>Hillary Clinton supporter Christine Quinn and Donald Trump supporter Kayleigh McEnany erupted on CNN tonight over the Orlando shooter’s father sitting prominently behind Clinton at her Florida rally this week.
War of words between Kayleigh Mcenany and Christine Quinn
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Someone give that lady a hat!
Holy shit she had a goddamn meltdown.
>what attracted him to your candidate
>he is mentally ill
Lel. From the horses mount.
Dunno who these people are and I haven't watched it yet, but I'm guessing the cutie on the right in the Trump supporter?
The cute ones are always for Trump
I kek'd.
>Top kek at the mentally ill part
>what attracted him to your candidate?
>He's mentally unstable!
why are republican women so hot?? what gives
>tfw no qt blondie redpill calmed gf
>The dumb blond fuckhead gets meme'd by every lefty on CNN on for two weeks straight
>Wins half an argument
Trumpfags are getting desperate.
No doubt she won't get hired by Fox News after this. Roger Ailes isn't there anymore, so now Fox News will hire people other the same dumb blond over and over again.
Damn girl in yellow absolutely BTFO of leftcuck woman.
It was almost orchestral. She triggered her so hard and she sat there with a smug smile knowing she already won leftcuck took the bait.
please die
It's Kyle's mom from South Park
I honestly don't know why Sheila Broflovski is on that network, CNN should know how insane she makes Hillary supporters look.
lmao, libtards are fucking mental
nice shitshow as usual, CNN
>And we trust her completely
>mfw based McEnany appears on CNN
at some point it really became like "HOW DARE YOU SMILE THERE AND BE PRETTIER THAN ME"
Well, we all know they are fucking insane. Its good for them to air their true feelings.
Time and time again this cute, petite, non-intimidating woman completely destroys a Hillshit.
She accusses the right of Race baiting.
She calls David Duke the Worst Racist in america.
Looks like Dylan Roof just lost his spot.
chekt, kekd, n rekt
seriously kill yourself
put a plastic bag over your head
tie it around your neck
put a rope around your neck, hang it from something stable
have your faggot lover handcuff your hands behind your back
and hang yourself
So she tried to argue that David Duke likes Trump due to his racism. How can she explain this picture?
that look
He came to see Hollywood's best big brother show, got front seat, problem?
To be fair. The Moderator or anchor guy, whatever the fuck he is, isn't a complete cunt like Don Lemon.
If this was with Don Lemon, the Qt 3.14 wouldn't even get a sentence in.
This is actually as close to unbiased as CNN gets.
Idk if the fat cow works for them but at least Blondie can actuall BTFO the dumb cunt.
They dont need to virtue signal or force men to fuck their nasty cunts
Dean Obeideillah is the worst person on CNN. I fucking hate that piece of shit
That big fat ((((bitch))))
Should CTR shills really be using the word "fag"?
Please put your manager on the keyboard. The record has not been corrected to my satisfaction.
>.03 shekels have been deposited into your CTR account
How scared are you now that we have the names of all your employees, CTR?
Tend to follow traditional belief system, that means no beautiful at any size bullshit etc.
Keep yourself clean, keep yourself healthy, treat your man with the respect he deserves.
That dyke got fucking rekt
>can't make a point
>results to yelling and insulting
lefties mayne
wtf i hate libs now.
I love how smug and calm she is while the fat ugly woman is raging hard. It made the blonde on the right 10x more attractive.
What's happening with CNN? First Don Lemon. Then this. Now they're caught fabricating anti-Trump propaganda:
Are they going to be ok?
The new JIDF. Enjoy it until November, I guess.
Oh so violent. Are you all the second amendment people trump wants to shoot Hilary Clinton once she's the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
ohh such feels!
warm and tingly
the rage within her cringe is strong
even shillerys supporters are having meltdowns
It will be a sweet sweet white christmas this year!
>The ugly mannish dyke is a rabid Clinton supporter.
What a surprise.
quality post
>that fucking lady
jesus christ. who decided to let her on the team?
>Hilary calls for Obamas assination in the last election
>Hillary Clinton strategist Bob Beckel called for WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange to be assassinated
CTR fags will defend this
Fucking destroyed.
Pay attention, Sup Forums. This is how you need to act in public. Composed, smiling, and witty.
Its one thing to say that he was not invited, its another thing to have him sit ROWS behind her in the back.
I mean FFS they knew damn well what they were doing.
The meltdown was hilarious though
She is a true blooded Trump supporter.
They don't need feminism, or they simply aren't complete loons.
>What attracted him to your candidate?
Kek never heard of these people and I already knew which one was the Trump Supporter. Certainly wasn't the ugly dyke.
More conservative and chaste values. Women who aren't degenerates end up looking more beautiful. Who would have thought?
>what attracted him to your candidate
>he's mentally ill
>so mental illness is associated with your candidate
FAT LIBERAL DYKE BTFO by calm conservative qt
>ann coulter
so progressive adding trans on the list
remove megyn kelly
She lost some weight.
The butthurt is real folks. Pure gold.
This argument is a perfect encapsulation of Hillary supporters vs. Trump supporters: An ugly retarded dyke vs. a good-looking informed troll
Did she lose weight? Looks better than ever.
>Her fucking face
TOO BANTZ m8 she got triggerred hard
That's what she calls her vagina, too.
He finally got his way
>The moderator trying to turn it back to anti Trump after the hill shill got triggered
Oh god I love the media
well memed
Megyn Kelly is a lib and Sarah Palin had downs babies
Best Kayleigh video is the steve deace one:
Cause she won you ugly hateful cunt!
trlps and I post her noodz
Ctr btfo once again. Ohhhh how delicious those tears will taste come november. Itll be even better than the celebration after brexit
>Disgraced ex congressman sits behind Trump at rally
They aren't even trying to hide the fact they are deflecting for her, huh?
you are correct, and may she continue to trigger these people forevermore.
Could you post a smaller image?
Reroll. Kek, be with us.
The nerve of this Kyles Mom looking cunt.
He doesnt have it stop rolling
This thread is the only good thread out there dont you die on me
>libtard plays herself on live tv.
>resorts to screaming and grasping at the straws to deflect
Well Played by the qt3.14
>"First of all the Clampaign"
She was so triggered she can't even talk.
Will you disavow Omar Mateen's and the anti-LGBT Taliban supporter
>Is this how the party of slavery dies?
Is Kayleigh Mcenany the perfect wife?
wtf I'm #MentallyHill now
>David Duke
>One of the worst racist in america
I don't support Duke and you don't join the kkk without of some racist opinions, but that statement is way over the top. I tend to think that the title of "one of the worst racist people in America" should be reserved for people that have actually committed hate crimes.