Red hood and his friends #1 storytime


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This wasn't the absolute worst garbage ever written as Sup Forums would lead me to expect from this writer.


I hope its better then last time around

it wans't bad and I really liked the last 2 pages.


I liked the origin Batdad part, though Lobdell has always been good at those. The only part I don't like is that Jason is working undercover for Bruce, which means he probably isn't going to be killing people much, and their still set on him being involved in the Bafamily.


I was pleasantly surprised, as well.
And I keep hoping real Black Mask doesn't wear weird gimp.


>his hair is naturally black



It's been black since 1986 except when Morrison went off on one, now if your complaining about lack of white streak I'll agree.

I'm not a red hood fan, but what color is his hair supposed to be? red?



yeah. bruce got him to dye it black so criminals wouldn't realize he wasn't the same robin as before, since that would undermine the myth


Reading for Bizarro,

Jason's Robin costume is so much better than Dick's in the New 52. I don't get why they made Dick's look like shit.

there is no bizarro in this issue, only robin/batman stuff.

cool art


Nah, his hair is supposed to be black.

The whole red hair thing was just Morrison being Morrison and hasn't been acknowledged by the other writers.

>black with white stripe
Whatever rocks your boat, senpai.



now the best part of the book

best part and the end

Pre-crises on infinite earths (1983-86) Jason Todd had a similar origin to Dick and had strawberry blond colour hair, post crises which is the start of the Jason in Outlaws it was always black. Grant Morrison likes everything in continuity and brought it back for a while, also making him the literal red headed stepchild worked for the story he was telling.

Though is right Jason has gone through so many changes of appearance and continuity its pretty much what ever works for you.


>expecting me to read Lobdell
Nice try faggots but even at his most top game he is still mediocre as fuck.


last page

hey, it was a pretty good issue and at least the art is good.

Thanks, now if he just remembers to keep the story relatively grounded with no blood powered swords this time, and limits the amount of dialogue cluttering up the page the book will continue to be alright.

So sort of this.

Interesting how this and the Nightwing book are basically doing the same thing. Dick/Jason want to enter some secret organization/underground and take them on from the inside, but Bruce is upset at them for doing it. Art in Red Hood is much better though.

>he smiled


>Need a lawyer? Call Lobdell & Soy

>the art is good
Yeah DC loves wasting good artists on lobdell.

I hope the next artists dont draw a mouth in Red Hood Mask, as much I loved Rocafort, I hated that.

I'm pretty sure that no one is forcing you to read this. So get the heck out of here.

Thay actually was pretty good. I'll have to check this out now.

This is the exact same thing Dick is doing right now in his own book. What makes Jason different here?

Jason ends up leading a dark trinity or something so I'm guessing the plot lines will start to diverge soon enough.

Nobody likes your Rorshac knockoff Grant

>Exactly the enemies from Wagner's Trinity, with Ra's swapped for Jason.


Although Bizarro is always a joy

Well Jason is going to be teaming up with Bizarro and an Amazon. So that might be fun. Plus the art is better. Dick is stuck dealing with more Owls and pining over Babs.

Dex Soy is pretty good he did the Arkham Knight comics

Also weirdly did the Captain Marvel arc where she looks like a fish person.

That's a big guy Jason is talking to.

>might be fun
That's what you say about every lobdell book user and you're wrong every time.

what did he mean by this?

Who's the editor this time round? If he has some one to restrain him it could be OK.

I thought Outlaws was shit mostly, but Starfire isn't in this so this should be better. This issue was at least.

Guy who was editor of digital comics.

By the end of this arc, the Dark Trinity will be fully assembled.


This was actually really good issue.

This series is officially in my pull list now.

Next issue is coming in two weeks? Awesome, can't wait!

Cover is kinda average.

Not really feeling the variant.

Art gets the job done.

Fantastic issue. Lobdell and Soy are really knocking out of the park. By far my favorite rebirth issue.

Seems like is gone for good.

Am I the only one who hates Batman's Spider-Man act and thinks he needs to stop swinging from shit?

that was so sad makes me cry...

I hope all the people who got mad at TKJ being recapped in BoP get mad at this too

This art is pretty great though.

jason is so the art.

That was really good for a mediocre writer actually. I'll have to pick this up now and give to my gf. She'll love it

>other characters don't even appear in the issue

Well that sucks.

>Newsarama: Scott, you certainly know Jason Todd well and have experience writing him. But what's different about your approach to Jason Todd and his title now that "Rebirth" is starting?

>Scott Lobdell: I wouldn't say anything is "different" per se, other than the way that we change as people move in and out of our lives. Whether it is the departure of an ex-girlfriend who has moved on, or the passing of a parent, or just moving across the country and getting a new job: As your situation changes, you are presented with new challenges and new opportunities.

>That's what's been happening with Jason for the last five years (of publishing, not comic book time). He went from a pretty angry loner, estranged from his family, to making some pretty intense friendships with Roy and Kori. We've even seen some of the wrinkles in his relationship with Bruce ironed out during both the original Red Hood and the Outlaws and Red Hood/Arsenal. (And please note I said "some" and not "all" — sometimes I feel Bruce and Jason will always have a "one step forward, two steps to the side" relationship.)

>So while we are streamlining his origin a little in ReBirth — taking what worked pre-"New 52" and some of what worked in "New 52" — I am confident that readers and fans who've been enjoying Jason's adventures over the last five years are going to feel this is all "of a piece," even as new fans are going to feel they are getting in on the ground floor.

>Rebirth such a massive improvement in general that even Lobdell can now write non-shit comics

>Nrama: This week is the publication of the Rebirth issue, which proceeds August's new Red Hood and the Outlaws #1. How does the Rebirth issue kind of set things up?

>Lobdell: Rebirth is a strong start to a new series... and as you read it you'll start to notice just how much is secretly crammed into Rebirth in terms of building the world. There is almost not a panel that doesn't get used somewhere down the line. (Lots of Easter eggs are going to be bringing readers back to the Rebirth issue again and again over the next few months!)

>That said, the issue focuses 100% on Red Hood and 0% on the Outlaws. I kept trying to put stuff in there, but to be honest, there was just so much to cover with Jason that I was being neglectful of Artemis and Bizarro by trying to cram them in there.

>So instead, we concentrated exclusively on Jason for the Rebirth issue.

>Nrama: So how would you describe the "Outlaws" team at this point? Is this starting before they become a new "trinity" of sorts, or at least before they begin to really catch fire as a team?

>Lobdell: While I think the team is on a simmer for the few issues, by the time they are all together the book will be on a full boil.

>Right now they feel less like a team and more like three very dysfunctional people who find themselves flung together and trying to make the most of their situation.

>Are they aware that Red Hood is not Batman, and Artemis is not Wonder Woman and Bizarro is definitely not Superman? Absolutely. But while these may be defining characteristics from the readers and fans POV, the three leads aren't going to be spending a lot of real estate comparing themselves to their, I don't know, roll models?

>Nrama: So does this team stay a trinity for a while?

>Lobdell: There are no plans to add to this new "Dark Trinity" concept, lest I have to start calling them the 'Dark Quartet' or the 'Dark Eight is Enough.'

>As far as his teaming up with Artemis and Bizarro goes, I can tell you it is a pretty linear story — we bring everyone into the story and give them a little room to breathe before we create even a casual "team."

>Nrama: What's it like when Jason has to work with these two?

>Lobdell: I think he's still a little off-balanced in terms of making new friends. (If you noticed, Jason hasn't been one to collect very many friends over the years. I think he only knows very few people from his days before his role as Robin and not much more since he became the Red Hood.) He is slow to warm.

>But he will! Artemis is someone he is going to respect almost immediately - recall he was trained as a warrior later in life. She's been taught to kick ass from day one.

>Bizarro is a never-ending source of fascination for Jason. The guy is just so... bizarre. For someone as analytical and tactical as Jason, the sheer uniqueness of Bizarro leaves Jason always wondering what Bizarro is going to do or think next.

>And anyone expecting "dumb Bizarro" is going to be disappointed. This is a Bizarro who isn't "stupid" — he is a Bizarro who thinks... bizarre. You will love him!

>Nrama: What can you tell us about the art? You're working again with Dexter Soy?

>Lobdell: I was so thrilled with the opportunity to work with Dexter on Red Hood/Arsenal, I was thrilled when Alex suggested we keep him on board for Red Hood and the Outlaws. And you know what is strange? Dexter just keeps get even more exciting with every page.

>He laughed at me after he turned in the page where Red Hood assaults a speeding limousine. You'll know it when you see it. And I wrote him a note about how happy I was that I could depend on him to draw anything no matter how impossible. He joked around "Wha -- ?! Why is it your goal to have me draw the impossible?!"

>Nrama; Anything else you want to tell fans about Red Hood and the Outlaws?

>Lobdell: Just that I am the luckiest guy in comics. Three fine-tunings in five years and DC keeps letting me work with one of their most complicated characters. What an honor. Thank you, DC, and thank all the Hoodies who keep showing up to follow the epic that is Red Hood and company.



I now like to think that every time Jason gets drunk, he goes and steals the tyres of the Batmobile

Yeah, clearly Batman is just ripping off Spider-Man

>Alfred leaves tools every night, just in case

I love you, Alfred.

>He still has the fucking Tire

This is awful and a waste of Dexter Soy

I really wish this was in the order of release

Hey man, old habits die hard

It was a nice, effective issue


I'm in

sadly even Rebirth didn't save Hitch

To be fair, a Batfamily member teamed with notSuperman and notWonder Woman could really use a magic sword upgrade to stand on equal ground.

I never really liked Jason all that much but with The Last Crusade and RHATO actually being really good, I'm warming up to him.

>First Humphries
>then Lobdell
Which shit writer is gonna be Rebirthed next?

Jason's is much whinier, and worse written

Hitch is still boring as ever on JLA.

You're insane mate

and there's the exposition dump

Jason is doing it better.


Agreeing with this, Nightwing was surprisingly awkwardly written and the mediocre art didn't help. Guess Seeley can only write Grayson.