Why do Anglos have an inferiority complex toward them?

Why do Anglos have an inferiority complex toward them?

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rent free in your mind :)

And what does that mean?

Because they are inferior to them

Thank you for saying the truth

Anglos like to make baseless claims that they are superior to us Germans. What have Anglos done beside colonize mudhuts across the world? We Germans propelled the world into the modern age.

>It's people LARPing again

It is Hitler who had an inferiority complex towards Anglos, he was very upset by the fact that Germany never had an empire nearly as large as the British one.

then why all German speaks English?


That's because Britain invaded easy-to-conquer peoples.

Name me ONE country in Europe that Britain conquered and colonized.
Exactly. None. They only could manage to establish empires overseas in third world shitholes and villages.
Meanwhile we conquered nearly all of Europe.

Stupid. German will be the lingua franca of the 22nd century

German will be the Latin of the 22nd century

Don't care about Germans, seems like you're the one with the inferiority complex

Yeah that's why your miserable country has been crying for the past 10 years about the EU

because they are smart

>we conquered nearly all of Europe.
When exactly did that happen?

Quiet you Russian dog

t. mike müller

Wow, you can read?

t. park kim cho


Shut up retard

Whole of germany was pissed off and starving after ww1 and treaty of versailes

Germany was landlocked unlike nl uk spain france and poortugal etc whom had empires


Yes I can read. Not so sure that you can, though. Russian dog

ebin American trollolo

Jealous that we own Europe now?

The only thing keeping Anglos relevant is America, and most Americans are actually of GERMAN descent.

They liberated what barely counts as 1/2 of Europe. France, Italy, Benelux and half of Germany. And there was also the peaceful liberation of Denmark and Norway. Hell, all those things were accomplished by the yanks AND the anglos so you can't really say that the americans "conquered" anything.

lmao this fucking thread

I don't even think Russians have the right to speak on this topic.
You had all of Siberia, all of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus. You even had Alaska.

And what did you do with it? Show me what progress you made.

Meanwhile we Germans have had the short end of the stick for the past 500 years. Imagine if every Ruski was vaporized and we repopulated the land with Germans. Imagine what progress would have been made.
>takes EU gibs

>*loses world war*

>muh eu gibs

>The structural funds are for making weak regions more competitive. And a large part of every euro the EU gives Poland comes back to Germany. The Poles use the money to place orders with the German construction industry, to buy German machines and German trucks. So net contributors such as Germany should be interested in the structural funds. From an economic perspective, Germany isn’t a net contributor but a net recipient.
t. Günther Oettinger, the new EU Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources

Source: global.handelsblatt.com/politics/oettinger-germany-may-have-to-pay-more-to-e-u-714934

Well let's see.

The first world war saw Germany competing against established world powers. France and Britain alone controlled half the world.
We were fighting two fronts with shitty crumbling empires for allies. Not to mention the fact that we had JUST industrialized whereas France and Britain had done so a century prior.
Yet we STILL won nearly every battle. We absolutely crushed the French in Verdun and the British at their own naval game (Jutland).

The Second World War is the same thing. The only formidable ally was Japan and they were on the opposite side of the globe. Not to mention the Treaty of Versailles which crushed the German economy.

And you know what? We "lost" both world wars and yet we STILL achieved total domination in the end. Who controls Europe now? Certainly not France or Britain!
Yeah, yeah. Here's some gibs, Kryzcwtian Pokryczywa

Being 1/64 german doesn't make you a german, you amerimutt monkey.

Took long enough for his bait for be taken

Shouldn't you be bending over for Zhang?

I'm full German you fucking Polish rat

Time to make another thread, Jamal.



t. fat middle aged balding anglo on holiday
Yes, we. As in the German people.

>I'm full German you fucking Polish rat

Funny how the toilet cleaner jumps to the defense of his master

>Funny how the toilet cleaner jumps to the defense of his master

Jealous Pole. Cry me a river

If you honestly thought any of your baits were even remotely successful, then I have very bad news for you.

You Americans are low IQ childlish imbeciles that behave like women on period. Farm animals of utter trash quality. Dumb consumerist sheeple. Leave baiting for Europeans, you're clearly shit at it.

You're saying my baits don't work, eh?

You know what else refuses to work? The Polish people.

germany is going to shit though

>Germany is going to sh*t though

Germany is by far the strongest economy in Europe. It has unmatched industry, unmatched universities, and tremendous innovations.

Don't succumb to Sup Forums memes

Also we stand with our Arab brethren

Arabs hate western culture. And those that don't are either killed or brainwashed into it. They rape your women and suck up welfare not out of laziness and lust. But out of a hatred of anything and everything that is western.

Pretty sure those are Iranians

Whats the point of being a nazi if you arent German?

Either way, despite Germany's influence, like many countries it is infected with regressive thought. We will all suffer from the effects of global feminism and how it has left countries divided and culture diluted.

it's the other way around desu

I'm full German and I am not a Nazi

>be anglo
>get frenched

>be german
>be rival of the french, not getting frenched

i think its pretty obvious why

>what's the the point of being a german if you aren't a nazi
to leech of a rich country
