
well good morning edition

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Hugyank here. Struck out again despite the fact that I had the girl literally at my flat and we were making out too. Utter fucking STATE of me.


poo bum willy cum

anyone else notice this rhymes

I'm your lover baby
Through and through

I live in my sister and her husband's basement, ama

Doing a high intensity sunshower at 1 pm. I may become a barbie

>sent an email to the boss
>look over it again after I sent it
>for some reason one of the sentences just ends mid-sentence and now I look retarded

Well my father was a gambler down in Georgia
He wound up on the wrong end of a gun
And I was born in the back seat of a Greyhound bus
Rolling down Highway 41

no he wasn't
no he didn't
no you weren't

went to a mountain man rendezvous today
it's like the renaissance fair but everyone roleplays in a primitive camp like a fur trapper or trader on the American frontier
very cool place to learn about history and/or survival skills

I skip words of time

Same. Vid from the meetup:

And here's to you Mrs. Robinson
Jesus loves you more than you will know
Whoa oh oh

Where are her majesty's men?

maybe it'll warm up a bit


*slams fork and knife on the table*

look at the top of his head
*loud screech*


anyone remember the cuckio meme

>fork and knife


having a think about the smurfs lads haha

Nobody says 'fork and knife' it's 'knife and fork'

don't understand
knife and fork?
cutlery? utensils?

Why is economic discourse on the internet so bad?

think you've got a case of the 'ol 'tism my boy

actual autism

weird how my mom calls all utensils silverware but never takes out her actual silver set for dinners

unironically this lel

up at 7:48
t. real nigga

Poe's law

why dont you



alri nigger

nigger's law

honestly reckon the traditional western fork and knife set in each household should be replaced with a spork to reflect our new 21st century values

Just grew out of racism

Just grew into racism

weird how yanks put their knife down once they use it to cut meat instead of using the knife and fork simultaneously
weird how yanks scrape food uo with a fork like it's a spoon

I want to finger her pussy.

Donate to my patreon boys :3

should i not wank and build my sperm bank so i can make my skank get a big drank?

Why won't the left just admit that they were wrong about climate change?

At least I made out with a girl tonight. It cost me $120. But I still did it. Loser virgin shits.

have come to the realization that germans are not in fact human

inexplicably grim sequence of posts

would you ever share a bed with another grown man while traveling?

Paid her $280 to rub my chest and moan for 3 hours while I watched femdom porn

Surprisingly the "egg" in the phrase "egg on your face" is NOT a euphemism for cum

is he qt?

democracy? ah yes, the dictatorship of the masses

dictatorship? truly the will of the people (unironically)

let's say your boss fucks up planning a business trip or something and you end up with a single bed in your hotel room
what do you do

You posted this so you would get hat posted

I bum him of course.

>You posted this so you would get hat posted

go to the front desk and ask to change rooms like any non-retard would

Should I buy this coat

I make him sleep on the couch/floor of course

buy a gun to your head and pay someone to pull the trigger

>wasting money because you're insecure about your sexuality

He actually looks alright with a fedora

Ol' liver is throwing error messages. Chinks must be stepping on the flakka again.

>He actually looks alright with a fedora

that's a pretty nice coat

that's not a fedora it's a trilby

what hotel charges for you to change rooms?

no it makes your hips look like a childbearing prostitute's

No it's definitely a fedora

>that's not a fedora it's a trilby

just got a botched circumcision

literally wearing a fedora in bed

feels good having pure neanderthal blood flowing through my veins

Emma take a poo.

might order myself a ukrainian bride gf on the internet

might order myself a poo nigger from ethiopia to be my slave and lock him in the basement at night so he can't alert the authorities

I know someone who did this and he's the kind of person who would

delete this post mate

slavery? prefer the term 'forced volunteering' personally

Is he happy? Is she happy?

might wank to a mexican girl with huge areolas but probably not

Yes, and allegedly

I want to smell Emma Watson’s farts.

Can't sleep without warm milk

Hugyank here. Will no one acknowledge my plight?

Prisoners with jobs

I want to fist her rectum / prostate until cream squirts out of her tight little p*ssy hole

forced volunteering? prefer the term 'slavery' personally

would punt you into the stratosphere if I ever saw you irl

I am the one true God. anyone else claiming to be is talking shit and probably a faggot too

What are you, a baby?

Just held hands but still want to hold hands. To err is truly human.

>tfw you finished Secondary School 7 years ago

not an advocate of the death penalty but do think an exception should be made for leftists

Hey guys jsut a depressed diapers wearing teenager looking for some steam friends to talk about white nationalism and how south sudan ruined western civilization, if you're jewish please don't add me or I'm gonna have to call you a cuck. Black people please just stay away, my profile is an ethno-steam-natio, you're only allowed to talk to me if you're celtic, nordic, anglo or germanic and from one of the following countries:France; Germany; Ireland; Canada; New Zealand; Based Norway. Please if you're from a cucked nation like Sweden or Holland just stop breathing you cuckold. Anyway, we can talk about body shaving routines and how cool nazi germany was or about how good we are at videogames :3c but just keep in mind im a very sensitive person (im not a soyboy ok I actually just don't fear getting angry like you pussies lol) so I might randomly delete my entire friendlists, DO TAKE IT PERSONALLY.

cant sleep without drinking yer mummy's milk (ejaculate)

You won't do shit. Ever