Are White Women The Most Privileged Group In The World?

>pinnacle of what is considered beautiful and sexy
>preferential treatment in social situations
>least likely to have violence committed against them
>less likely to serve time for same crimes as white men
>more likely to win custody battles
>more likely to get alimony
>as of 2010, millennial white women make more money than millennial white men
>considered a disadvantaged group, despite the fact that they are a larger portion of majority group that is called evil
>more likely to get out of traffic tickets
>have the opposite spend money in order to just talk to them

Full disclosure, I'm Sikh and I'm just wondering this. Don't go thinking I'm some pissed off white Alt-Right/Red Pill Philosophy/MGTOW douchebag. I'm just using SJW logic and data, here.

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Simple answer? Yes. White women face virtually no hardships of any kind inf >CURRENT YEAR.

yes, they're the most privileged group of people on earth

they have ABSOLUTELY been spoiled rotten, to the point that they don't even know anymore who put them up on that highest of pedestals, and now most behave like disloyal, entitled, degenerates that have no qualms whatsoever "sleeping with the enemy".

yes, but i still love them

I'm a white male, aged 30. They are the most desired and sought after mates. They are the pinnacle of beauty and desirability. When you pass a billboard on the interstate for a strip club, guess who's always on it, and for damn good reason.

They are very privileged.

However, I would add that it is deservedly so. The world is an unfair place. Grow up.

Yes they are.

t.every non white woman on earth


>I would add that it is deservedly so.

Not really. That privilege is thanks to white men.

Yes they absolutely are. They get none of shit white males get but with even more benefits.

Minorities put them on a pedestal constantly and they receive attention for merely existing.

Also yes they are

>Be White Male
>Live in Switzerland
>Receive Best Education On Earth
>Graduate With Masters in Bioengineering
>Start working for néstle making 140kCHF/Year starting
>Be Promoted to senior management of Food Science Division within 4 years
>Triple Salary
>Everyone Takes me Seriously because I'm a male and white
>No Females promoted to my level; in part due to women not being taken seriously as managers

White males have the best lives. If you don't realize that you're probably a low IQ chimp or a manlet. Sorry about you being a genetic failure but there's 0 doubt that being a white male is the top spot on this shit heap we call a planet.

They're like white men if everyone in the world didn't hate them for everything.

So, yeah, they're probably the most privileged.

Privilege is a dumb marxist meme like racism. It doesn't exist. Learn2Relativism

Yeah I would say so, virtually everyone finds them desirable and they get preferential treatment for being women in terms of hiring, on top of not facing many real disadvantages.

Also white Alt-right red pill MGTOW is perfectly acceptable here and encouraged

>Any kind of religious view in 2016
>bro tier
pick one

>Don't go thinking I'm some pissed off white Alt-Right/Red Pill Philosophy/MGTOW douchebag.

A. Do you know where you're posting?
B. You might not be, but you have summoned them.

literally the only "privilege" that white men have is the privilege of white men liking other white men
white men don't get free shit for nothing, but every other group in america (except maybe asians in academia now) does

>You might not be, but you have summoned them.

Yeah, fuck.
Oh well. I just don't wanna catch their germs, you know?

hhaha, jk

Cool man!
Tell me more about your Sims 4 character. :)

>1- white countries generally work more hard in the industrial revolution.
>2- white inventors generally do thinks better in all form of imagination.
>3- if you work hard and are disciplined and no corrupt you have all the right to pass your entering generations your stability and venefits.

this white guilt for they color or country its bushit, some countries work more hard in the past and dominated the world not for they corruption and laziness but for they discipline and dedication, latin america its full of latins, with shit skin but we are a shit hole because our goverments are lazy and corrupt since are created 200 years ago, and we fail to change that for that i can get rob if go out of mi house for take the bus for work in mi shit of work!, africa and midle east its a shit hole because they are lazi and refuse to evolve for religion or race wars betwen niggers more nigger then others (see the fking kongo case).... stop this BUSHIT OF PRIVILIEGE if you think you have to much money so come to colombia and buy a fking house and aport to our society with your money your taxes and your work. PUSSYES.

Yes they are, and it's because white men are the most resourceful men in the world. We can do absolutely anything, but it's a cure as well as a blessing. We gave them everything on a silver platter for a long, long time and, inevitably, they've come to simply expect it and not earn it.

>That privilege is thanks to white men.

That privilege is thanks to nature and reality**

...of which you are clearly an enemy

this, we have democracy now and we keep on voting idiots

Damn, just look all that diversity

Wers glaubt wird seelig.

>Full disclosure, I'm a piece of shit

Oh okay cool, so we can totally disregard your shitposting. Did you forget about asians? Get out of Surrey.

Oh white WOMEN. Well maybe, white women are beautiful, they get away with shit.

Still, get out of Surrey.

Surrey belongs to us now, white boi. Get off welfare and get packin' back to Europe. :)

Too proud to go on welfare. That, and I work.

All that's going on here, is you guys are bringing the quality of everything down. The shitty built houses, the lack of respect for anyone even of your own ethnicity. Everything bad about densification without any of the good things. Still can't compete with the asians though! Surrey is too safe a bet.

How prevalent is caste system sympathies in Canada?

>How prevalent is caste system sympathies in Canada?
No idea. Literally no one cares outside of South India.

I don't actually live in Surrey, my parents do. Old man runs a successful business. Came here as a refugee and now makes millions dealing in house.

lol How far have you and your family come?

I find it hilarious how white people suck off the welfare and bitch about the people contributing to that very welfare system.

Indian diaspora is killing it in North America and UK.

Also, I can tell you're an idiot, because India (get ready) is in Asia. Indians ARE Asian, you moron. (

You're an idiot and you're poor. Be respectful to people that pay for your welfare. Get a job and save money to get the fuck out of Canada.


Wow what a stupid post. Have you not learned English yet?

Anyone here can make millions dealing in houses, that's not very hard. You fucks are the ones sucking up all the welfare, with your useless old parents sucking on government teat in illegal suites. You don't even pay your shitty closed economy employee's enough to survive so they HAVE to go on welfare. You seem to be very confused on the welfare issue, or just really fucking stupid.

>because India (get ready) is in Asia.
Yeah no shit. We don't call you that here, it's EAST INDIAN or PAKI FUCK. It's called a colloquialism. Asian means Chink, you know that. Good point to score though! So easy!

And we were here a lot longer than you, so eat shit (oh wait you already do).

Thanks! :D

Also that caste system thing is bullshit. Some dumbass from Port Moody just got killed by her mother and uncle for marrying someone they didn't like. Leave your shitty customs back in your designated shitting country.

>Anyone here can make millions dealing in houses, that's not very hard.

lol And I assume that you're also making a 7 figure yearly salary?

>And we were here a lot longer than you
You've literally used the chug card. Congratulations, you are now Native American tier.

>Some dumbass from Port Moody just got killed by her mother and uncle for marrying someone they didn't like.

Yeah, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Caste system isn't marrying someone you don't approve of.

This is why white people are falling behind. After violence is taken out of the equation, white people lose. lol

This is why the Chinese and Indians are taking up all the property.

Oh and you know how you were bitching about Surrey? Guess what? I'm in Burnaby. Hahaha

I play the system in order to pay only $300 for rent, cuz I sublet.

If white people are too dumb to play the system, you can't blame others for doing it better. :)

Have fun living in public housing.

Also, Surrey sucks. I suggest leaving and going back to Europe.


>>pinnacle of what is considered beautiful and sexy
maybe in oldfag/normie land, but not here in the weeb territories


>tfw you live in México

When some fuckface woman says we need "diversity" it means she just wants to load up the company with a bunch of dead-weight copies of herself.

their only value is that they produce white men. in fact the value of women in children is that they produce men.

in general*

Yes. Western society as we know it was designed to coddle women in nearly every situation.

If you think otherwise, try arguing with one.

If they can't top you in volume, they might start topping you in theatrics.

If that isn't enough, they might go ahead and take a few swings, knowing nobody will dare to restrain them.

And even if everything goes A-ok, and after all this mess you can walk away with that bitch erased from your life, you might still find a couple of badges at your doorstep talking about "Rape Allegations" a few days later.

"White" "Women" are not worth it. If you can catch one at least an hour's drive outside of a major metropolitan city, you might just have a shot, but they probably won't want your towel-headed ass anyway.


They're not just the most privileged group in the world, they are the most privileged group in all of human history.

Yeah, I don't really ever plan on marrying a white woman, even if you paid me to.

I'm probably going to start working for my old man, after I'm done travelling and there's a chance I'll inherit his business to myself. Why the fuck would I want a white woman that will just rob me using the legal system?

I have Indian girls with degrees offering to marry me every 3 days. I just don't wanna get married any time soon. I wanna travel and experience the world more before I settle down.

En donde? Nuevo Leon?

Draft immunity is no longer applicable in the American context. So... check one off ONLY in the US. hahah

Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I realize that white women are actually living it up pretty easily.

How do I put this... White women get preferential treatment.... IN THE FIRST WORLD!
At least white men actually died in wars and race violence. White women literally just fucked their way to the top. HAHAHHAAHAH

Depending on income and location it can depend, I'd say white women and white men share the title of most privileged.
And before you alt-right cucks attack me for being anti-white, I'm just stating my experience. I'm not saying we white people are evil for our privilege.

>I'd say white women and white men share the title of most privileged.

But even in the category of white people, women enjoy a lot more preferential treatment WITHIN their respective group.

For example, I'm Sikh and my brother and I had a rougher time with our father and violence both inside and outside the home. We were kicked out of our houses a lot more and faced homelessness. Our sister didn't. She had a much easier time with our parents and they never did much more than yell at her.

So, the argument is that if white people are the most privileged people on the planet, then white women would be even more privileged because women are generally treated better within their respective groups.

I see what you mean. Women don't have to deal with a lot of shit men do. But at the same time, look at rape. If a woman is raped, people often blame the victim. So women have that going against them. But yeah, white women are basically the most privileged.