Alright. I'm sorry you're such a faggot OP
naw fuck you
I'm sorry they were convenient test subjects.
sorry they didn't all die
I'm sorry more of them were not killed, and that we did not use atom bombs on the kikes.
Sorry we didn't have a third bomb.
What were the names of the cities bombed again?
Land invasion would have been far worse for both sides
Japan was bat shit crazy
One of the most justified parts of us history
before anyone thinks there is a conspiracy, do you think Truman could ever nuke those beautiful aryan babies and have that on his conscience?
after they apologize for bataan, nanking and korea and than maybe i'll give a shit
the US doesn't apologize to vassal states.
FUN FACT! One of the machines that separated the uranium for the bomb, a Calutron, is still perfectly preserved and in operational condition at the Y12 Oak Ridge plant from the Manhattan project.
Apologize? They should be THANKING us! If it were not for the A-bombs, Japan would be majority Elliot Rodger right now.
That is fun.
During the war, an army of women were employed to run the Calutrons. No industrial control computers then, so a woman was at each panel to watch meters and turn knobs in real time like a machine herself. These machines ultimately used a significant fraction of America's total electricity output.
For what? We made a strategic choice to end the war with as few casualties as possible. Had we chosen to forget the bombs and launch an all out assault on Japan, millions of Japanese and Americans would have died and the devastation to Japan would have been nearly impossible to recover from.
You should be thanking us for not completely burning Japan to the ground.
Most japans already fit that description already. You hit them too hard
the number of uneducated fucks on this board really boggles the mind.
Yeah fucking americans, skimping on nukes. Apologize
>we didn't have a third bomb
you absolute retard, open a fucking history book for once in your meaningless existence
War is war, same goes for Nanking pussies.
I'm sorry we didn't finish you off.
That destroys all honour that we have left. Look at them after the bombs, and look at us currently.
From a Utilitarian standpoint, it was the correct course of action. Millions of Japanese would have died in a land war in Japan proper, and scaring off the Soviets saved the Japanese from the hell of post war communist rule.
It was an significant event in history, with complex moral and ethical principles at play. The situation on the ground was a living hell, but they died so more could live.
wasn't fucking enough, level the whole other side of the fucking planet