
gin and juice edish

Other urls found in this thread:



Fark it's hot.
Sweating like a seeing-eye dog at a korean bbq, I am

post in the *n*m* edition and i'll hunt you down


That looks nasty.

no brits yet

just how i like it

shoo child

>That looks nasty.

any /sip/ man in

/deenz/ > /sip/

Gin is nasty. Wouldn't have the nasty stuff around me. It's just as bad as tequila.


this is the thread everyone is in btw he's threadsplitting

for me it's boneless smoked cod

t. one smirnoff ice please

fuck off twat

your thread is sinking like the titanic get over it kid


I'm a beer drinker.

think my first sip will be red today

>not sunrise

alright I guess everyone really is in here

>one microbrew please

everyone is in here btw

Better than gross ass liquor.

uhh, sure thing

(OP) on damage control


Fuck off threadsplitting twat.


Thoughts on her body of work?

Is that Rick?

No, it's Bethany.

reinstalling csgo

love scottish music

>naming your pickle
What's wrong with you lad?

>other thread has beto and reddit flags and anime
hmmmm yes seems like a wonderful place where i would love to post



this thread literally has half as many IPs in it why would i post here

Blackbird singing in the darkness of night
take your broken wings and rise up,
all your life
you were waiting for the time to enjoy it.

Blackbird singing in the darkness of night
take the cover from your eyes and see clearly,
all your life
you were waiting for the moment you'd be free.

Blackbird fly, blackbird fly
into comfort, the blackness of night.

Blackbird fly, blackbird fly, fly.....
into the light (dark black night...)

Blackbird singing in the darkness of night,
take your broken wings and rise up,
all your life
you were waiting for the time to enjoy it,
you were waiting for the time to enjoy it,
you were waiting for the time to enjoy it,
you were waiting for the time to enjoy it.


/brit/ is an anime free zone

might do an 'ide

can you take me with you?

breakfast for me lately is lucky charms or a cup of coffee

no there's just no people here and the autistic OP has been spamming the thread so it keeps bumping

at gym hehe

while the other thread is spammed by the mexican

even on sundays?

actual thread that was posted first. tired of this autistic thread war

love how mad you're getting just because no one wants to post in your ass tier thread

fuck off yank


I got up early
I got up early –
it would have been better not to have got up,
it was my pain and distress that sent me out.
Hill ò va hò
Hill ò va hò.

There was mist on the hill
There was mist on the hill
and showery rain
and a pleasant maid hapened upon me
Hill ò va hò
Hill ò va hò.

I’ll give you wine,
I’ll give you wine
and everything that you'd find pleasing
but I won’t get up with you in the morning.
Hill ò va hò
Hill ò va hò.

Girl of the stirks1,
Girl of the stitks
I was together with you,
in the fold when the others were asleep.
Hill ò va hò
Hill ò va hò.

The fair brown wicked2 person,
The fair brown wicked person,
she bore me a son,
though is was coldly that she nursed him
Hill ò va hò
Hill ò va hò.

The darling child3 of my song,
The darling child of my song
was beside a hillock
without fire, without protection, without shelter.
Hill ò va hò
Hill ò va hò.

yes said sadly

Big fan of my roommates using all the toilet paper and not changing the roll

Thoughts on her body of work?

remember when being a homeowner was just a normal milestone rather than a lifetime aspiration

what a putrid language

might do two big macs for dinner today

Fuck English can't wait until esperanto is the global language

you're out of your rabid ass mind

meh, nice tits i guess cant really see them

that's a squirrel not a rabid

favorite meal from mcdonalds?

(double?) quarter pounder w/ cheese and a sprite. although nowadays i might get a coke instead

I have never set foot in a mcdonalds

that's a nice photo

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

i'd go to work on her body

i guess this is the real one

no it isn't
be quiet

for me it's a big mac, fries, 20 mcnuggets and monster ultra red

this is what happens when you single link

desu the last times ive gone to mcdonalds i would always ask for a mcChicken plain. they never make it just plain they will either put lettuce and may on it or ill get a spicy mcchicken.



All set for the week

the beat isnt half bad

how much did your bike cost?


It doesn't fit the song and the lyrics are really muddled

coz this iz my united states of whatever


you are so boring

can't remember
I think it was like 500 or 600 usd

last album i listened to when i was listening to that producer


He's a good hip hop producer but that remix was utter trash. Apparently it was for a Gap commercial, which makes sense I guess

pretty dead

any /ck/ man in?

do you like penguins?

No and you


rip benny harvey

Seven social sins.

Wealth without work.
Pleasure without conscience.
Knowledge without character.
Commerce without morality.
Science without humanity.
Religion without sacrifice.
Politics without principle.

Pretty Deep

didn't read a word of this

can still hardly believe bowie's dead


