There have literally been movies
Not movie
About how corrupt this woman is. And Trump is still losing. Holy fuck how is that possible?
There have literally been movies
Not movie
About how corrupt this woman is. And Trump is still losing. Holy fuck how is that possible?
because trump is a bigot
Media is powerful and has single handedly kept a huge chunk of the population thinking at least half of everyone in the country is a pure 1950s level racist.
All of what one movie? Documentaries don't count because any asshole can make one, and they're always biased as fuck, I have never seen a balanced documentary ever, they're always obviously leftist or obviously conservative. That's why I don't like documentaries, people cherry pick information to paint the best or worst picture available of that person.
Representative Democracy was a mistake.
There are MOVIES about how Trump fucked over people that are much less biased than the Hillary ones.
tthing is nobody cares
half of Hillary's votes will come from the fact that she's a woman.
she's so corrupt that she corrupted the media
I'm voting for her because she's not Trump. I think Trump would wreck this country, while I think Hillary will keep the status quo, so it's the status quo for me.
Because that's how politics works. There is always going to be some corruption involved. Hillary is doing what needs to be done, she's a good deal maker, a better deal maker than her opponent. Trump isn't beating her because he's full of shit and a bigot and the public isn't buying his foolish act anymore.
You guys are so retarded thinking that Hillary is actually a bad person. There's a reason she has had such a long, successful political career; she knows how to make the right moves.
White men are a shrinking minority in this country. As it gets browner, its policies get more and more niggered to the point we'll be just another Venezuela. Whites will be an overall minority in this country in just 20 years.
How much do you get paid? Seriously, is it really worth selling your soul for a few bucks? Do you enjoy being enslaved by people who probably look down upon you as inferiors?
So you should kill yourself you Clinton foundation donating shill bot
She's been doing this shit since the 90s. It's just another day to her.
The status quo is sending us running straight at ww3. You okay with dying so she can get another few million in donations to her foundation?
Bad argument.
there have been movies made about vaccine conspiracies, but that doesn't change the science and fact.
(i'm not disputing the corruption part though
You overestimate the intelligence of your common man.
HRC could walk out on stage with a machete and massacre an entire school's worth of kids and have some leftist celebrity like Ellen or Rachel Madcow preach about how trump is mean and she would still win.
Trump is unhinged and I don't trust him with the nuclear codes, he can't control his mouth he would ruin our reputation perhaps irreparably. I'm a NeverTrumper. He's literally the least qualified person to run for President or Vice President in the past 40 years besides Sarah Palin.
>>implying trump is losing
>>he believes the polls
And you don't think it's the same for Trump? He has made more gaffes than any other candidate.
thanks for correcting the record
Even Fox has him losing you moron. Don't repeat 2012, where
>huur the polls are rigged
The polls ended up being right, just stop it.
Because she's a woman.
I'm not believing a thing about her until I hear about it on The View
Thanks for just deflecting with an ad hominem that isn't even true just because you don't like what I have to say. I swear some of you are such babies when it comes to politics.
You're a fucking idiot, hannity literally said that fox news is now telling pro trump anchors to stop promoting him, fox news is part of the liberal media, theyre going all in now and the pro trumpers are spilling the beans.
get the fuck out of here shillbot
I'm not a shill I just wanted some (you)'s. Seems I was not as successful as I hoped.
Is 13 hours about her?
Fox news just had a fucking coup too. There's a new guy running the show and he's a hillary shill. The polls are definitely cooked, you're blind not to see it.
Clinton literally wants a nuclear war with putin.
She's on video saying she wants to declare a no fly zone over crimea.
A no fly zone is an act of war, because it is enforced by shooting down enemy planes.
Do you honestly think Putin wouldn't test that?
So either he reveals America to be toothless and there's world war 3.
Or America shoots down russian jets and there's world war 3.
Which sounds better?
I've heard many people say this and they never have anything to back it up besides the usual "he dosnt want the mexicans n'shit" so on what grounds?
isnt even true, yet here you are shilling for hillary
Shill thread.
Fucking leaf.
I'll bite.
Trump isn't losing. He is destroying cunton.
and yet here you are, bumping a thread that calls out her corruption in the OP. You'll make a great Sup Forumslack yet
Movies are fiction.
Did you mean documentaries?
Trump is controlled opposition. Thanks for making my next point for me.
and you're an idiot.
Lel, he never ever asks a hardball question of a conservative ever? He's just a propagandist. Also you're retarded they have purposefully not been covering Trump's latest gaffe. They are in his pocket dumbass. Every interview he does besides with Megyn Kelly is softball questions.
It's amazing to me that in the minds of some neo cons and Trump fiends that an interview is unfair an biased unless Hillary gets all the hardball questions and Trump's dick isn't sucked.
The media has been slandering Trump non-stop. Many people I know honestly think he wants to deport everyone with brown eyes/black hair and ban Islam.
Yeah, I really want to know if you're going to be fighting in the wars she's going to start you fuck.
When did Hannity say that? I want to watch.
>natural born citizen
>35+ years
>14 years a resident
I'd say he's exactly as qualified as everyone else who ran
Thank you for correcting the record
libtard shill
Is his 'latest gaffe' the one where he warns gun-grabbing faggots that they will get shot if they try to disarm us?
And Trump is soft on Russia thats why Putin wants Trump to win, we do not want who Putin wants to be in our oval office, he wants Trump because he knows Trump would end up kissing his ass because he complimented him, Trump has trouble going against or criticizing anyone who has complemented him. Also I can assure you that there would be no war with Russia under either Presidency, we'd just concede a lot more to Russia if Trump wins. Fuck that. I don't want the USA to be for sale to the Kremlin by Trump. I'm not voting for your tin God no matter what.
Because gump is a fascist flake faggot.
>because trump is a bigot
jews have made it so the only unforgivable sin is racism. which now racism is just anyone who believes in border control
not covering his latest gaffe because msnbc and cnn have gotten their asses BTFO when the 2nd amendment shit is brought up
absolutely no fucking reasonable argument and the liberal media is just trying to swing anything to make this look bad.
fuck off shill.
Thanks for making no point whatsoever other than making a baseless claim, guess you either don't have an argument or don't know how to argue.
It's as stupid as if I were to just call you out and claim you're a paid Trump shill just because I disagree with you, it's puerile.
You're delusional, that's all they talk about. Fox News radio talked about it two days ago for 6 hours and they talked about it again today where I had to turn it off. Idiot.
grown-ups don't form their political opinions based on movies they saw on the internet.
Qualified as in being fit to be President mentally. Mentally and emotionally, and experience wise he doesn't have the chops.
Hillary is for border control, as are almost all the candidates.
Are you falling for for a stupid "build wall" meme? A wall wouldn't even work. What an easily-duped dumbfuck.
We sold 20% of our uranium to putin because of Clinton.
We lose either way. Russia is either an enemy, and we have a nuclear war, or russia is an ally and we get fleeced.
I'd rather get fleeced than live in Fallout.
Nice try, Leafy-kun.
Insulting dead soldiers family's and calling for assassinations dont exactly help your cause. He just needs to shut up for a bit.
>not covering his latest gaffe because msnbc and cnn have gotten their asses BTFO when the 2nd amendment shit is brought up
You really are pants on head if you buy the Trump campaign's narrative. He was talking future tense in that little bit. You'll literally defend him no matter what even if you end up looking retarded to anyone with half a brain or who is at least honest with themselves.
Thanks for the bump. 0,06 shekels have been substracted from your pay. Please keep working for our case in the future.
He is controlled opposition. Clinton needed to field a flagrantly terrible opponent she turned to their blow hard reality sideshow friend Donald Trump. The media gave him all the air he needed to breathe and he ran off with the GOP nomination because he knows what sells to the base.. Now that he's going for the general he just has to keep the right wing pandering going, no pivot to center. Leftist will signal boost everything he says and Hilary can run on a thin platform of "Not being Donald Trump" and having a vagina. Combine a little election fraud as needed and you have a recipe for winning as the weakest Democrat to run in living memory
So corrupt, she went full circle.
Who said he is losing? The votes haven't even been cast yet.
my mom says trump is an idiot and a racist and that he was in the KKK.
Stupid gullible people and the powerhouse propaganda machine known as the mainstream media.
I'm honestly sickened of this country and how true the stereotypes other countries make of us are.
I watched Fox News two days in a row and all they had was Trump come on and have Hannity blow him and then whining about the "mainstream media", and then Clinton emails.
Don't make shit up. I have news on 24/7.
Only people who wouldn't vote for Hillary in the first place bother watching them.
Libs are able to live their whole lives without seeing unexposed views of their opposition, it is typically shown through the filters of the daily show and its derivatives.
Sup Forums and the other lesser right movements know every damn trick and view they have. Shit I would bet 75% of Sup Forumss population are ex-libs or lefties who either had small doubts in the beginning or saw an incident.
The ass is strong with this OP, He long for gump to fist his hungry ass.
It's not either or, were enemies with Iran and Nortk Korea and somewhat tepid towards China and were not at war with any of those. Hillary is not going to start a war with Russia, she's more level headed than that.
You taged me twice, and i did have an argument
This is me.
I don't know how to discretely inject 10 years of redpill into my normie friends that read buzzfeed and huffpost listicles.
Oh shit user, MOVIES?!?!?!? HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I never knew, forgive me.
>I think border control is giving everyone citizenship so that there is no 'illegal' immigration
>Believing Trumps narrative about the country and the media
Just wait and see how badly he is beaten in the election, I guarantee it. But your tin God has provided a safety net for your ego because if he loses you fucks whoa re being scammed are going to cry foul, you're whats pathetic about this country.
Status quo of shitting on your rights. Delete your citizenship
I thought you CTR shills had left already, what are you still doing here?
my sides
I mean against my argument you tool, I didn't say that remark you're replying to.
>actually thinks a woman in charge of the military and foreign policy is okay
>implying Trump is going to launch nukes, even though he's addressed these liberal fearmongering pipe dreams multiple times now
As a white man, I say, 'Good'
>calls me out for baseless claim.
>>provide argument
>dosent answer beacuse shill has no counters
Hur, you're so funny. You can't argue so you're just trying to find a reason to dismiss my argument so you don't actually have to do the work and think, I've been here since 2010 you cuck, Sup Forums isn't one person.
this ctr shill is trying so hard
>Come on Fox and have Hannity blow him.
Pretty much.
redpills are literally the dumbest people on the planet, i'm happy your friends aren't subjected to your insane nonsense.
since your a shillary supporter i expect you to have a response
Ex die hard lib here. Part faggoty rebellion against parents and part being very early 20s and sheltered. My family still jokes about how hard a uturn I've taken.
Because the MSM and Facebook control the narrative.
Screenshot it, he's even behind in states he should be surging in, say like Georgia. You can laugh all you want for the next few months but I will have the ultimate laugh for the next four years, that you will have lost and you will have a President Hillary. So enjoy your few months. I would bet you money if I knew you in life, I am so certain.
Let me ask another question
With all the scandals around hillary, everything from treason to murder, why would you still vote for someone with this much baggage over someone like trump?
Think about it, you're literally voting for a criminal
He's only losing by about a point today. Don't believe the other polls. This is the REAL pol the campaigns looks at, along with their internals. Scroll down to the REAL poll.
She wants to give citizenship to 11 million illegals and wants to make that her first and foremost priority. She has said this on many occasions.
Ok baseless accusation aside, why the fuck would that Suprepac waste a dime trying to convince Sup Forums to vote for Hillary, are you really that dumb? She's pulled out of Virginia for Christ's sake do you really think she cares about Sup Forums? You're not that important, Sup Forums is an ant compared to the electorate out there.
And there's two Hillary supporters here, one category is shitposters and trolls, and then there are authentic Hillary supporters like me.
theres your answer to everything. this is the real world, people do not care that much, yet at least.
I honestly think Trump has a been a plant this whole time. They knew the leaks were coming so they have Trump say some ridiculous shit to distract people. It's genius.
You didn't argue against a single fucking thing I said, I'm not going to argue for other people, I didn't make that claim, argue against something I claimed.
so your argument is that his ego is dangerous? Clinton literally sells US policy to foreign businessmen
The temperament of the candidate.
There's no emotion in those of us against Trump on this site.
He hasn't shown he has the discipline to control the strongest military on Earth.
If he didn't come across as a loose cannon and maverick, but showed some discipline, I wouldn't be against him.
While his diagnosis is accurate but his solutions are too extremist and dumb to work. Is a shame, America used to have good, convincing candidates. Now they have to pick between an establishment puppet and a crazy dictator. Hey, almost like in all the third world countries below them.
You're more and more becoming a third world country, the first step is to be ruled by greedy people or crazy people.