What are your minimum gf requirements, Sup Forums?

>cute-ish face
>not fat
>has a job
>isn't a slob
>isn't a control freak
>likes me
That's about it. I don't deserve even that right now, but I'm improving myself to be a better person.

>must be 2d

>exists and has female biological organs

These two together

>Must be born with female genitalia
>-3 to + 3 younger or older than me
>Its at least a bit committed to the relationship
>Not very ugly
>Not very fat but I don't mind a bit

>has at least one penis


-is hot

that's it


not fat
has a job or study
likes me
not ugly

no kids
not a ugly monster
likes me for who i am

Shorter than me, same religion, qt. Follows the list:
In that order.

>asian or european
>highly intelligent but not as smart as me
>right wing extremist

ITT women that doesn't exist

You need to lower your standards and be more realistic about yourself.

>your gf must be a woman


minimum requirement is she has to be better then your first girlfriend. you guys are just being too picky.

You're going to die alone, shit for brains.
Go back to fucking your Dad, fuckboi!

come on now

what is wrong with you

Is cute, nice and doesn't look down on me because of my autism. By the way I don't expect to ever find one, so I stick with 2d.

>not fat
>not ugly
>doesn't care that I'm a weird creepy neckbeard

right wing women don't exist
Closest to right wing woman you can find is feminazi who want to castrate you.

must have a deepseated hatred for canadians going back at least 3 generations in her family line

Impossible, we always cuck you

>highly intelligent
>right wing extremist
0 results found

>weabooish interests
>likes me
>biological female

My uni friend is all that except attractive to me, i wanna kms

-/+5 year age difference at most
Slim body
Nice face
Not that social

Currently know two girls who will fit it perfectly. Sadly one is a degenerate slut, even though she is the cutest motherly co-worker I ever had.

>maybe a year or two older
>not chubby
>taller than me

>60' or taller
>cute when not wearing makeup
>can be thicc, but not chubby
>is okay with me being quiet most of the time

She needs to be good at blowjobs.
You have a phone number for me? She sounds like we could have nice a nice talk.

>You have a phone number for me? She sounds like we could have nice a nice talk.
No. She's also too old for you, fucking pedo.

>lets me call her mommy
You won't believe how many birds manage to fuck this simple shit up

>not fat
>reasonably smart

>16-20 (i'm 18)
>not fat
>not ugly
>not dumb
that's it

I like slutty MILFs. They know how it works.

She ain't old, you're just a pedo.
Fuck off, leave her alone. She got enough predators trying to fuck her around.

Between 18 and 21
Exactly 5'6
Speaks Russian, Chinese, Armenian, English, and Portuguese
Can sing the Star Spangled Banner in reverse
Skilled at playing guitar, harpsichord, bassoon, and saxophone
Can burp the alphabet
Red hair no shorter than touching her shoulders, preferably with cute bangs (but this is not a hill I will die on)
Thighs capable of crushing watermelons
Has been following Orthodox Christianity since she was in the womb
Hates whatever ethnic groups I am currently mad at
Is asexual towards all men that are not me, but when with me is hypersexual
Is a connoisseur of high quality novels such as Muv-Luv Alternative
Knows how to juggle
Wants as many children as I feel like having
Has lots of money and owns a house in a very nice part of the world
Parents are cool
Will name all children exactly what I want to name them

Is pretty and not a cunt
I often have to pick only one

>he’s into older women
You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

>Decent looking
>Think/act/relax independently
>Dislike powerful people and organizations

Never happening. Still trying to come to terms with it. Also, can someone post some amerimutts? I need a few

at least average looks / not fat
we get along well together
we are interested in similar things

>Any legal age
>Not unredeemably ugly
>Smart and interesting, not minding smarter than me
That's about it

>nice and gentle
>not a slob
Got one filling the bill

>Race: preferably asian
>Age: 20-24
>Height: >165
>Weight: Bodytype: hourglass, wide hips, decent bunda
>Has a job
>Isn't materialistic or needy
>Isn't hyperactive
>Likes vidya
>Not very smart, just like me

>Cute face
>slightly fat (at least)
>is clingly
>is asian or something else other than wh*te or bl*ck

No reason to have such unrealistic standard, bigot

>biologically woman
>no children
>don't need much attention(rare since i'm in brazil)

>17 to 30
>not fat
>has blond hair and blue eyes
>qt 3.14
>loves me
>wants to stay at home and raise kids
Literally all I want.

>cute face
>light skin
>does not want to work, but stay home and raise the kids
>is lazy to go out, but likes cleaning
>likes cooking
>easygoing and submissive
>wants my dick, and only mine
And this is who I married.

>and only mine
Cope level: 100

>is 2d
>is cute
>is smart

>born with a vagina
>not obese
>not mentally impaired
>doesn't bitch about doing house chores

>he will never understand the joys of a virgin wife
Sucks to be you, Russia.

Yeah, you have to be american to understand the joy of being cucked when your ex-virgin wife will inevitably get curious about trying other cocks.

>3 or 4 years younger than me
>doesn't matter if no tits/butt, as long as not overweight
>caucasian (med, semitic, hamitic or persian)


>no psychologist/psychiatrist or drugs/antidepressives/xanax because "can't deal with reality", or because it's actually fucked up in the head

The most important thing is to have a healthy mind (inb4 women are retarded), so the first things I wrote are secondary and I can change my mind (except for female, of course).

-From my province
-Is my age or a year younger
-No septum, dyed hair, tattoos or dreadlocks.
-Holds a university degree
-Is liked by my family


>b*ble bullshit



>me but female
nah lol, more like
>is female
>is qt
>likes me

>not a fucking moron
>likes me
Not a likely combination.

>around my age
>nice looking
>not an attention whore



sexy desu

>girl (male)
>cute or sexy
>loves me

>Can burp the alphabet
but not brap it?

>not fat

I love her and she loves me

It won't happen

>Is a genetic female
>Is alive
>Is willing to look at me without flinching or pity smiling
Is that third one too far?

shes ebony goddess

Not a bitch

>normal body
>my age
>emotionally stable and mature
>not promiscuous or disloyal
>can talk with her
>loves me
As for "normal body", I consider more than half of the girls on my university cute.

>likes me back

>not fat
>has a vagina

>your first girlfriend