This has started to make the rounds...
And half of the bottom of the pyramid I find on pol everyday.
So how do you feel about this?
Other urls found in this thread:
hush little shill
>School-to-prison pipeline
>Discriminatory lending
>Housing discrimination
We need a lot more of the top part of the pyramid
Sup Forums is a board of peace
All I see are a bunch of spooks
>implying whites aren't supreme
What's next? Call me a cuck?
I've just sharing an image that ive seen going around FB.
Allahu Akbar!
The U.S. must take Monroe Doctrine now.
The U.S. must withdraw American Forces from all Foreign Countries now.
I love American99% and the U.S.
Japan, Germany and China are evil empires.
Islamists' true enemies are Japan, Germany, China, top1%, Wall-Street, American-Military-Industry and DOD!
Allahu Akbar!
You're a cuck.
Seems like a good start.
Calm down nigger
>white savior complex
So literally every white millennial liberal. Good to know.
Well i did walk into that.
daily reminder that Hitler was right.
This is a fucking epic struggle.
(((They))) never change, do they?
Nigger. Oops I'm not social acceptable.
what these so called people fail to tell you is what the alternative to white supremacy is.
If this vid doesn't bring a tear to your eye...
you should know we are awake and if there is any further insult to our people there will be no quarter.
THIS is also a very important video
What is this?
More of this please
>colorblindness is racist now
Remember when advocating for equality meant that you were NOT racist?
>Overt White Supremacy
>The N-Word
MFW Chris Rock is now an Over White Supremacist:
Yes. Then the far-leftists took over. Their reasoning is different, but the end goals re the same. Look up Horseshoe Theory.
I think it's Earth 10 Superman, AKA Uberman. An alt-universe Superman, a member of the Justice League Axis.
I quite liked it, Wonder Woman was a Valkyrie and not an Amazon. The flash was a member of the SS. It was cool.
Underused Nazi Batman though.
One side wants to kill all whites
the other side wants to kill nigs and spics
let the games commence
I pissed off a white liberal when I said how is the confederate flag racist and she started to go off how the confederacy was racist and how she feels sorry for me no seeing the same thing as her and how she was going to woke me up because the POCs like me need to be helped by her. So I called her out on it and it triggered her.
Covert "white supremacy" is just a meme, blacks are just projecting their own racism on other races.