Find A Flaw


Seperate us from Norgay and Denfag. We don't want to be associated with those traitors.


Nordic union, get used to it, better to have whites in your country than muslims svencuck.

Don't try to fool us...

Be a little more realistic

Typical silly burger, Some areas are recolonized, they just cant handle independence.


>implying we are alive

>united ireland


I will not get used to it. I will never support a Nordic union. Norwegians and Danes are treacherous to the core. Not only have they fought on Russia's side during our wars, but they also sent their jews to us during WW2.

Looks fine, wish Flanders would get its shit together and just rejoin the other Netherlands. At least that way they would have an actual government.


There are no buy-backs

Japan need more clay
don't know if I want all morroco 4 spain

Your pic is irellevant, that conflict is basically dead and will be fully erased in the next 20yrs, belfast peace walls are coming down soon too. The troubles are long over m8.

They're traitors? You're the ones taking Abdul's cock.

Why dont we have Algeria ?

Canada not being annexed by the US is what's a flaw.

Lol LARP fag. Tfw im russian
I wont support nordicism because Muh Jews, Muh Nazism. have fun in swedistan, because its beyond repairable at this point sven.

>making germany annex half of europe
you inbred tundra frog

can we change morroco 4 cuba? plz.....

Who says it'll be a buy back?

Can someone else please take PNG/E.T for us? we don't really want em, only their offshore oil and gas

>You're the ones taking Abdul's cock.
Oh, I wonder why. Wait a minute! Could it be because Norway and Denmark sent their jews to us during WW2? Noooo, that can't be it? Can it?

Get off this website you stupid celtic fuck. You're not even white.

Fuck off frogs, Quebec is part of Canada.

>Turkey exists.

That feel when master race. Feels good. Too bad you'll never experience it.

You really want a barren wasteland with 40 million Arabs?


Aww, is the poor moor jealous because his flag looks like shit whilst ours resembles the master race?

>that dark-green country in South-America
Literally world superpower by 2020

>Note: I could not unfuck Africa's shit

All you've done in this thread is call other Europeans not white, meanwhile you're probably a faggot virgin. Lol gtfo

That scientific papers per capita paper is sure cool, maybe we should look at the subject matter of those studies because there is alot of bullshit getting funded by universities for special interest groups so I wouldnt be surprised if thats the case. fag

Blue and yellow are from King Magnus III's coat of arms dumbass. The yellow crowns on a field of blue. Has nothing to do with eye color or hair color.

OP is a faggot.


Analytical western philosophy

Nuclear fission

Achromatic microscope
Dynamic military camouflage
Rocket launch complex
Space stations
Carbon arc welding
Ternary computers

Blonde hair
Blue eyes

Can't handle the truth? Look at pic-related. This isn't even per-capita and Russia is still underrepresented compared to us.


slovenia is a meme country.
You have what 3mil population?

They are a Celt-German crossbreed, but majority Celt.
>not the same race as Germanics

>25% immigrants
>mostly niggers
>calls other countries non-white to make up for his own country being full of shitskins

No empire, 0/10


>canada calling someone a meme country

Are you retarded or pretending to be because I honestly can't tell?

Keep telling yourself that, cuck.

Fuck Labrador, give Labrador to Quebec, it's a native shithole.

LOL Dmitri Mendeleev a RUSSIAN invented the periodic table you fucking monkey.

>Barely white
You do realize that you've been cucked by celts for centuries, right? You're not even related to the vikings anymore. Filthy mongrel trash.

Don't forget the Nordic countries lead the way in cultural suicide.

Good one

Please tell me how I am retarded, I need to learn.

missing a glorious wall

>Keep telling yourself that, cuck.
Okay if you don't want to actually bother trying to refute anything I said you can keep sucking Ahmed's cock while his brothers run a train on your wife

how many politicians does sweden have ??

> Australia owning New Guinea
Well for start 1.....

No chance of it happening, leave us alone

If your goal is global stability, you fucked up just about everything. By consolidating states that have no cultural history, especially in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East, you have doomed the world to civil war and a rebirth of militant nationalism

If your goal is pretty imperial borders, you did a nice job

Portugal still exists.

find a flaw

Suriname, wtf??

I've tried to have rational discussions with Americans before. Let's just say that they choose to stick their heads in the sand when they are proven wrong. I don't bother anymore.
I don't know.

Ya I was going for Fashy imperialism lol

tell me moor, i guess u cant handle the bantz anymoor ??

>named after George Washington
>not part of the USA

>Bornoe split in half for no reason
>Malacca part of Indonesia
>Pakistan not part of India
>Nepal & Bhutan part of India
>Ethiopia not bigger
>Namibia not part of South Africa
>the autism that is the rest of Africa
>Britain not split up
>Turkmenistan not part of Russia
>Alaska not part of US even though we purchased it and there are practically no ethnic Russians

kys my man. At least you got Rhodesia

There's nothing to indicate that Toronto has been nuked to cinders yet.

>You do realize that you've been cucked by celts for centuries, right?
>20% Celts themselves
>map conveniently ignores the immigrant population which makes up 27% of Sweden

Nice try Mohammad

There is a whole category of anglo-celts as a people and anglo-saxons are totally separate from them. Calling anglo-saxons mostly celtic is like calling the french a roman sub-group instead of gaul or gothic.

We still have a larger Germanic population than you (i.e. viking ancestry).

We're more related to the vikings than you are. How does that feel, celt filth?

Am I fucking blind, where is Romania?

Thank you, but Anglo is still a culture and not a race, they are Germanic immigrants and are not native to the British isles.
They should be deported.

52 Te



Who cares about any of that shit, being white is not equal to being successful or vice-versa.


Ahmed please, you're about as related to an ethnic Swede as I am to Brian Boru, which i am not because i can actually trace my ancestry directly back to viking men.

I thought it was perfect...then I saw that Montenegro was given to Albania...all of it.
Nope. Not even for Kosovo.

Texas is all wrong. Pic related.

Kansas would be 99% cornfields, literally a meme.

Pretty sure like 12 people total would live in Montana-Dakota.

Dont forget winter sports!

>not jews

>this thread again
>Paraguay and the southern part of Bolivia should be ours
>Ecuador and the northern part of Bolivia should be peruvian
>The west of guyana should be in venezuela
>Turkish kurdistan?

albania is part of italy aswell as montenegro...

yeah they quarantined your country

That's what you niggers always say.

That's funny, considering it's not a logical conclusion. Sweden has a higher Germanic population than Iceland. Therefore, it's more likely that I'm related to them than you are. Do you even math?

Unless you can prove that you're Germanic, I win. Simple probability.

>a thing

Should be split up into Venice, Genoa, Naples, Papal States, etc again.

>Sweden has a higher Germanic population than iceland.

Jews are frail and cowardly. Doesn't fit the description of the vikings.

The reason there are ginger jews is because the celts were raped by vikings, and their mongrel offspring bred with jews. That or they're not ethnic jews.

Just science. See pic-related.

>Sweden has a higher Germanic population than Iceland. Therefore, it's more likely that I'm related to them than you are

Except I actually have the records to prove my ancestors were vikings, while you simply claim to be based on "muh Germanic ancestry" despite the fact that there's a 1 in 4 chance that you're not even ethnically Swedish. Probability is irrelevant when you already know the outcome.

Find a flaw (protip: you can't)

join us, brother

Look, I can post jpgs too.

What? They've been there for over 1000 years and while, yes, they came in on boats, they fought for the land and won it. Same is said of those settlers who took up residence in eastern America and Manifest Destiny types who were superior to disorganized and superstitious natives in Northern America. You're shitposting now from Canada because of that.

is R1B the empire gene?

Ewww you ruined New York

Everything east of the St Lawrence in Canada should belong to the Glorious new england commonwealth

this makes me sad :^(
