
F*ng edition

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ready for the Century of the Rising Dragon?

>Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks. Make sure to check your spam box!

Still not heard back. Should I be worried? I really need the money from this job.

omg your mum wants to shag a nigger #embarrassing

i FUCKING LOVE banksy!

Hate on momday at toil when the normoids ask what i got up to.

No i didnt go for a pathetic lunch with my family like you did, no i didnt spend saturday swilling base intoxicants recovering like a swine on sunday all to have 'fun'

I read the classics, i went to gym, i engaged in political debates online your puny heads could not even begin to comprehend

And you remain a virgin?


'chat lass just made my dragon rise if you know what I mean haha

any shagging a prossie tonight man in

I applied a couple years ago and never heard anything back

was a bit sad bc I actually put effort into my application

Trump is becoming a radical centrist.


unironic choon, would GLADLY relocate to china

Ignore this lad, he's farming for hats

he always was

Nothing wrong with being absolutely pissed and reading the classics at the same time. Most ancient philosophers were pretty much perpetually sozzled.

why? just get on tinder and find some random slag

he's a neocon and a neoliberal

fucking leftypol discord spammers get out my /brit

saged by the way

*spunks on your shed*
just free speech la

feel weird when i see the ways in which me and my father are similar despite also being very different people.

Finding a slag that's dtf and isn't riddled with pubic lice is hard to find in the UK

just like every president since HW

janny is a joke. hahahahhah. i'm here forever you cretins, never forget.

Business idea: destroy China


Got an incredibly ridiculously high sex drive

Which is ashame because it's drove most serious relationships away because I'm "too focused on sex"

prefer the term national globalist

don't have facebook anymore

prefer the term globalist
since that is what he is

gonna tug the willy to these newfound images.


guess i've always taken for granted living near a college town and being somewhat photogenic

I know this feel, and you can't really do anything about it but just go around shagging and hope it goes away.

It's not like the doctor will do anything if you've got a high sex drive, he'd probably just laugh and give you something that'll kill your cock.

If I see one more article on one of the Kardashian’s ‘sexy snaps’ from a ‘news’ site on the snap I’ll fucking gut someone


>24 and lives at home with his mum

haha what a gimp loser (me)

Raging at this post cus I used to be friends with such mongs

What should the age of consent be


*paints swastika on your synagogue*
you aren’t against free speech are you?

Consent is consent. Age is irrelevant.


I’ve come to the profound realisation that men are just women on steroids


16+, but with a special condition for 13 14 and 15 year olds where they can have sex with anyone up to the age of 18

chromosomes mate

HAHA, check out this failure guys (also me)

agree, any lower than that and you're getting into dangerous territory

legal at 16
legal for people within 5 years of age for 14 and 15 year olds
legal for people within 2 years of age for 13 year olds

alri' you fuckin pedo, into the slammer, 80+ years

wanna swap your sex drive for that of a depressed alcoholic NEET it's a laugh lads it's a real laugh

Interesting how these unironic pol types going after "soy boys" never post their own testosterone scores
The real enemy of your nuts is getting fat and sitting on your arse all day. But no one calls them "sugar boys"

Wish I never had to poo ever again. Think of all the time I could have saved if it were not for the need to poo.

nymphomania is usually a byproduct of a larger, underlying mental health issue

i'd recommend seeing a shrink and getting to the bottom of it

but pooing is enjoyable

>hey Kathie my son showed me this cool web page
*ruins your general with literal facebook normies*



daddy blumpf got LAYERS

>he doesn't enjoy a good poo

alri closet case

only when it's a good poo, and sometimes those are few and far between

yeah — a binbag 4 lyf.


Germany's age of consent is 14, isn't it?

No it's not

14 in germany


should be based on IQ not age

Sup Forumstards imagine themselves to be ripped, 6ft 3 blonde haired blue eyed and well dressed.

in actual fact they are indistinguishable from soyboys except for the fact that they don't do that gaping mouth of excitement look they just sort of look more sulky.

Samsung headphones are so uncomfy :////

18 for females and males
male shota (boys and mummies) fully legal

Bent freak

Because pol types are usually frail weaklings or overweight spazmoids and 99% of the time they are virgin losers who need politics to find some direction in their pathetic lives yet have the audacity to call others names that would insinuate they are feminine or weak like “soyboy”

In truth they are just delusional


>The age of consent in Germany is 14, as long as a person over the age of 21 does not exploit a 14- to 15-year-old person's lack of capacity for sexual self-determination, in which case a conviction of an individual over the age of 21 requires a complaint from the younger individual; being over 21 and engaging in sexual relations with a minor of that age does not constitute an offense by itself. Otherwise the age of consent is 16, although provisions protecting minors against abuse apply until the age of 18 (under Section 182(1), it is illegal to engage in sexual activity with a person under 18 "by taking advantage of an exploitative situation"[36]).

depends entirely on the country tbqh

its fine as it is. however theres some grey areas where you have 2 people who are 15/14 and theyre sending pics and then the boy gets busted for cp. i think that needs sorting out

>male shota (boys and mummies) fully legal

What if Instagram but you die if you don't get liked enough?

locked into 1xtra

Fucks sake the whole mess in America is because everything's about symbols instead of the things they represent. Don't recycle other people's garbage.

exquisite taste


When you're showing the lads your new flat

You could get busted for cp for looking at nudes from a 17 year old

just finished watching a very funny episode of american dad

the thing about soyboys is they always look so clean
i'm a cowardly faggot but i perpetually look like a half drowned alcoholic lion who wouldn't hesitate to bite someone.

don't understand how it works. i mean, i spend 0 hours a week grooming on average even if we include bathing, but still.

Sup Forums runts are actually more embarassing than soyboys. soyboys usually have a social life, usually have the semblance of happiness and are bearable if you don't get too close to them.

by contrast Sup Forums-runts are usually depressed outcasted runts who believe that they are superior but that everyone around them has failed them.


not even a soyboy but will gladly post my own test level

Any ugly niggas in da house

obviously a woman

That's so low kek


fucking edgy paddy cunts

a piece of tofu typed this

spent 3 hours edging to black, desi, latina and white milf porn today

tummy is not feeling nice

whatever you say soycucks

exquisite taste from tim

damn prudes