Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
There will be Blood
Thin Red Line
The Witch
ITT: We rank our top 5 and call each other plebs
Yeah, you're a pleb
The Shining
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Thing
Mutiny on the Bounty
Dr. Strangelove
come at me contrarians
In no particular order
>Wake in Fright
>No Country for Old Men
>Das Boot
Capeshit #1
Fight Club
Capeshit #2
A Christopher Nolan movie
Capeshit #3
Pierrot le fou
Taste of Cherry
Au revoir les enfants
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: The Ultimate Edition
Three Colors: Blue
Ruthless People
Letters from Two Jima
Blade Runner
The Matrix
All kinos
I heart Huckabees
She wolves of the Wasteland
Freddy Got Fingered
Repo Man
The Passion Of Joan Of Arc
Woman In The Dunes
Eternity and a Day
Off the top of my head, in no real order
Lord of War
Office Space
Big Fish
Big Trouble in Little China
Dr. Strangelove
Apocalypse Now
Is this supposed to be Top 5 from just the last couple years? Or are you a kid?
Hard boiled has not aged well
I love your top 3 and I just looked up Mutiny on the Bounty and it seems that Anthony hopkins made a remkae with mel gibson that was comfy as fuck. I might have to check that version out.
>d.r strangelove
I like kubrik but I hated this for some reason. I only found the one british officer funny in the whole thing.
Die Dreigroschenoper
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
Shadows in Paradise
Withnail & I
That's just the Top five that came to mind. There's a bunch of others that I love in no specific order like
Taxi Driver
le samourai
O.J. Made in America
The Master
Shit like that, yea I know I'm a pleb
One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest
The Princess Bride
Barry Lyndon
Dances with Wolves
All quiet on the western front
Problem Child 2
Rear window
>not a single recognizable film
Tryhard hipster faggot
Gran Torino
The good, the bad and the ugly
Blade runner
Easy rider
No country for old men
The Island(Ostrov)
It's a Wonderful Life
Winter Light
The Tree of Life
Assassination of Jesse James
The wrestler
Full metal jacket
Royal tenembaums
One flew over cuckoos nest
You don't even recognize Twin Peaks???
>Blade Runner
It's cool but I crack up every time when I remember the Ridley rant
watched it for the first time last year. Only thing lacking was the puedo slo-mo shitting up some of the gun fights.
The only twin peaks I recognize are your mom's tits yuk yuk yuk
I can honestly say I haven't watched any of the movies listed in the thread
Yeah I actually like all three of the Bounty's
Charles Laughton/Clark Gable
Trevor Howard/Marlon Brando
Anthony Hopkins/Mel Gibson
Laughton is the best Captain Bly and Brando is my favorite Mr. Christian
>Die Dreigroschenoper
The 1931 version? Holy shit someone else watched it?
Tropa de Elite
Taste of Cherry
Once upon a time in anatolia
The Return
These threads are always shit, but I'll bite
12 Angry Men
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Million Dollar Baby
There Will Be Blood
City of God
Office Space
likes old shit
on your way to good taste
I'm sure those are fine movies but it comes off like a hipster list.
Out of curiosity what films do you think people with fine taste enjoy?
Shut the fuck up pleb
City of God is awful the second time. Bronson, lol seriously?
Wew lad cool it with the extreme remarks. Your list comes off as pretentious, no need to sperg out
Misused my words, but most of the films have a similar tone to them. Need a variety, my nig.
Not him but is it pretentious because there's no IMDB/dadcore on there?
This user gets it
No order:
I'm sensing some hostility, user. What's up? You wanna gab about it?
>The 1931 version? Holy shit someone else watched it?
Yeah, the 80s American version is okay but not nearly as good. I like the added reprise of Mack Messer at the end too. Taste of Cherry was pretty good though depressing.
Do you think pretentious means "every movie I haven't seen before?"
>all that shit where nothing happens
Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford was fucking AWFUL. what do people see in it
The OST was good, admit it.
>There will be Blood
This is a sure sign of someone who only just got into film "seriously". Most likely a 13-16 year old white male, who in the absence of cinematic knowledge and understanding basis his opinions on the preconceived notions he has about how these films are accepted in popular opinion
There is nothing spectacular about There Will Be Blood, and as a film it doesn't really have the appeal for it to be anyone's "personal favorite". Not a bad film by any means, but the fact is the only people who include it in their own top X lists are plebs desperately trying to appear more sophisticated.
No need to be a contrarian, we aren't some art house snobs you need to impress. It was a fine film though I'll admit Brad Pitt was kinda weak
Great performances, great cinematography, great dialogue, great atmosphere, basically great execution of every single filmmaking element.
You post why do you think it's awful other than the usual "LE BORING NOTHING HAPPENS" meaningless comment.
I admit that I'm the most fuckin' pleb person on the planet
A Clockwork Orange
Eyes Wide Shut
The Shining
The Piano Teacher
One Flew Over the Cuck's Nest
Not really, I enjoyed the film not because I wanna impress Sup Forums spergs but because it was a fine film. The soundtrack is incredible, great cinematography and the lead character I thought was very engaging. We can all relate to an extent to his hatred of people but the fact he builds an oil empire just so he can isolate himself really shows his sociopathic behavior. You may have not liked it annon but people don't put it on their top five just to flex. It's a modern American classic
>The soundtrack is incredible, great cinematography and the lead character I thought was very engaging. We can all relate to an extent to his hatred of people but the fact he builds an oil empire just so he can isolate himself really shows his sociopathic behavior.
you sound like a jock trying to recite poetry
lol thanks bro. I never claimed to be a film critic I'm just talking about what I liked about the film. Just because you thought it was boring doesn't mean other people can't enjoy it
Master and Commander
The Deer Hunter
Cool Hand Luke
If you haven't already, watch Das Boot, you'll love it
Love exposure
El topo
Survive style 5+
The long goodbye
Koe no katachi
I've always had a thing for Kubrick too, user, idgaf they are all comfy
Nice. I'm downloading the brando one right now.
there will b blood
carlito's way
rate my reddit pleb list
Snatch means the whole list is pleb
fu, brit crime flix are kino
Annie Hall
Children of Men
The Counsellor
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Judge me
The avengers
The avengers 2
Transformers the last knight
Spiderman: homecoming
La Haine
Raging Bull
Blue Velvet
Chungking Express
lol maybe you need to watch a few more films before you post here again
It's A Wonderful Life
Barry Lyndon
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Apocalypse Now
funny meme
funny meme
funny meme
funny meme
funny meme
I am such an original poster
Magic Mike XXL (Gregory Jacobs, 2015)
Miami Vice, (Michael Mann, 2006)
To The Wonder (Terrence Malick, 2012)
Suicide Landscape (James Benning, 1987)
Goodbye, Dragon Inn (Tsai Ming-liang, 2003)
comfy, fuck contrarians
Le Samourai
Rear Window
Cinema Paradiso
That wasn't me.
As for my list, watch them before you call it pretentious. Confessions and Tropa de Elite aren't typical arthouse at all (in fact they made a huge buck at the Japanese and Brazilian box office for japs and hues are fucking nuts).
Seriously though, watch Confessions, there genuinely isn't a movie like it, and I've watched a little of weird and stylised films, none come close.>Yeah, the 80s American version is okay but not nearly as good. I like the added reprise of Mack Messer at the end too.
I mostly liked the ridiculous cynicism at the end, the two awful crroks and villains joined forces, and the song concludes with "and so we get the happy ending", incredibly surprising for a 1931 movie.
> Taste of Cherry was pretty good though depressing.
That's funny, I saw it as very uplifting, in a very melancholic but sincere way, rather that the plastic feel of typical feelgood. I would genuinely recommend it to anyone who's begnning to get semi-suicidal thoughts (even if you don't consider it seriously, thinking about it is quite bad).
Seriously though lads, watch Confessions.
1. The Princess Bride (Reiner, 1987)
2. Star Wars (Lucas, 1977)
3. Heaven Can Wait (Lubitsch, 1943)
4. (500) Days of Summer (Webb, 2009)
5. The Terminator (Cameron, 1984)
Really good list. Haven't seen Crumb though.
A Taste of Cherry
8 1/2
The Seventh Seal
Memories Of Murder
Best lists in this thread.
Worst lists in this thread.
get out
watch more films
easy there
so close
get the fuck right out
hell yes
TWBB is one of the best executed stories of the 00's in terms of cinematography, acting, themes and affecting soundtrack. Please stop being reactionary.
hell yes
carlito's wayyyy too long more like (5.5/10)
based crumb
IaWL is trash, otherwise yes
>it's an autistic user replies to every post in a thread episode
The Matrix
Fight Club
Can't really think of 2 others that I watch over and over and enjoy every time. Maybe Pumping Iron?
Most of the lists here suck:/
Kin(o)gsman: The Secret Service
The Dark Knight Rises
Citizen Kane
Pulp Fiction
I'm a girl btw ;3
>it's one of the only types of threads where that is welcomed
fucking idiot
Very poor bait. 2/10
Do you like Malicks other work? Try My Life as a Dog.
Touch of Evil
The Wild Bunch
Chungking Express
IaWL hits home hard for me. Give it a pass bruh.
Guy ritchie
Dr Strangelove
In the mood for love
Days of being wild
The good bad and the ugly
Under The Skin
2001: A Space Odyssey
Lost Highway
Only God Forgives
The Tree of Life
1. The Thing (1982)
2. The Machinist
3. American Psycho
4. Evil Dead 2
5. Mad Max 2
redditors detected
Apocalypse Now
Robocop (1987)
A Bittersweet Life
Die Hard
Die Hard 3
The Quest
Battle Royal
Edge of Tomorrow
Starship Troopers
Event Horizon
Hidden Fortress
The Big Sleep
Apocalypse Now
Real Genius
>tfw you have to hate everyone's opinion to look cool and then there's no movies left to watch
If your definition of cool directly involves other people's opinions, you aren't at all cool.
Bullshit dork.
Tokyo Drifter
Fear X
Deep Red
City of the living Dead
The international
The Fast and The Furious
2 Fast 2 Furious
Fast 5
Fast and Furious 6
Furious 7
The Avengers
Hot Fuzz
Rogue One
Mad Max: Fury Road