Brit Risk (continued)
Siege Nottingham
Do we roll here?
Attack wessex
did my roll count
siege york
or if count roll push irish and take isle of man
This is not a new turn.
This. I have you all covered.
Also, siege colchester.
Is Mercia kill?
Yeah does midgame
Cities are burning!
Wessex making its last stand as Cromwell crumbles.
Prevent Nottingham from being encircled. Spillover to attack the Scots.
Surround Bangor
Push as far south as possible in East anglio
Take Winchester
I'll give you that, but I'm taking back the territory around hastings and pevensy. Spills into E. Anglia.
Smash Wales in the South! We fight to the end!
Also I'm feeling that Wessex is destined to be fucked by the French forever.
Atleast keep the Anglo islands Anglo instead of frog
How are my lands supposed to connect?
I'll accept the alliance, it's been a stalemate the entire war
et tu Kent?
I think we're going to have an anachronistic 1066 here
I may give you the lands later on.
Just rounding out my territory. Nothing to worry about.
Siege Bangor
Drive the Scots away from Nottingham.
Siege nottinghamm
Take all wessexian lands
Please pass Mercia and attack the Scots.
Take that crappy island above Bangor, spill into Isle of Mann
I took Bangor :DD le ebin maymays
You lost Bangor, bud. Do you want to drive towards it?
Also, drive into Pictish land. Pass through Mercia and into Scotland if any spills.
My bad forgot to refresh, push into Ireland instead.
You take the high road and I'll take the low road, and I'll meet you in Alcluy.
Things getting messy on the Anglo-scottish border.
Siege nottingham
Advance Northward alongside Kent.
Surround Isle of Man
Take south west,
This roll should be interpreted as an attack on East Anglia.
Spills to attacking Wessex in Ireland
Sorry driving on mobile just attack south
Attack Wales in Ireland some more
Dubs don't count for anything right?
Fucking Wales and your better internet
Attack France in Wessex
Were collapsing from pressure bro.
Since there's no bonus, the amount of moves they have exceed us as its 3v2 right now
I'll change the target, but not your roll.
My internet is 1.7 mbps download and 572 kbps upload m8
And I'm driving so that doesn't help
My god that's shit.
Take remaining Pictish land in England, spills towards York.
Fair enough
>tfw i watch anime at 360p
Know thy suffering
Redirecting really?
The onslaught has been held off, but for how long?
Attack Wales to Bangor
Take over remaining Irish territory and advance North into Scotland.
Towards Bangor
The guy has garbage internet. It's not a regular thing.
My roll was invalid because of the turn order, it happend earlier too
Attack people purple and red
Siege Douglas
I got a plan. Guess what it is next turn and act accordingly
Push through Anglia to attack Picts.
The lines are stabilizing--this turn could be it!
Hug the West coast and advance North.
Attack France from Wessex
From Wales, straight towards Nottingham
Take south west
Attack red away from york
Siege York.
Use York and jew the fuck out of the non cities
Nice. York stalemate.
Haha.. lose this roll
Will the Welsh plot bear fruit?
PS: Pict is a douche
The roll gets redirected to an attack. That's how you were doing it before, right.\
Advance North.
Towards Elmham and Nottingham
Push red away from york
Siege Bangor for the nth time
France pls fuck up (((Wales)))
Its essentially a stalemate last roll. Driving, "lose" is not really what I meant I guess
Take south west
I see that now.
York has fallen!
Besiege Alcluy.
Take southwest, spill into Wessex occupied Wales
Attack the Isle of Mann from Bangor, spill into Northern Ireland
Ayy there goes York and our hope.
Wanted to blitz and snatch Elmham and Nottingham. While Kent and East Anglia try to retake, Picts will regain lost ground to atleast secure their hold on York
Drive to Elmham
Attack south taking red and purple lands
Take territory around York.
Spills push Wales away from Cromwell-sama
>1 turn spill
Nah m8 Elmham is mine
I swear the only time I get a roll higher than 3 is when I siege God-forsaken Bangor.
We keep leaving the Bangor gates open
Discontent in Wessex. Is another coup in order?
Drive the Scots away from Alcluy and advance North.
Drive south to London
I shall remain at my post in Bangor for the rest of my life, continue with the plan to attach the Isle of Mann.
For the love of God, finish taking south west
Spill into coastal wales