Anyone looking forward to Season 3?

Anyone looking forward to Season 3?


No. I'm tired of this pepe meme.


Yes, I am. I need more Malek. He's my husbando.

No. The show fell apart in season 2. I didn't even bother finishing it.

The greatest work of plagiarism in TV history.

I wonder what they'll rip off this year?

Felt kind of ripped off when Season 1 turned out to be a Fight Club clone (complete with the same reveal).
Season 2 didn't have much going for it and everyone was able to figure it out in first episode.


yes, I love this show

Same one of the few reasons to keep watching

I loved it so much during the first 2 seasons and I completely forgot about it. It's an exceptional show but very forgettable if it's not airing.

Loved season 1. Season 2 just dragged because of the extra episodes, and some of the episodes being "supersized".

I'll be honest.. I'm hyped.


they really explored the "nothing happens" angle in s2 so s3 has to be an improvement

Looking forward to it, if for nothing else other than Malik, Slater and Walstrom's performances.

>not understanding what collage is


He has Mesut Ozil bug eyes.

He has cute froggo eyes


Yeah baby. I can't wait.