Can't argue with that logic

Can't argue with that logic

Oh man i am now #cucked4her

mexicans cant afford suction cups though

But he didn't reach the top

Electrifying it. ZAP! Pedro runs away!

>all mexicans have motor-powered suction cups.

Trump confirmed unstumpable

how is it trumps responsibility to keep niggers off a wall or his own office building

anyone who tries will be shot by the sni..


He's right. We need to be able to pour boiling tar onto the side of the wall.

Trump has no desire to stop freeborn americans from living out their dreams.

Even if it literally puts them above him

Ideally, they wouldn't make it past the shark infested moat or the land mines.

>a 3000 mile glass wall
Fucking retards wow

The women do. Trust me.



>Barbed wire

ask one of the countries that put up a fence...
Bulgaria... Greece... all the smart ones

*sips tea*

I'd lose my sides if Trump said that.

wtf i hate niggers now

This looks more like the kind of wall designed to keep people in.