Say hello to s/CAT/

Catalonia is here!! we want freedom, help us kill the eternal castillian moor!!

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cara al sol con la camisa nueva........

*opresses you*
Oops, my bad, my bad.

There is nothing wrong with superior beings eliminating the inferior folk

>not having the balls to just declare independence and start slaying the c*Stilians
you have to earn your independence, not ask for it

thas so low man lol


hello KOT

are these guillotine worthy?

Our king turns 50 today


Yes, but they should give the throne to the actual monarchs.

Guillotine is ageless, Paco.


what's tabarnia?

Dubs confirm.
This is a Carlist thread now

Happy 50 birthday

Aren't carlists communists now?


Would bringing him the heads of seditious scatalan republ*cans a welcomed gift?

update me, what is the status quo now?

Just today the Constitutional Court said that they won't allow Puigdemont to be elected president after his party won the regional elections again some months ago.

Anyone else gonna get the commemorative 30€ coin?


Spain's government forced regional elections
Independentists won, but only because the electoral law makes rural votes weight more than urban areas. 2 million of independentist votes got more representatives than 2.2 million of unionist votes
The previous catalonian regional president, puigdemont, wants to be president again. But he is in Belgium and can't come back to Spain without being detained.
So next tuesday the catalonian parliament needs to elect a president. Some independentists have proposed to make him president via skype (seriously). Right now they are talking with flemish nationalists, they apparently want to make him president in the flemish parliament or some shit. But the constitutional court won't allow him.

They won't allow him to be elected president without being physically in the catalonian parliament. Also, his party didn't win the elections lol.
I see TV3% is working hard.

Onde é que eu encontro o video completo?

His party won in the sense that they can get enough votes to elect president their candidate. No party "wins" in the spanish electoral system.
hay muchos en youtube


Caralho que fofinhas que as princesas são

Logo à noite ja tenho um video para punhetar, obrigado

buff nenes esto es malo, viva las princesas


O Rei come-as


Why does Puigdemont keep pushing to want to be president of prime minister while he is in exile? Wouldn't it make more sense to endorse someone to run in his place so that at least some progress is made?


kill all castillian and andalusian scum


casualidad? no creo

Unironically autism.

Será que as princesas ja menstruam?

Sofía used to be the ugly one but she's been really catchin up lately.

Me encantaría lamerle el coño menstruando a las dos. Sobre todo a la más joven.

Che, la familia real me recuerda a pic related excepto que Felipe es más beta.

Qual é a probabilidade de uma das 2 princesas casar com um preto/magrebino?


Eu só queria trabalhar no palacio para poder cheirar as cuecas usadas

No creo que Su majestad sea más beta que un tío que no supo defender su trono ni a su familia de una panda de zarrapastrosos comunistas.

Per favore, non scrivete tali sozzerie riguardo alle principesse reali

>Eu só queria

Ese es el problema de los portugueses, que os confirmáis con poco. Os quedáis contentos con oler bragas en lugar de ir a por el coño.

Ya, pero nunca se ha vestido al estilo CHAD MONARCA.
Nunca he visto una foto suya con la corona y bastón.

Zitto animale!!!!
Calla-te animal!!!

Reportados todos a la Guardia Real.

Esto. Por lo menos se debería vestir como su bisabuelo en al menos una foto.

estoy reportado al agente lopez de este hilo

He looks really awkward likes he doesn't want to be there

Pues también es verdad, ni siquiera el día de la coronación se la puso.

La corona cuando se saca es para ponérsela, el que la saca para enseñar es un parguela.

Dios, Patria, Lolis

>Nunca vais pertencer à Guardia Real para poderes cheirar as cuecas menstruadas das princesas

That's because Alfonso XIII's life was full of suffering.


os destruyo

Habría que ser muy maricón para ocultartar la erección delante de las princesas con esos pantalones tan ajustados.

A quê que cheira o cócó real das princesas?

un nevatet shuuurs


Every photo I found until now he looks like he doesn't want to be there. Did he have some problem with social awkwardness?

soy alabardero

Not that I know about. He did like porn a lot though

No sé, pero era adicto al porno cuando la mayoría de la gente ni sabía lo que era eso. Era un visionario.


Es una sensación floral muy buena, intensa y limpia que va acompañada fielmente de canela y comino que logran darle una sensación especiada especial, digna de sentirse pulcro pero también atrayente, logra sentirse un poco la naranja, pero no es muy marcada, sino como unos ligeros brotes que son fácilmente encubiertos por los fluidos propios de la chocha.

>Alfonso was a thiccfag
Truly /ourking/

To be honest in a lot of monarch photos they look like a bunch of NEETs

Funny how almost everyone next to George V lost their thrones


they are traditionalist, some of them went to the separatist parties at the beginning of the XX century

Che me duelen las lumbares nenes.

Ve al G I M y convierte en una máquina de matar con lumbares de ACERO tete


just give them independence, who cares. we have more serious problems to deal with

Why won't Cacaluña just get rid of Cacalan?

No man, Carlos Hugo was a literal socialist. He turned the movement into some sort of progressive commie nonsense. The Carlist Party was even part of IU back in the day.


Isto. Cambada de conas. Claramente os colhões calharam todos no oeste.

Aposto que as catalãs nem têm bigode.


Rank your dynasties, Spainos.

Burgundy (I) == Avis (II) >>>>>>> Bragança (IV) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Habsb*rgs (III)

Burgundy built the country, Avis built the Empire, Habsburgs sold it and the Bragança ate it.

this this Juan Carlos GTFO

This. When we had enough of Spain we started slaughtering them until they were gone. Now our countries may be shitholes but at least we are free.

Is Catalonia pro-EU? I get your dream of of independance but the price for it won't be much lower in United states of Europe...

Princesas de Burbon >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tudo o resto