This is a 10/10 in america
prove me wrong
>pro-tip you can't
This is a 10/10 in america
prove me wrong
>pro-tip you can't
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm not saying she's a 10/10 but
I'd fuck it
hahaha stay mad
Just wait til Muhammad rapes all your women.
>implying you wouldn't get fendom'd by her while she picks up your frail body and smashes your boipucci on her ladycock
>high test
stop projecting, faggot
You have poor taste in women.
she is taking a big black cock in the olympic village right now
She's pretty hot without makeup.
She's not dolled up like a '10'.
She's hot
sweden btfo so hard you came here to shitpost
most of the swimmers aren't very attractive unfortunately. swimming really broadens their shoulders
I I'm so sorry. Keep reading on, or die tonight a exactly
12:42. This
is based on a TRUE STORY! Once there
a baby
girl named Marry. Her mother couldn't
all the
crying, so she decided it was time for her
go. She
buried her baby alive in her back yard.
After she
buried her she could still hear Marry
So she dug her back up and stabbed her
time in the arm,
and buried her again. Marry cried harder,
but a few
hours later it stopped. At exactly 12:42,
Marry died.
She bleed to death. Now her sprite
world. When your sleeping, she stabs
you in
arm and watches you bleed to death.
that's how she got the name "Bloody
Marry" this is the true story
of her. She wants everyone to feel her
that she
felt. Apparently, if you re-post This isn't
Apparently, if you copy and paste this to
comments in the next ten minuets you
have the
best day of your life tomorrow. You will
either get kissed or asked out, if you
this chain you will
see a little dead girl in your room tonight.
In the next
53 minuets someone will say I love you
I'm sorry
to 12 other comments you will have the
best day of
your life tomorrow. But if you break this
chain you die
at exactly 12:42 tonight by Bloody Marry.
Don't believe me? You'll see not taking
10/10 in america
You forgot about the hippy chicks.
Not 10/10
Would still smash
>he's afraid of swole qts
>he doesn't want to get femdommed
Can't be American, needs more advertising.
Ehh, She's bretty attractive, especially for no make up/hair/not dressed up. Also you're a faggot cuckboy and just salty because our country kicks everyone's ass every 4 years.
>Athletes are chosen based on looks
You guys have lower standards of how a woman shoud look.
They jus festival sluts. Hippies have dreadlocks in their pussy to protect pheremones and house lice.
No, Sir. This is a 10/10 in America
that's a 5/10 overall, but a 10/10 olympian
if wanted a 10/10 loli you find those in high school
right tool for the right job you silly swede
Nice script you guys have.
Not 10/10
Would still stick it
Shes a 10/10 swimmer. Not a 10/10 looker.
Lol still more golds then you fag she could probably fuck any swede she wanted to right now.
looks like fucking Hodor from game of thrones.
absolutely disgusting /10
american women are shit swedebro;
We have more golds per capita and also I don't really give a fuck about the dope olympics
implying you wouldn't want to plant your seed in that genetically perfect human being.
>yfw our 10/10 girls can shoot a rifle
Enjoy your manlet sons.
I would eat her vaginal discharge. But, as an American, I'd eat anything.
This is my 10/10
she's 5'6''
Someone's mad they just got their ass whipped in the 4x200m
>start in first with a half second lead
>in up in the back several seconds behind the US of A
I didn't know Captain Sweden played for us.
and as a woman too. Sweden yes!
This is a 10/10 in Sweden
>Not 10/10
>Would still smash
How many somalis do you think Sjolstrom has fucked in her lifetime?
Would absolutely wreck
Thats actually a good pic of her considering shes incredibly ugly
Your an idiot.
Here you go. This is more to your liking
Shooting with the left hand is worse than being retarded.
This is a 10/10 in Sweden
10/10 in Sweden
And you're a manlet from the sound of things.
pretty cute tbhm8 :3
She's actually not too bad looking outside of the pool.
Sup Forums-tier thread, I hope you get bitten by a rapefugee and die of aids
your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't delete this
She's a 6/10 by looks but a solid 10/10 overall wife material because she's virtuous and religious:
Don't be the male equivalent of the chick who'll only settle for Chad Thundercock. This girl is the real thing.
god the internet is a fucked up place
She has the hairline and body of a 40 year old man on steroids
i never understood the redneck line of thought that a 6 + a gun / truck = 10
it's degenerate to be honest.
>This is a 10/10 in Sweden
a fuckin leaf
Lol butthurt swede detected. Medals per captia? also lol the only ones doping are the Russians.
To put it in terms someone from Toronto would understand, imagine that your gal is kind of plain and dumpy but has a total commitment to feminism, anti-racism and refugee resettlement. See? You like her better already.
>a fucking leaf
He's right tho
>this is a 10/10 in swedenstan
Why are any of you even responding to this guy? Honestly swedes have been so totally chucked by Muslims I don't even know why they are allowed to post here
ITT triggered americucks
for men and women
Get used to it newfag.
or are you 12D ironic shitposting, ill never know
if u think thats a 6 then what you consider a 10 is probably 12, have fun finding a 12 who hates guns and loves niggers, I mean if your Canadian then half the work is done for you.
Reminder that shills ate trying to divide Sup Forums based on country.
Sage and ignore
K nigger
I can confirm
t. 40 year old man on steroids
why do you have nigger dicks saved on your computer?
>swedes are STILL mad that there swimmer got cucked by america.
old news, we're way past this m8
Why do you have a fucking leaf on your flag?
If a woman can't break me in half with her calf muscles she's not good enough
High test. 8/10 would let tear my cock up.
She's pretty hot.
>people will never stop taking the divide and conquer bait
>flag memes will never be original
>Sup Forums will never be made great again
Sweden you're the perfect person to ask- does she seem like a mannish women to you or the most masculine guy you've ever seen.
I'd hit it.
She's a 5 in the face and a 7 in the body.
>based northern ally
Hey, I'm not blind, but $20 is $20.