Take a visit here:

Click on the "JULY QUARTERLY" report and scroll to a random page, say page 134. A certain individual was paid a salary of $1775.36. If you google this person, they also happen to be "a social media consultant and reporter for Blue Nation Review." A pattern emerges of young recent liberal arts graduates living in DC and getting paid thousands by CTR. What do you think their liberal arts degrees are good for? Regurgitating leftist talking points. These are the shills.

fuck off nutjob

No you fuck off

Make me, cuck

I think you're onto something OP

wtf i hate hillary now

Everyone ignore posts by this ID


You're just butthurt other people are getting paid to post on Sup Forums while you aren't

Thanks for the bump this is important!

Gonna bump this

The obvious mistake was not outsourcing to Australia


Hmm reminds me of something, anyone know what this is?

Pretty quick compilation

I don't care about trolling/raiding/whatever but when it's done under false pretenses then it's just cringeworthy.

Basically what has happened here is that a bunch of people come to Sup Forums every day to troll because they keep getting replies and this makes some people really mad but these people are new to Sup Forums so they think that these people aren't just trolls but instead people paid to come here and shitpost... it's fucking retarded but on the echo chamber that is 8pol everyone keeps reaffirming each other's same belief, it's a circlejerk to tell each other that people wouldn't just go online to shitpost or argue some opposite opinion because they don't like Sup Forums's views or just want to laugh, they HAVE to be paid shills and undercover agents.

And this trolling keeps going on until someone gets so mad that they pour all their frustration in to some shitty political news company dedicated to writing bias reports in support of their own politics because they got sucked into the belief from their circlejerk that these are actually the super secret undercover agent enemies.

Fuck these Alex Jones viewing, conspiracy tards. I fucking hate stupid people. I fucking hate stupid people so fucking much. If your IQ is below 100 you should literally be euthanized or forced into slave labour camps. Fuck stupid people.

Hard to know what the "truth" is when everyone is considered controlled opposition or a shill and every media news outlets are disinfo. We can only trust the akashic records now, enlightened ones. But first you must pay $1000 for an educational course and get permission from the local angels in order to read them, or by right now I would of had the complete biography of Clinton and her past lives.

Hello traitor.
You are a modern nazi. Working to perpetuate a white genocide.

Afraid that you people are being exposed?
Crime and punishment

Bump for truth. Don't let the shills slide this

Why do most liberals just look soft?

Like physically frail and incapable

They just look like they've never had a hard day of physical work in their lives. I think liberals have an overwhelming urge to make everyone share because things are often handed to them by their parents, as opposed to them having to work hard for it.

A Nazi would never perpetuate a white genocide.

A Nazi would prevent a white genocide.