/Iran+stans/ /Iranic/

It's been a long time since we had an Iranic general.
Welcome: Iranic People (Pakistan+Iran+Afghanistan+Tajikistan+Uzbekistan+Kurdistan)
Honorary Members: Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan

Thread Music: youtube.com/watch?v=bUor8bNvAfg

Thread topic:
1. Do you plan to stay in your country or leave?

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>1. Do you plan to stay in your country or leave?

I already left lmao.

How easy is it to make it in Germany with just English?
I'm guessing you're Afghan.

Yo, sup

I plan to stay in kz

Chances of getting a job are virtually 0 if you don't know German, and it's also absolutely required if you want to join the German social circle. Even then it's still hard enough.

Have Iranians been ranged-banned from the website or something?

Why are Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan only honorary members? They are bro-tier and deserve to be full-fledged members of the /Iran+stan/ club.

>Not having someone like Big Papi Nazabayev to take care of the economy
Sucks, to be honest. I plan to make it out to Canada/NZ as soon as possible.

They tend to use proxies for some reason. Probably range bans.

They are Turkic people and not Iranic.

khodkoshi mikhayam bokonam

>Sucks, to be honest. I plan to make it out to Canada/NZ as soon as possible.
I wish you luck


mazaq bud bachem
darsayem ziad ast

You understand Farsi?

I am a filthy dalkhor so we have a lot of Persian words. Like I kind of get what he's trying to say here but not entirely

>I am just joking son
>I just have a lot of studies
^ what I said

Dalkhor as in Pathan?

dalkhor means lentil eater, it's a slur afghan's use for pakis and by extension, indians

Not really, dalkhor specifically refers to Punjabis
>them quints tho

I got the first line, but not the second
>double dubs

LOL exact opposite for pathan

Its what pashtuns and afghans use for punjabis specifically

a modern cover of the classic


I've heard it. The female singer isn't particularly good, and the guy just shits on it with the Urdu lyrics.


Where are there Persian words in Punjabi any more than in Hindi?

Because Punjabis had more contact with Persians and Afghans, brah. Punjab was pretty much the frontier land that was the bridge between Persia and Afghanistan and the Indian sub-continent to the south near the Arabian Sea and the east towards Delhi

this Evidence of this is the half breed mix of Pashtuns(Afghans) and Punjabi mutts, the Hindkowan people in Pakistan, who speak a weird form of Punjabi that borrows a huge amount of Pashto loan words and has Pashto intonations as opposed to Punjabi ones.

Additionally dna ancestry tests on them also show significant mixture of Iranic and South Asian genes

While agreed for Kyrghz and Kazakh but Turkmenbashi are a Turkic+Iranic mix genetically.

Snowy Tehran

That place is a literal North Korea. The only reason no one gives attention to it is because it doesn't have nukes

Iranic-bros, how much of this song do you understand?

i dunno, the darvaza gas crater is literally something out of an anime

called darvaza because its comically referred to as the door to hell

How many of you have seen Leopards and Tigers in real life

Do zoos count? If not, then I've only ever seen shit like Nilgai roaming about in my fields

No Zoos don't count.

And what is a nilgai


Are you allowed to hunt them?

No. But who's gonna complain in the rural areas? People with guns shoot at them, others sic their dogs on them

why dont you just name it /diaspora/?

I've seen a wild elephant a little off the highway once.

We got a bunch of Paki-bros and Iranians

Cute Marisa.

Shame a lot money can be made from hunting them and putting a good portion of it too conservation

Wtf, everything is endangered here. I don't think hunting of any form is allowed, except Coorgis hunting boars and stuff.
Bro, are you Muslim?

You do what they do in Africa. Only old species are allowed to be killed.

Then people like me would come over. I've bagged a lion but never a tiger

>Bro, are you Muslim?
Nope, atheist Sikh. Why?


Well, we aren't Pakibros nor Iranians.
:( There are barely any tigers left. I hope they don't get extinct before 2050.

*old specimens

What do you guys think of Zoroastrianism?

Pretty much a meme at this time. Fire temples and open air burials are cool though

Oh, I see.

Gotta protect them from the Arabs and Chinese. Set up conservation areas and let the older ones be hunted for a large fee.

Lechistan reporting in

Is Farsi difficult to learn?

Nah, grammatical structures are fairly simple. It's just that online resources might be somewhat lacking

>tfw half pashtun half hindokowan

>Last day on Sup Forums
Don't kill yourself, brah

Im leaving this place forever, it causes nothing but depression and destroys my mind. Also is very time wasting

Are you talking about the world or Sup Forums?

Minorit in Tajikistan still believe in this, majority are combine it with islam and iranic paganism

Sup Forums

dont an-hero

>iranic people
>say about kurdistan but dont say about pamiri and honorary Yaghnob

I wont, I dont plan to die a virgin. Atleast want a pashtun gf first

Just tell me why

Pamiri are covered in Afghanistan and Tajikistan and Yaghnob in Tajikistan

>pashtun gf first
So, you do plan to get yourself killed

Because they share some of their history and culture with Iranics

Also now gul khan is used instead of dal khor

Suicide is haram

>iranic people

Are your parents okay with you marrying any girl or does she have to be Pashtun? If the latter does she have to be from a particular clan?

>gul khan
For Pashtun?

You do know that there is a decent minority of Tajik people in Uzbekistan and that Samarkand and Bukhara were originally Tajik cities?

Yes, but uzbek people still being mixed of turkic and iranic


Pashtun, my parents are very conservative.

>for pashtuns
It is used for pashtuns who love pakistan more than afghanistan or their own people. Its the equivelent of saying cuck

>clusterfuck of islamic shitholes
stay away fom us ok

Arr rook same

How does it indicate that? I mean, gul and khan are both common in Pashtun names.

>are very conservative
How conservative? Like, do women have to walk outside accompanied by male relatives and need to keep their head covered at all times kinda conservative?

You guys are literally all Muslims. Embrace the Allah within yourself

>You guys are literally all Muslims
we are secular

Like wearing duphatta tier, conservative but in a modern way. Yes to the male relative part but its only until you are married. My mum learned to drive after she got married

>conservative but in a modern way
What does this even mean? Like it's okay to have a car as long as men drive it?

>Yes to the male relative part
What the fuck, nigga, I was being sarcastic. Jesus fucking christ. Not expected from Pakistan, man.

Anyway, it's not like we are anyone to judge. My mum was the first female in the family who never covers her head, and that too because my father asked her to do so.

here. Actually now that I think about it after having calmed down. My parents did ask me to accompany my sister when she had to go somewhere after dark. Though it was more about safety rather than keeping tabs on her. Hmm...

Meaning religious but western influenced. Really hard to explain

So, I'm guessing marrying a non-virgin is out of the question, right? What about marrying someone who had a boyfriend but is a virgin?

How do you guys even check if a girl is a virgin? Do you just ask?

Dont know how to answer that. We just marry religious women with good families. We know they have good up bringing so they aren't thots

Yea, my family isn't religious at all and don't care who the girl is but they've obliquely stated that they want a virgin. I don't care though, I'd prefer someone who actually has an idea about sex.

you mean you cucks sucked rus cock for 100 years and liked it?

Are you the tajik user?

In which communities is marrying cousins prevalent?

In most non-Muslim communities in India, cousins are considered the same relations as siblings. You consider your cousins as basically brothers and sisters once removed. How does it work in Islamic societies?

Are cousins considered a relation separate from siblings? Do you address your cousins as 'bhai'?


no, am pashtun
I dont come often, been hanging out on and off for about 12 years now...damn thanks for making me feel old.

Dont know, not common in my family. But my cousins are qt doe

Mashallah rora australia kay sa karey dey?

I want a unified Sunni Iran

calm down syed isis

zaan dazom, dollaray ralegama

Pakistan biya kala razi?

Qalaysıñ, user? seniki me?

But Öz-Beg-stan is about 50/50 Turk and Iranic.

I love Iran.

>no, am pashtun
a.k.a mr.subhuman
its funny to hear insults from a subhuman whos ancestors used to have a tradition of fucking little boys

arine meniki goi dosym-abrikosym

Or*Stardı da jaman köretin şığarsıñ :DD

I am greek

zhai trolling koi
orystarga qotaq qoigam, qutyrmasa boldy

What about Hazara people of AfghanisKHAN?