What are some movies where the short guy ends up getting the tall girl?

What are some movies where the short guy ends up getting the tall girl?

It's a favorite trope of mine

Also favorite tropes thread

People are about to come in here and make fun of you.

I just came here into this thread to poke fun at the original poster, who is probably of substandard height

*makes fun of you*

real life. lanklets are never challenged and thus have nothing to offer a woman. google it


that one episode of always sunny when charlie and dee fuck

Tony and Pepper Potts hooking up

These people don't look like they belong in the same movie


>short guy gets the hot chick
it's similar to when they make a black character really smart
or a woman responsible
or a father incompetent

all fantasy

if you saw the film you'd get that that is the idea.

I prefer the trope where the cis white male gets his privilege checked

Mona Lisa, but it also has race mixing, cuckolding, friendzoning, homosexuality, and paedophilia.

Wander and Sylvia have the same voiceactors and basically same characters.
Just friends, though.

Sounds like my kind of film.

>not when he bangs mamaryo

>alpha chad husband gets killed
>settles for little dick manlet

Putin only dates non-whites. Hollywood propaganda.

Thats a big girl!

Yeah, very believable

>give her the voice of Jane Lynch

I'm still mad.

Anything starring Tom Cruise.

ooh this looks promising. thanks la