What will Sup Forums be like in 50 years?

What will Sup Forums be like in 50 years?

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The concept of countries as we know them will be mostly dead, we're moving towards global cultural homogeneity at breakneck speed.

I don't expect Sup Forums to exist for another decade

If Sup Forums dies, Sup Forums dies, so there's not "Sup Forums in 50 years".

Same shit with better computers and different people

Also, this is Sup Forums few years back.

Another one

Wouldn't be able to tell if it's from today or ~2 years back

That is also the day after 130 people were killed in Paris terrorist attack


In hell, I hope.

>0 people were killed in Paris terrorist attack
nothing of value is lost

I agree. This site will eventually become obsolete like what happened to MySpace and what is happening to Facebook.

>le 5% face

God willing.

It's not that Sup Forums becomes obsolete, no other website can replace it.

It's just too politically incorrect

This. Hiroshima will sell us to the merchants sooner or later.

Will be posting from white people reservations

/mars/ general shitposts about weak earthlings.
Memes about them being a candybar, calling them milky way.

whatever is edgy in 50 years of course, provided laws haven't fucked over everything. people on Sup Forums don't care about the design being older than the youngest users on this website and if Sup Forums goes down people will just use another chan.

Facebook isn't becoming obsolete anytime soon. Sure, teenagers aren't using it like the last generation but lots of them are using messenger and older people are taking advantage of the fact that you can easily make pages and groups to discuss whatever things you like. Lots of people are using it to buy and sell stuff, organize events and shit. They are not making the same mistakes as MySpace did.

maybe this site will lose focus and become comfy and obscure again

Mostly just

if only

The design only looks old. You can't even view a thread or the catalog in Links.

there are a lot of quality threads there compared to the catalog now

WW3 happened and we'll return to stone age.

See you on the other side suomianon