What's Sup Forums's opinion on marrying non-virgin women? How can someone commit to a woman and give her all his time and effort and life savings if he knows she wasn't even good enough to save her virginity for him?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on marrying non-virgin women...
>What's Sup Forums's opinion on marrying non-virgin women?
It's like an economical russian roulette.
The only way one could "compensate" for that is by fucking more women than she did, but that just exports the problem to everyone else, like a sexual arms race.
The sexual revolution was like untying a knot that held up a heavy weight, and we're just watching it unravel as the "standard" notch count goes up.
Women became whores and society collapsed. The end.
Not worried
Not going to happen
Only if you took her virginity.
IT doesnt matter
The only thing that matters is that, whatever girl you have, find, acquire, buy, join with, whatever,
the only thing that matters is that you cum in her
no condom, no body shot bullshit, no pansy ass facials, every time you have sex, which should be every day and twice on sundays, you fill up her fucking tank
the more sperm you put in her, the more of an imprint you leave on her
if you do it enough, you can convert that bitch to your side no matter what
she is like a fucking longswordsman from AOE2, and you are a fat stacked maxed priest
you wololo her fucking pussy until she changes to your color
its that simple ladies and gentlemen
I'm going to church in the not so distant future, dump the already used girl I have (she did not lost her virginity to me, together for about 5 years) and get me a virgin cutie who would then become a mother. I cannot marry an used slut.
I'm trying to become the man that deserves an uncorrupted woman.
If I one day find the folly in my idealist ways, I'll settle for the hottest sloot. I promise.
How about once a month? Is that enough? I'm asking for a friend.
You forgot to stamp this letter with your royal seal.
i thought of that a bit since u can check where im from, i think if she lives in a culture where it doesn't matter much to keep verginity i MIGHT marry her,if from a culture that think sex before marriage is a sin (so ofc won't be virgin) then won't marry her
>retroactively cucking yourself
What about us virgin men?
How can someone expect anyone who has never had sex to settle with someone they've never had sex with and be truly faithful in marriage?
Sex is a part of marriage. Having sex with different people is a necessity to truly understand what you like and how you like it so that you can be sure that the person you marry is what you truly want.
Requirements for ltr (not happening in the 21st century):
>must be at least 5 years younger
>white with blue eyes blond hair
>did not go to a university
>not fatherless
>conservative values
>must have sex every day or I'll fucking shoot that bitch
Does it work the same way if you do that with her ass instead?
It can happen, don't lose hope. But don't count on it either.
"A mother takes loans out, sends her kids off to colleges. Her family is reduced to names on a shopping list... while a coroner kneels beneath a great wooden crucifix: he knows there's worse things than being alone..."
There's always anime and video games.
u marry for sex? if so save ur money and life and get a prostitute!!! sex addicted scum!
the testosterone would only get in her system faster that way, seeing as doing as such is what I assume the goal of the other guy is
the anus is only 1 cell thick
In this crazy impossible for 2 0 1 6 Current year women scenario, have you also saved yourself for her or are you chad thundercock?
I suppose user.
It is a simple fact that in western society there aren't enough virgin women to go around. Do what's best for you, your family and your culture.
Be well aware of the perils of "easy wives", but a non-virgin is often better than spending the rest of your life whacking it to shotagurofuta-babyfur.
>give her all his time and effort and life savings
LOL, what?
Greetings Ahkmed. No I do not marry for sex, in fact, I don't marry for a lot of reasons.
>wololo her fucking pussy
top zozzle
>marrying someone because he can sex you good
I hate the fact that some people actually do that.
>Having the capability to organize
>Implying even if they could organize they could ever agree in a leader
>Wanting a woman you have to teach everything.
Just admit you're a bunch of pedophiles and be done with it.
I never said that. That is your assumption.
I said that sex is a part of marriage, and as such, you should be experienced enough to know what you like, and that the person you are marrying can give you that.
I never said it is the sole reason you should marry someone.
>One study = truth
Someone doesn't know how2science.
no condom master race
My opinions + study = I believe it.
i'm not muzlimz bruh i just noticed ur comment had some sort of marryforsex but w/e hope ur reasons are good tho!
Reason #1 being you're a cuck.
Gas all sluts and philanderers. Virginity until marriage should be law.
>This is what Christfags actually believe.
For me, one of the most important aspects in a marital prospect is that we have the same interests sexually. I don't need to have sex to know this, I can simply ask her. Now I'm a virgin, and I won't settle for anything less than that in my future wife, but I feel that you can know pretty well what you want in the marital bed without having done it prior.
If the two of you are truly marrying for love, and not just for lust, then any calibration can and will happen during and after the honeymoon. The only people who think 'I MUST KNOW HOW MY WIFE SEXXES B4 MARRYING HER' are wantons, blackguards, and the sexually impure/immoral.
I don't know about gassing, but stoning seems to be an effective deterrent.
How old are you? Genuinely curious.
State shouldn't have any say. It's the state's fault we're in this mess.
As long as she was never impregnated, her Vag hasn't been torn to the point it's roast beef, and she fucked anyone outside her own race.
Impregnation, even if the fetus is aborted means she is Microchimerically riddled.
t. stateist christcuck
You've already lost the connection.
My fiance and I are both still virgins. We have flown too close to the sun a few times but we are still "pure" We will wait for our wedding night though.
I grew up super Christian so virginity was a must.
She grew up super-traditional.
36 and counting.
Doesn't help that I live in a liberal wasteland of a state but... I'm confident that God will bring my bride to me in His good time.
Is there any studies prooving the inverse?
I didn't think so. This stuff is super divisive for Western civilization.
Even if it is incorrect why risk your whole life investing in children that aren't yours.
>I'm confident that God will bring my bride to me in His good time.
I salute you for your honesty but I have to tell ya man move asap to where you think you can actually achieve a virgin still at that age instead of waiting for God to bring it to you.
Before you know it you'll be 40 and so on.
Well, your idea of "love" sounds like some kind of romantic fairytale bullshit love you see in disney movies.
I don't prescribe to that notion. I want a loyal companion that shares my sexual interests, and perhaps has interests of his own that he can open me up to, and is open to my fantasies as well.
I'm not a virgin, and I can only speak for myself, but prior to losing my virginity my idea of what I wanted sexually was completely different than it was after having lost it. If the person I lost my virginity to, had say, fulfilled those other things (the loyalty and companionship) and I married him with the limited sexual experience I had as a virgin, I can't say that I would be happy and fulfilled sexually with him. And as I've said, I think that is a requirement of a successful marriage.
You are the one trying to refute a proven claim.
Either provide some evidence or admit defeat.
/pol users don't want their woman to have another man to compare to their micropenises
This, just fuck and cum inside her every chance you get. She'll be begging for it on her period too.
It hasn't been proven.
1 study =! proof.
I'd never consider it. If she's going to be my wife, a part of that is not having had other men fuck her -- if marriage means so little to her that she can't keep a few dicks out of her, then she isn't worth my time and damn sure she won't be the mother of my children. I'm not interested in playing someone else's saved game, and I'm absolutely not going to be the golden parachute for some whore.
Top kek
Is your ego so brittle that you can't handle the idea of a woman exploring her own sexuality beyond your own myopic vision of what it should be?
What's the best way to find a loving, loyal wife?
There are several loose studies related to telenogy and michrochimerism. Even then there are changes on epegentic level irrespective of the previous two concepts.
The reason there are such little studies done in relation is because they are obscure and uncomfortable topics. Much in the same respect as the biological differences between races.
Now what is your purpose in posting here mr. Obfuscation?
Does the topic make you uncomfortable? Are you in dennial?
Is your ego so brittle that you can't handle a real man having standards in relation to who he picks for a life-long partner?
If she's a redhead who wants to fuck a bearded Jesus-freak like me, then her virginity is irrelevant.
Typical uneducated response. Women carry the DNA of their sexual partners and pass it on to offspring. What kind of cuck of a man wants his kid to have the DNA of the 50 guys she's fucked?
>slut detected
No, I came from nothing and worked hard in life, I had every ounce of naivete beaten out of me as a child, and in spite of a great many things I've prevailed. I'm tall, fit, white, and attractive enough that strange women hit on me in public -- I'm in a narrow sliver of the demographic pie chart that has options, and I choose to exercise them. I know plenty of women who meet my standards -- any bitterness you feel towards that fact is entirely your own problem.
>wanting blood on my dick...ever
No thanks, keep your virgins.
What a cuck
Only if the cum in her no condor bro
If she wore a condor erry time shes good to go...
Except for things like pair bonding and such lmao
Be a loving loyal husband. Build your relationship on the rock (christ) and the foundation will never sway.
Actually married 7 years strong. Christ and patience is the secret.
So...yes? You didn't have to write all that out, you just had to write 'yes, I find it egotistically damaging when a woman has expectations of me in the same way I do of her.'
Women keep a imprint of their sexual partner dna for life, the dna of the 50 niggers she fucked are gonna be part of your children, cucked to the molecular level
[citation needed]
And remember, one study =! proof.
Good for you user
I'm a virgin but I'd probably sleep around if I could. I'm pathetic
Would double dubs ever lie to me?
Chimera baby detected
> =!
can't even into operators
Nice proof. :3
>using some other guys thrown-away fleshlight
No thanks, keep your garbage.
It's obvious by how you write that you're an angry female, and your frustration amuses me. It's worth taking 30 seconds to type out a reply and choose an image of a woman that looks better than you.
>Confirmed masterb8r
What kind of person wouldn't have certain criterion for interpersonal interactions? Are you retarded?
russia came out with a sex ed video on it saying non virgins are dumpsters and that you're a litteral cuckold if you don't get with a pure woman
You won't really know until it is sex time. That might come soon or perhaps a few years or until you have tied the knot. You just can't tell.
Probably gonna have to concede to modernity a little bit on this one.
As long as she doesn't wear her previous sexual experiences on her sleave as a badge of pride and hasn't been riding the cock carousel every day for the past 5 years, I don't see that much of a problem.
Most virgin women tend to be annoyingly fucking childish too which would shit me off to no ends.
That being said, if I can't find a decent waifu either at uni (top kek good luck) or at work (even gooder fucking luck, law women are cunts) or at Mass (potential) I'm just going to take a monitoring job in Lebanon in a few years and find myself a nice maronite waifu.
>my fellow Americans actually give non-virgins the time of day
tip top wew
I bet they're circumsized too lel.
Nigga, how the hell am I supposed to tell?
While i love the idea and i want to follow it, it's becoming harder and harder to find virgins at my age...
Plus, Mexican girls are all sluts who open their legs for the first guy...
I just feel like i'm wasting my time and theirs.
You just can't ask a woman: "Are you a virgin" in the first dates... It does not yield to any good results, believe me.
I see more and more people using this, it makes me feel like normies invaded this place
18 here. Shared my first time with my first girlfriend of over a year earlier this summer. I suppose I have to marry her, right? I feel like it's not moral otherwise.
>okita onri
>wearing white wedding dress
ohohhhhoh oh son.
Get them while they are young. I'm serious. Get them when they are dumb in love.
Good answer.
>I want a woman with no idea what sex can be so my sub-par performance will be her only experience.
Sup Forums logic.
Converse with her and secretly lead the conversation into topics like these, give her the idea that you won't judge or think less of her (lel) and she'll spill everything.
haha virgin or not, marriage is fucking risky, you don't even get anything out of it.
You are projecting pretty hard.
>preferring sloppy seconds
top lel
>implying thats not something you both can work on together
>>not having virgin detection app.