If white genocide is real then why are SJWs against white/Asian race mixing?
If white genocide is real then why are SJWs against white/Asian race mixing?
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>you must be 18 or older to post on this website
Maybe her difficulty in the dating world is not caused by her being yellow but by her being a frigid broad.
because yellow girls have higher IQs than niggers
they only want us to breed with niggers to make inferior babies
Because After whites Asians are next on the genetic chopping blocks.
who's after Asians?
>Asian women whining about dating
I'd rather eat sand than read that. Sage.
After that they win if it happens, it will be a herka derka black lives matter all over the planet. Then humanity slowly goes extinct since they wont know how to repair technology
>expecting stormfag conspiracy theories to make any logical sense
I'm a lonely white male and the only woman who ever gave me the time of day was Asian
>SJWs want to take away the only possibility of me being in a relationship
It's an easy way to demonize white male sexuality. End of thread.
>being an ugly asian is so hard bcuz the hot asians are getting all the white guyz!
Jesus what a boring, stupid article.
Fuck you OP.
>If white genocide is real then why are SJWs against white/Asian race mixing?
Because White/Asian hybrids are actively improving the gene pool.
Because they fear losing their Beta Providers or welfare slaves once they wind up as single mothers.
Nothing angers a SJW more than an attractive woman or an Asian woman.
>linking directly to salon
what are you doing nigger? where is the archive?
lol maybe if so many asian girls didnt exclusively date white guys then white guys wouldnt get that idea in their heads. This is so fucking stupid. Acting like asian girls dont like white guys.
>7. If you only date white men, does that mean you have a white fetish?
>No, it means I live on the East coast or Midwest or the South or a work in an environment teeming with white men. Or it means you creeps keep making a beeline toward me.
>And can people stop making analogies of race where white people and people of color are interchangeable?! White people and People of Color have different histories of power, so it is problematic to interchange them in an analogy as if they are equal.
Asian women are justified in fetishizing white men, but don't you dare ask them on a date unless you have met the proper racial dating quotas as prescribed in the agreement you signed upon being born.
>whites refuse to date a certain race
>white prefer to date a certain race
>whites pretend like they don't care about race and claim to be "colorblind"
Asian women get super salty when white guys won't fuck them though. It's like when fat white girls can't even get a nigger in bed, it's a huge blow to their egos.
>White/Asian hybrids are actively improving the gene pool.
Say that 5 times fast
This is ironic because Asian girls who act like this are inevitably American and are the absolute most white washed people I've ever met
They are against white men breeding.
>White refuses to racemix
He's a racist and needs to be destroyed.
>White has a problem with white women fucking non whites
He's a racist and needs to be destroyed.
>White wants to fuck non whites.
He's a racist and needs to be destroyed.
In the SJWs mind there isn't a scenario in which the white man isn't the bad guy who must be destroyed.
No matter what any white man does they will find a reason why he is awful and must be stopped.
Hence "You're a fucking white male" being an obvious reason why your opinion doesn't count to the SJW.
>White man and white man
totally acceptable
They don't want white men to breed at all with anyone so let the bitches fucking die.
>why are SJWs against white/Asian race mixing?
Because they want to deprive white men of their only chance of a normal male/female relationship with a traditional woman.
Good point. The only time a white man having sex with anyone is acceptable is when it's gay sex. In fact, it's actually celebrated when whites are gay.
Sex with anyone other than another man is a big no-no for white men and probably only occurs because his female sexual partner has been informed that she is being raped yet.
Elliot Rodger Master Race
why does dahnald get all the delagates?
I'm a magnificent candidate!
Sup Forums whats your opinion on white male-yellow female?my fetish for asians has never been stronger at this point. the thought of a non whore asian gf is euphoric
Are we talking second or third generation asian american SJWS user?
Theyre practically all SJW. Its pretty sad too, their parents came here for a better life and the kids turn out to brainwashed retards being told that they are oppressed even though they do ten times better than the parents and white americans.
Pretty sad desu, you would have to go to the home country of any of them and find a good one to talk to. Majority are not bad like they are here.
Because it's men
Go for it. A lot of the asian women I know are red pilled as fuck. Most asians are attractive as hell, they stay that way until their 60's, and they were raised to avoid western degeneracy. SJW's hate yellow fever because if men start going after other women besides white girls, they will lose all of their power.
>tfw libshit SJW asian ucla gf tells me how big my cock feels in her even tho its only 7in
>tfw she begs for creampies so she can have a "little white baby"
>tfw she says shit like this
>oh you're the exception user
dumb gook sluts
90% chance of beta autist sons and 100% chance of qt daughter everyone will want to fuck
WTF is that? East Asians / Whites have great results genetically. Not sure WTF that is. Looks part hispanic.
SJWs are not in favor of racemixing, that's a common misconception. They're actually in favor of cuckolding, they actually get angry about white men in interracial relationships of any race.
My wife is a sandnigger, I come from a fairly conservative family and I live in a supposedly "racist" part of the country. The only shit we've ever gotten for our relationship was from SJWs when we were in college. I got called a "colonial fuck boy" by one once.
>hispanic is a race
That's a mestizo (asian/white) beaner scum. Evidence to the contrary of your baseless claims.
>beta autist sons
I know a white male asian female couple and BOTH of their sons are lankey skinny weeabos. The memes are real. If people realized race is just more than skin color all of the social justice bullshit would die ASAP.
The college cuck is right for once. You are a worthless degenerate. Back to Plebbit with you.
>one single fatfuck disproves EVERYTHING
wow okay
>They are against white men breeding.
White SJW girls must be free to fuck all niggers, but white men must keep themselves to be beta providers for the niglet halfbreeds.
Check out how pissed the SJW whores in Scandanavia are about their men marrying Asian bitches.
They want to forbid those women from immigrating.
But free niggers for all white whores.
Two and a third continents of fatfucks doesn't disprove things?
Native americans and east asians are not the same thing
>"Stop fetishizing asian women!"
>Proceeds to date only white men
Really makes me ponder...
>7. If you only date white men, does that mean you have a white fetish?
>No, it means...
Just some more liberal doublethink and women solipsism
>native americans exist
No wonder you thought 'hispanic' was a race.
>improving the gene pool
The cunt is a lesbian bitching men. Nothing to see here.
Like everything with women, she's furious she's not the one getting the attention. She sees her asian girl friends dating hot white Chads and she wants to put a stop to it.
Pic related is the author of the article.
>SJWs are against racemixing
>SJWs are starting to become less and less anti-white because they are learning about zionism
>SJWs hate porn as it degrades women
Yet for some reason we are still seen as the enemy, we should teach SJWs that the nazis are not evil.
Lets make Tumblr a Nazi blog spot.
Because if a white man likes something, SJW's will be against it.
>SJWs are against racemixing
nah just against white men having kids
They burnt an Israeli flag outside the DNC.
SJWs are reflexively against anything any white person does.
Also, check the title: "my dating life is difficult because everyone wants to date me."
>my dating life is difficult because everyone wants to date me
>they don't want whites breeding with niggers, spics, and chinks.
>they are against white men having kids (with other races)
>they are starting to see whites as not the ememy because of them learning about zionism and they are being redpilled about the jews
>all their white genocidal dreams become shoah dreams
Bruh. I predict Tumblr will end up redpilling itself. God wills it.
*Kek wills it
You have no fucking idea how far these morons have gone:
>Claremont students refuse to live with whites
>A group of students at the Claremont Colleges are in search of a roommate, but insist the roommate not be white.
>Student Karé Ureña (PZ ’18) posted on Facebook that non-white students in need of housing arrangements should reach out to either her or two other students with whom she plans to live in an off-campus house. The post states that “POC [people of color] only” will be considered for this living opportunity. “I don’t want to live with any white folks,” Ureña added.
>“This is directed to protect POC, not white people. Don’t see how this is racist at all…” responded AJ León (PZ ’18), a member of the Pitzer Latino Student Union.
>“People of color are allowed to create safe POC only spaces. It is not reverse racism or discriminatory, it is self preservation [sic],” Sara Roschdi (PZ ’17), another Pitzer Latino Student Union member, stated. “Reverse racism isn’t a thing.”
>“White people always mad when they don’t feel included but at the end of the day y’all are damaging asf [sic] and if a POC feels they need to protect themselves from that toxic environment THEY CAN!" Quick to try to jump on a POC but you won’t call your friends out when they’re being racist asf [sic],” noted Terriyonna Smith (PZ ’18), an Africana Studies major and Resident Assistant (RA) for the 2016-2017 year. “I’m not responding to NO comments and NOPE I don’t wanna have a dialogue.”
This is how far they have gone, but make sure you catch one flaw in their argument here (among many others). They want to associate only with non-Whites, and want spaces free of Whites....
Which means that they are creating ALL-WHITE dorms, classes, halls, and other areas. They are making certain, by their own policies, that Whites congregate only with other Whites....
White-only spaces. Ha!
The majority of Oriental women look disgusting, nothing like the fetish pictures one finds on the Internet.
> Paula Young Lee
> Yellow Fever
If anything, that ugly gook might be the cure.
>enforcing segergation
>yet another thing Sup Forums agrees upon
I remember they are doing this to jewish students too.
Maybe they will realize whites are not the enemy.
>jewish students
This is one of the greatest mysteries of our time. What I mean is that the left have completely turned against these folks, and I do mean completely.
Interesting, I think.
(a) women are jealous
(b) mixing with azns is not dysgenic
7 inches is pretty big user
Really? Because Asians have a fetish for blondes and redheads. Especially redheads.
So... stop complaining bitch.
t. redhead.
Why is it always an ugly woman writing these things?
As an Asian woman, that makes me feel sad
> I'm only going on a date with you because I've been rejected by all white women and I don't want to be single
Why isn't Sup Forums capitalising on it is beyond me. Maybe it's because we need to wait just a wee bit longer to wait until it's widespread.
Because a white man can actually be happy with a Asian women (if honorary Aryan)
SJW and dark skinned shits don't want us to be happy, they want us to be defeated, bitter and alone so they can mock us, while they cuck us with BBC
because they don't want whites to breed at all user
also lol
>Because Asians have a fetish for blondes and redheads. Especially redheads.
Can confirm.
>as a X, i feel Y
That's a fat Mexican or something dude.
Tbh I don't really care about that
They're basically quarantining themselves from us, and they wouldn't like us anyways if they were """"forced"""" to live with us
It just makes finding friends easier: don't go to the SJW zones
t. Commiefornia student
Stop dating people from other ethnic groups and date your own instead then. Most people that date outside their ethnicity do it because of fetish reasons.
there's no conspiracy theory u shitskin. look at birth rates.
>stop fetishizing me
I never did. I am a fucking white male and Asian chicks gross me out 95% of the time.
I dunno why but I don't get why everyone has boners over em either. I fingered an asian once but I didn't want to fuck her so I never called her again lol.
>They want to forbid those women from immigrating.
Link pls
>only 7
sounds about right
I never trust bitches who ask to be creampied
if a girl is willing to act out my disgusting fetishes without persistent pressuring I assume it's not the first time and lose interest in her
first post not necessarily best post but still made me laugh
I'm against wmaf but I have to post this QT.
first legit good WMAF hapa I've seen.
6'6 220, honors from cal. breddy good desu.
Come on, ho!
You know you want my monuh!
They're only against race mixing that results in a higher-IQ. Intelligence is a privilege you don't deserve.
Anyway, SJW's are not against race mixing.
What they're doing is complaining. SJW's aren't real leftists. They're authoritarians in disguise trying to get brownie points to fill their over-inflated sense of self worth.
What they really want is;
>the ability to complain over everything
>power. absolute power to control the masses
Yea nobody is fetishizing you cunt
why are you sad? you aren't the one fucking down.
I can't take that sign seriously.
who doesn't like redheads
Does she realized if we stop fetishizing her, she will be treated no different than a rock or a chair?
Japanese girls are the only ones who seem legitimately happy when a white guy says they're into Asian girls. It's like they're raised with a racial pride or something.
>If white genocide is real then why are SJWs against white/Asian race mixing?
Are you saying SJWs are White Supremacists because they won't let white men fuck asians?
Tbh these Asian women shouldn't be complaining because ugly Asian women with terrible personalities only have a chance to breed with foreign men since all the Asian guys (except the beta westernised ones) reject them.
that's not a hapa it's a fat spic
>mestizo is the same as happa
You're a fucking idiot.
Stopped reading when she mention Rice Queens.
This article is bullshit. As a gay Asian male, we know that no one desires Asian males except for old white men on the brink of death. And actually, most gay Asian male find white men attractive and she fails to mention how prevalent potato queens are.