Why do you support wage slavery?

Why do you support wage slavery?

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I don't support excessive rent-seeking. But "freedom from wage slavery" doesn't mean "has no job but still has a house and nice things," you fucking faggot.

just rob faggot stupid faggot

Because some people are too fucking stupid, lazy, and pathetic to better themselves, and thus deserve what they get

I dont feel remorse for a slave who shackles himself

Because I'm the one enslaving people.

Nigger we have more disposable income and free time than ever.

You just choose to waste it on bullshit.

I don't support it I just have bills to pay.

>Your labors are an act of self-preservation
Wow, you mean people have to work to survive!?!?

In the "real world" people hunted or labored for their food and shelter. Libshits should be thankful that they were born in the current year rather than in the past, or they would have to do actual work for once instead of collecting welfare checks.

It's a foreign concept to lefties.