Daily reminder that we could have had a working healthcare system like the civilized world

Daily reminder that we could have had a working healthcare system like the civilized world

Daily reminder that the right is everything wrong with this country

Daily reminder that the government has no business readjusting peoples' wallets.

Taxes in Canada are 30% for my wage bracket. And the hospitals are fucking overcrowded and useless.

Yup, let's set up a monopoly on something people's lives depend on...

Great idea, little Timmy.

daily reminder that i'm going to vote against giving you my money every time

All the advancement, quality control, and cutting edge research happens here.

The rest of the world lives on the echo that our medical system leaves behind.

Without the competition for this market there is no reason for companies to sink money into any r&d other than cost reduction.

China makes cheap electronics widely available by stealing American designs.

The world makes cheap healthcare widely available the same way.

change kid's board to
>free world
>kill all the jews

Do you say that about food too? Cunt

You mean post his original. The OP is a blatantly edited image.

I don't remember food ever bankrupting me lel.

What's the equivalent of growing vegetables in a greenhouse in the medicine world, because I'm doing that. Nice analogy you got there :^)

hey, somebody understands how the world works. this same concept also applies to defense spending.

Horsey is a weed smoker. Weed literally makes your mind function more like a childs. It really makes sense how liberals always idolize "intellectual children" because they feel like children themselves.

I live in Canada, I did the math, im 23 and im paying 20k in taxes a year, almost half of that going to healthcare.

>tfw you go only once every few years and when I do I wait on average 4-6 hours.

Whats funny is im not even exaggerating in the slightest. The current plan is to save 250k in the next 7 years and invest it into the US economy so im granted a visa and a path to citizenship, take me bros.


I'm voting for her because she's not Trump. I think Trump would wreck this country, while I think Hillary will keep the status quo, so it's the status quo for me.¿

Daily Reminder Obama Care was designed to fail. It's the pit-stop on the way to Liberals saying "See, SEE??? We need single payer, these greedy Insurance companies...the rich..blah blah"

They never wanted Obama Care to work...State Exchanges and all the other BS was never these people's end-game.

>tfw dual citizen

Plus, you're only getting your moneys worth if you go get hurt.

How'd you get it? Your parents?

Currently making 5k a month net profit online, I was reading that I could get a green card if I can make 8k a month online.

They don't care if you make a shit ton at home, you might relocate and not get as good a job but if you make it online you can work anywhere.

Are you just going from each pro Trump thread to each anti Hillary thread just to post this shitty copypasta

Governments and people of a nation have a moral obligation to its citizens and therefor a national health service makes sense.


Meanwhile Obama just passed Obamacare

Ironically his Jewcare is literally the exact opposite of free healthcare.

You have to go back¿

What do you do?

Obamacare is a mess. As the comic shows. the whole thing will collapse under its own weight. In a decade I'd guess.

Then depending on who is in power, most likely liberals by then, we will get single payer of some sort.

First post, best post

Sell virtual goods over eBay and run a couple of other websites that sell virtual goods like poke go accounts, its all virtual and mostly automated, work an hour a day on avg and once a month I sink in like 12 hours in a day as general upkeep

The right hasn't been made of real republicans for at least 2 decades. It's made up of people who use the conservative agenda as a talking point to get elected. Democrates too, I'm not going to give them as pass here either. Our political system has long since abandoned the "values" each respective party runs on.

where do you get the poke go accounts to sell i nthe first place? you play it yourself and then sell them or what?

absolutely correct, both my father and grandfather were much SICKER because of the healthcare here

Just run free bots with custom configs lol

I can get a level 30 in 3-4 hours and it sells for like 10$?

I run virtual instances over amazon cloud so iv got hundreds of computers botting but thats the side thing, eBay is the main show.

No. Mandated Insurance >>>>>>>>>>>> Single Payer.