A Cuckservative Sperg Talks Politics


So my friend just made this where he rants about his far-right views.

I'm left so I don't buy into his cuckservative bullshit.

Other urls found in this thread:


idk but i just downvoted everything hes uploaded so i hope that helps a bit.

lol nice

>i'm left

You're as degenerate as your friend.

Why is being left degenerate?

the definition of "degenerate" is "left-wing-leaning parasite"

Yea, but why exactly am I such a degenerate? I realize the left loves to use labels, but I try not to label people. Why do you label me?

Don't lie, this is you, isn't it?

Because you label yourself as left. Remember when the day of the rope comes, there is only one thing that really matters.

I would never be caught dead putting myself on the internet man, let alone Sup Forums

the left is actively pushing for the downfall of western civilization and the downfall of the white male. they do this by destroying century old traditional values and social norms to crush the classic family structure which they hate and despise so much. if you are left you are a degenerate.

You still haven't answered my question though

How exactly are they doing this? I don't see myself bringing about the downfall of civilization. I think we're promoting it more than ever with things like multiculturalism.



if you actually want to learn why being left is a cancer and you need to stop, than watch this.


>I would tax the poor because I'm a fascist

I'll watch it, but give me a quick summary first.

He says he'll tax everyone, but the poor will be taxed less than the rich. Every economic view holds that belief.

here is a 7 minute video if you dont want to spend the time.

the left aims to create confuse and division within a population by degrading norms and traditions. by introducing the multiculturalism, they inject groups into populations that have diametrically opposed cultural values and beliefs. groups that are incompatible with what we call western life. multiculturalism isnt always bad, but when taken to extremes, such as 3rd world, uneducated, low IQ, refugees - people who are unwilling to assimilate, it creates deep divides and undermines the fabric of trust in communities and traditional family values in a nation .

Confirmed Sup Forumstard

like minded people, with similar values and goals, function more efficiently as a society. it is a entirely basic idea that is self explanatory. when you add a bunch of other groups who are not willing to assimilate for the betterment of the society, it creates a whole fuck load of issues. its pretty simple lad.

shit my cover is blown.

Yep, I am the one who made this video. I shouldn't have liked that Cultural Marxism video the other user just linked me.

lol so you know what the fuck im talking about. why were you grilling me famalam? just for fun?

Why are you posting this on your normie facebook page. Not only is it fucking stupid, but now no one will like you. You should have a least read a book or two before you put yourself out there like this. You are going to regret this so much when you grow up

look lets just leave this to the election. the market will dictate if americans should deep throat muslim dick and hand their children to brown guys who believe some desert goat fucker myth

or if we should nuke them. if the market says deep throat i moving to poland

nah man not for fun. It was all a facade. I figured if I just waltzed in here saying I made a video, no one would watch it. I pretended to hate it to gain attention.

oh ok. ill give u thumbs up then lol.

I have no human respect anymore. I don't care what happens. I failed suicide last year, so I don't have much respect for my own well-being at this point, senpai.

not your personal army fegget

sheeeeiiiittttt thanks man

I'm not asking for you guys to approve or anything. I just want to get a reaction.

Make a video about Jews. Also, why the fuck are there blacks and Mexicans in your fascist society. That make no sense. This also isn't fascism.

How is not fascism? I talk clearly about how we need to combine the power of the corporations and the government. And minorities are a reality. We can't get rid of them man

God this is the gayest fucking thread I have ever seen.

I'll post a video about the Jews in a bit.

You're a fucking pleb. Fascism is authoritarian and nationalistic. All you talk about is taxes. You said a little bit about censoring Hollywood, but you stop short of removing Jews from the industry, so you have no idea what you're doing. And minorities are in no way a reality we must live with. They came here, and they can go back. This is basic bitch conservatism.

thanks man I try

Let me make the video first man. Patience is a virtue

Also people need to know about taxes. I can spend hours going into the other stuff, but my hard drive won't allow it.

Hurry up. I'll keep bumping your thread if it starts to die

How long should it be? If it's 10 minutes long it will take probably 20 for it to be on youtube

10 minutes is fine. Make a part two if you need to

alright. The good thing though is that as long as you're here to shitpost, I can respond to them and the thread won't die.

>this is what hitler envisioned for the Aryan race

Nice chin strap you fat fuck, your boyfriend must live getting his balls tickled by the scruff

He sure does!


Alright it's literally 10 minutes haha

Now it's uploading


last stage. It's processing. Almost done. 50%


there it is