Roll for your country's side in WWIII

Roll for your country's side in WWIII

Evens on red
Odds on blue

No EU. OP post counts



You've made a terrible mistake


time to exterminate the anglos

third time's the charm ;)


Rolling for Somalia, pls be blue

This is a disgusting perversion of reality.


Canada ruins the Anglo alliance

Bonjour Herr England

lol thats literally how it really is

Quebecers took over Canada and formed a coalition with Empereur Macron and Kaiser Merkel to eradicate the eternal anglo.

Red, please. I don't to fight side a side to a leaf.

>implying I want C*nada dying for me

We will depose Macron and install Le Pen

0 isn't even, Brazil should remain neutral. Don't want hues to ruin our chances.

>We will depose Macron and install Le Pen

rolling for blue

based portugal

Why would you break a centuries-old alliance with Britain?

We could over take Canada's actual important lands in a week. All the soldiers would be forced to retreat up north to fickle with the local Inuit girls while thinking they're in some bad ass guerilla war even though America is just ignoring them because we already got what matters.

Rollan. We offer strategic control of the Straits.

I wish...

we need to have russia and china and it's gg

because of the dozens of betrayals probably




based samurais joining the right side


Iberian fight oh shiggy

gg all on blue

Rape of nanking 2.0 incoming


Brazil would actually be very useful, they have a very large population that we can equip and send into the meat grinder.

We can still win if we get another country that has nukes in addition to France

Does Blue even stand a chance?

Henlo Japon


Ruskies and pajeets get in here to maybe give blue a chance

We will win

las malvinas...

>coloring Taiwan red when they haven't posted yet

at least chile won't sell us now



Straya is always on our side

annex us please


FUCK, two front land war, the internal Chicano population might actually give us trouble since a ton have no loyalty to America

There's 1 gun per person in this country

it seems pretty bad for us.

Those Chicanos have illegal guns and they make it harder to distinguish who's brains we can blow out and who's technically "one of ours"



rollaty rollaty rum rum

blue team will now open bobs

gg we are done, let's go home

Absolutely over unless unless blue gets Israel

and russia, italy , turkey and the netherlands.

>it's another "everyone except weak irrelevant non-countries gangbangs Germany" episode

Not sure about that mate, they have Portugal.


>France against the world


Roll Ruski, maybe you can save Blue.

It's over lads

This didn't last long

why do these threads always end up in unbalanced teams

Surely we have enough power to permanently rid the world of the g*Rman menace now

rip blue hahahaha



With Germany on the underpowered one:DD

Lets startover again, that's unfair.

We need to wait for Israel to post.

1488 get

Uhh make a new thread

doesn't matter much at this point, we already have 4 nuclear powers while blue only has france and possibly israel
we should start over again

How about instead of starting over, we spice it up by making Amerigoy join whichover side Israel gets :) After all, we would never stray from our masters

you are underestimating the eternal kraut.

Napoleon would enjoy such odds

Would be more intersting with nukes not allowed.

>The whole world is against me. It wouldn't be fair otherwise.