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>he's never rented a VHS from blockbuster

hello child

Someone grugpost this fool

I remember paying the rewind fee

We used to have a man with a van come round every Saturday afternoon and we'd always rent the same two videos from him: teenage mutant ninja turtles and casper the friendly ghost

Kids like repition

State of America

ah yes let's put some bizarre yank niggers as the OP pic on /brit/ yes that's a good idea YES BRILLIANT I THINK I SHALL DO EXACTLY THAT I AM AUSTRALIAN WOWEEE

I am a Strasserite, not a "National Bolshevik", as I am a genuine National Socialist who prefers a heavy emphasis on classical European socialism, NOT Bolshevism, which is explicitly Marxist, Jewish, and Communistic.

fuck off yank

doesn't it take literally 10 seconds to rewind it

>walking past the jack frost holographic cover

I were busy

IKEA guy died


never seen a blockbuster in Ireland
we had xtravision instead


Im pretty sure we had blockbuster it just wasnt as popular

best track from currents wasn't even in the original release

What should be done about the EPIDEMIC of single mothers?

hate this ugly hag

love this sexy babe


there was one in Limerick until a few yrs ago. went to join them one day and they asked for about 10 forms of ID and bills and to call my number at some random time and I walked out laughing at them

leftypol blown the btfo out

>go on netflix
>check out their new show called "big mouth"
>within 30 seconds of watching the pay gap inequality between men and women is mentioned by one of the female characters
>think to myself "oh, who could be pushing this narrative"
>check out the creators
>all belong to the same tribe
now ain't that just quacking crazy

the state of ireland

doesnt look aryan tho haha

Is this comique pro-Brexit or anti-Brexit?


the nazis didn't actually big up blonde hair and blue eyes, jews did that after ww2 to shame white people

well can he answer the question?


I remember blockbusters. One in my small town. As a kid me and my step brother always tried to find the goriest, more hardcore horror film to watch. One time we couldn't find anything and the guy at the counter basically said "psst hey kids look at this* and brought out a copy of a film called "cannibal apocalypse"

We watched it, and I'm pretty sure the manager of the place fired the guy for giving this film out to two ten year olds

grahh! slag out the way! need the view peeps sake! grrr!

rorkes btfooo

dont think anyone minds SMEs, its large corporations that get special government deals that piss off everyone

>tfw no bronze age cairn to die in and have my bones occasionally illuminated aesthetically by path of solstice sunlight

reckon poached eggs are the best breakfast egg

japan looks as grim as britain

lol k

why were my ancestors so smart?


hate this type of weather
warm, but not warm
humid and damp
very grey and dark

i don't mind
other guys dancing with my girl
that's fine
i know them all pretty well

>you lil crazy ass bitch i aint fuckin wit choo!
>got about a trillion other things i'd rather fuckin do!

using a picture of someone with one of the most common coloured hair in Germany is not saying blonde hair is the superior colour

Oh fuck off this is way too accurate

I'd rent the same few N64 and SNES games over and over

alri charles manson

>healther skelter

may watch gregory's girl again tonight

what the fuck did you mean by this?

hows it going partners

>While Watson cleaned off the bayonet and showered, Krenwinkel wrote "Rise" and "Death to pigs" on the walls and "Healter [sic] Skelter" on the refrigerator door, all in LaBianca's blood

post fucking machines

who you callin' partner, partner?

*argues with you*

want to be stronk, hate being a soy stick boy
can't be bothered to lift

to be fair it's kind of a trope of european idealism to have strong-jawed, young, blonde men as poster boys


i didn't call you baldy baldy

>The left are so buttblasted by Trump still that they are claiming Nikki Haley only got her job because she had an affair

The left just can't help but go against themselves


its supposed to connect to earlier angelic themes where angels were always portrayed as golden haired in the stained glass of churches

the hand gesture could have easily been a coincidence, but the zero deaths makes me think it was an intentional dig at jews haha

wtf I LOVE pewds now

Glad I'm too intelligent to see shadow people else I'd be up the river

>want to be x
>can't be bothered to do y

this is why no one will remember your name

wasn't 0 deaths though

it did happen just on a much much smaller scale

It's because he has never died in a video game user

Makes sense. It also conveys youth

reckon some were criminals and got the bullet

Tips on kissing girls 2018?

VR is just another shitty gimmique that will have the same fate as 3DTV. Most people who play games aren't autistic enough to care about MUH IMMERSION.

>Christianity is literally a Jewish religion and they worship a Jew on a stick
hmm good point
>Jews literally reject Christianity and HATE Jesus, it is a very anti-Jewish religion
another good point
>Christianity is completely cucked with its messages of altruism and loving everyone even outside your race
good point
>Christianity helped Europe rise to power as a dominant civilisation and definitely wasn't cucked during the Crusades and the Inquisition, pagans were still living in mudhuts
good point

I'm torn tbqh

More tongue

it was typhus

just be yourself

3D died so quickly lmao


how are you mentally preparing yourself for the inevitable Monday Toil vastly approaching?

yanks go to fucking bed and leave us be

good post
i unironically support a military theocracy

Anyone remember curved TVs?

>vastly approaching

Manager isn't in all week so it will be pretty chill, actually.

it's because nowadays its all up to interpretation because of the way that Christianity has been manipulated by those in power ever since Constantine made it the official state religion of the Roman Empire.
Plus we are able to look back at how Christianity actually was used and has been remembered, so we know alot about the Crusades, and the state of the Pagan world at the time. We can compare that to things we see as not good nowadays in a way that has not been available in history before.

but how do we balance the fact that Christianity is at the same time European and not European, cucked but also based?
how do we balance paganism with the fact that it is our native faith but also that we practiced it while we were irrelevant savages?

Repeated solemn reminders that it's all taken with you in the end

soon. bed time is vastly approaching


>approaching in a vast fashion

Galaxy S9 will have 6GB of RAM


*approaches you vastly*

fuck off grammer nazi

Finally, the mobile VM dream has arrived.

what a waste. the average pleb will never need to utilise that much.

good post

vastly approaching isn't incorrect you mongs

t. english major


what kind of road did you lot grow up on

any cul-de-sac man in?