stuff was France

Westerners hate Israel too buddy. Don't forget how much pearl clutching went on when we acknowledged Jerusalem, Israel's capital, as Israel's capital. Can't have that. The West by and large hates Israel and wants to condemn it while giving Arab genociders a pass. Extremists in the West, both on the right and on the left, want nothing more than to wipe out Jews from the Earth.

You are amazed?
you fucking brainless dimwit

How do they survive?
on the blood and flesh of young white boys from UK US France
on the sweat toil and money of these same people
through wars fought by these
UK established their little snake nest through Balfour, not surprisingly a stinking kike himself
then the US let itself be ass raped by Juice
kikes take US money arms tech even physical military support

thats how
there is nothing Godly about it
just some powerful dirty evil people in control of white Europeans and their descendants puppeteering you for their own gains

and you are amazed
burgers are literally scum of thr earth
getting cucked and ass raped and not knowing it

>Sup Forumstards are not Christians
Most poltards are christcu/cks. Even Hitler was a stinky Catholic and while praising muslimes he never denounced his Catholicism

pretty sure Israel has been getting aid ever since it's creation

Fact is that everyone hates Jews. Has there been a single group in history with more genocide and pogroms against them than the Jewish people? Europeans have also repeatedly tried to genocide Jewish people, which is why 20% of Jewish people in Israel are from Europe, they had to run to the Middle East just to be safe.

Everything and I mean EVERYTHING is stacked against them from day 1. So yes I am amazed.

Arabs conqured almost the entire middle east. They genocided many groups of people and marginalized the Assyrians, Chaldeans, Kurds etc etc. in their own homes. But yet...on a tiny tiny sliver....the Jews stand strong. If that doesn't blow you away nothing will.

Circumcized americans

Are you a Jew, or just some philosemitic amerigoy?

Everyone a Catholic who is baptized as such but he was pretty anti-Catholic in general.

There are Sup Forums guys who are Christian, but I'd say more are atheistic or neo-pagan. Like Breivik who started out as an atheist Christian but then changed to Odinism and denied ever being Christian at all.

The main thing that racists clash with Christianity is that Christianity is global. "there is no Greek or Jew in Christ Jesus". Racist hate that part. They want to LARP as crusader or Viking.

thats bcz you are ether Juice yourself, have only touched the surface of history or one of those burger evagelicals cucked by Sionists into believing utter nonsense

Muslims never hated Juice
we were always knd with each other
its only after Iz raa eel that thngs went sour
that too due to Sionists

read up about Islam and Juice

we dnt hate Juice, we hate fascist racist Sionists

God has forever taken his favor from these people when it comes to having an independent cunt
they will never stand on their feet unless Christians or others dont die fr them which they do

what you think is amazing is fooling facade built on the blood and toil and trickery and deviation of other races and people by them

again, Juice are good people, Sionists arent

I guess I am a bit "philosemitic" because I think the Jewish people are probably the most amazing in terms of standing up in the face of extreme adversity. And not just standing up either but thriving.
Like Jewish people blow everyone out of the water in Nobel Prizes. Even in the face of genocide you have like Albert Einstein coming out of Europe and shit. Any other group if they went through what Jewish did for the last few millennia would have been wiped out, or would be languishing in extreme poverty at best.

Israel is multiracial and democratic, not facist or racist. Its also ancient and been there longer than Arabs of the land have. You are siding with Arabs because you are from a Muslim nation and have a moon on the flag.

>israel is ancient