TFW never had any issue with people from other countries and greatly respected them for their unique culture and...

>TFW never had any issue with people from other countries and greatly respected them for their unique culture and traditions, even their unique mannerisms
>After spending excessive time on Sup Forums I hate pretty much every country including my own and I despise every race and ethnicity

Is this a sign I should take a several month hiatus from here?



You're just coming to the realization that everyone, no matter where they're from or what color their skin, is full of shit. Most people choose not to accept it, but I find life is easier when you don't expect people to be decent, because they really aren't.

They're decent from my real life interactions though

They're faking it.

People who are nice in real life aren't really nice on the inside. The true dicks are the nicest people on the inside :)

Absolute opposite in my case.

You’d have to be already mentally ill if you let things here change your worldview that dramatically. People just like to have fun with their posts.


>Is this a sign I should take a several month hiatus from here
it's a sign that you're weak minded and fairly unintelligent.

there is no appreciable difference between someone who is pretending to be nice and someone who is actually nice.

poor thing, you need vacations


no, just preoccupied because of you feeling bad, it's not normal, you should be happy

You can't tell him how to feel.

The same, but I fixed myself. You can find shitty people in any country - and Sup Forums im particular attracts bitter people who will spread negativety at every opportunity. Things aren't really as bad as 4channers make it appear.


you can't tell me what I can say or not, I'm free to do as I wish as long as I don't affect the rights of others

How did you fix it? A long break from the site?

delete this

how many proxies do you have man, it's insane

A break helps, but you subconsciously also need a counter-balance for all the negative things that you've been reading here. Reading about amazing people from other countries, and great achievements that they've achieved will make you think "oh, these guys can be actually awesome at times". The only thing that can "cure" negativety is positivity.

This sounds about right but how can I find a group of ambitious or successful people who can inspire me to work hard?

I think most of my problem is that my environment (Sup Forums) is so incredibly negative and pessimist in every way. It didn't use to be like this, I used to just talk in a groupchat with a few people from Sup Forums and we'd always help eachother until that fell apart. Then I fell into a bad rut.

Calm down, Texas. You joined the Union of your own free will.

>waaaa where can I find a support group to fix my fragile psyche waaa

Yes that's right why did you quote it. Sorry not everyone is mentally stable and successful like you, normie.

Kys. Honestly you'd be doing the honorable thing taking yourself out of the genepool.

Youre probably projecting now. Go back to Sup Forums.

Yes there is

>le projecting accusation that completely invalidates anything he says

You didn't make any point you just used a low effort insult

Stop typing you lying big-nosed jew-thief!

i did and i still feel the same

Damn senpai

How long was your break for and how many hours would you say you use Sup Forums per week currently?

You should take a permanent break from life.

Why should I do that?

>Why should I do that?

Are you okay? Did anyone offer you any pills tonight? Did you take them?

>Canadian banter

>American banter is telling people to kill themselves and replying with 2 to 3-word greentexts to everything they say

>Your banter
I know he's an attention whore but cmon we get it you're edgy

>be Canadian
>muh feelings ey
>can't we all just get along ey
>I had a bad day and I think I'm gonna kill myself ey

>be american
>all I care about is material wealth
>all I need is to consume
>all I want is to buy buy buy and sell sell sell
>all I care about is my gdp growth
>nothing else matters just need to inflate gdp as high as possible
>I have no empathy or understanding for anyone else if they dont directly influence me, my pockets and possessions
>I literally spend my Saturday nights telling people who are just seeking advice to kill themselves because it makes me feel good

Nothing you described is bad. Honestly, if you're going to start fighting back at least take the time to realize that you're not only a Canadian, but a Canadian on Sup Forums,and are therefore more irrelevant than you would already be in real life. You think anything you say will carry any weigh after you've come here whining about how mean people are and how it hurts your feelings? You're a little bitch. You're a pussy. You make it easy for people to want to disrespect you with your "woe is me" faggotry. Stop crying, man up, and kys.