The actual fuck is wrong with Korea?

The actual fuck is wrong with Korea?

Bad genes.

Well, right looks better don't it?

That's some very good plastic surgery.


>having money to make yourself more presentable is a bad thing

>asian qts

also make up and lighting


Plástico surgery will make you look like shit in the long run.


>from Chad to sissy virgin

Left would crush mad pussy in the states.

arr u crazy?

The before pictures look better, if you forget the obvious makeup on the after pictures

The after girls look like Asian-white Barbies and the after men look like homos

wtf left looks like chad

Clearly not this. Why don't we fix all ugly people? We'd have less whiny incels and feminists in the world

What a waste of good bone structure.

American imperialism = giant mistake

>cheekbones got demolished

chinks do it as well, nothing to do with american imperialism

east-asia is a conformist hellhole

I agree, he looks much better and more manly on left pic.

Women are robots
Men are women

>looking good is bad!!

what's with the hairband

eww plastic people

Doesn't surprise me mutts would defend this considering how many of you get colour contact implants.

right has make up on and different camera / photo adjustments.

Unless you are a celebrity.

Why anyone would be against that?
This entire site has genetic rejects crying daily about how they're too ugly to get a gf.
If surgery can make you attractive what so bad in that?
>inb4 ugly babies
After they grow up they can do surgery too.
Ugly people want love too.