Do people in your country talk about Sup Forums openly in public or say it's what they do in their free time?

Do people in your country talk about Sup Forums openly in public or say it's what they do in their free time?

No, but yes to reddit.

No and yes as well. I use reddit quite often actually I find there's better information on a lot of topics.

I don't think more than a few dozen people know what that is, but they seem to be aware of Westerners making fun of India over open bobs and poo in loo which they would have seen in other parts of the internet.

My friends ask me if I browse, I tell them yes and then change the subject
Never discuss it openly, when I hear somebody else talking about this website I ignore it like if like I had no idea

never met someone who mentioned going on either Sup Forums or rebbit

No. Reddit is kind of mainstream, at least for 18-25 people.

Both are seen as kind of a joke here. Sup Forums is associated with losers and self hating trump supporters. Which, although not applying to myself, have to admit has been a pretty accurate conclusion from my anecdotal experience.


When I was in high school 4 years ago I often heard people talking about 9gag. Never heard about anyone browsing Sup Forums or reddit.

saw a guy ahead of me in class reading reddit posts
these are adults that come to class to browse reddit, why do they even pay tuition

Because osap or dad's money is free

I'm pretty sure more than 25 people browse reddit.

Browsing reddit is a prerequisite for most engineering programs.


nobody really goes on either here

I discuss about it sometimes with one or two friends, it's cool

>every canadian is Ontarian

The vast majority are

A lot of young people talk about 2ch. Nobody knows about reddit.


>talking with the German grill I'm supposed to skype weekly for a German class project
>asks me if I have an instagram or a snapchat or anything
>"oh, what do you do on the internet, then?"
>"Um...I go on Sup Forums sometimes"
>"Sup Forums? What's that?"
>"it's kind of like a discussion forum where people can post pictures and talk about stuff"
>"oh! sounds interesting! I'll check it out? What did you say it was called? For-Jin?"

Why am I so retarded

No, but yes to brazilian imageboards and Facebook pages about memes

Met a bunch of people who use Reddit and two who use Sup Forums but they're severely autistic and mostly browse Sup Forums.

Lol what are they like

Also this
Germans love imgur now. That was your safe answer.

Hardcore Dota 2 players with no gfs who hate feminazis and make cringy ass jokes.

Also euphoric atheists, probably should've mentioned that.

>No, but yes to reddit.
Maybe because /Reddit/ is WAY MORE popular than Sup Forums.
Reddit has around 540 monthly active users while Sup Forums has 22

>the virgin Sup Forums vs the chad reddit

she's gonna see this post user

Then stay there

shut up shut up shut up SHUT UP

Why can't I use both websites?

a few months ago i heard a group of 4 guys on the metro explaining to each other what a cuck was and how it's rooted in 'Sup Forums culture'. don't think i have to explain what they looked like

no because people in general don't go on Sup Forums or don't know what it is

>be me
>have to explain to my father what a cuck is

There are few worse feels.

takes like 5 secs to explain and it's not even awkward? unless you're a cuck ofc

Finns do not use 4gag, we have our own boards

>Be me
>have to explain to my mother's husband what a cuck is

There are few worse feels.

No one speaks about any of them

Where do you live retard

t. Singaporean

tampines, you?

Well actually that doesn't matter very much, what I do know is that people do talk about Sup Forums in real life. And I mean normies, not my friend group.

Never seen a Sup Forums poster, but I saw a couple of fags who were browsing reddit while riding on public transport.

because muh sikrit club

reddit not really common but much more than Sup Forums.

Most people think 9gag is the source of memes.

kinda sad

people in Spain have Cabronazi, that reuses or recycles 9gag memes.

even sader

Language barrier is what keep the two websites down in my country's ranking

a lot of Italian meme sites just erase the englisch text on meme pics and paint over Italian words.

kinda funny


Neither. Reddit is infested with DAP droids and Sup Forums is unknown. I prefer it this way. We're below the authorities radar. is Malaysia's Sup Forums and it has recently got into trouble for exposing personal data leaks by private and government entities.