Steven Universe tries to teach children Social Justice
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Fucking hell. Please tell me the names of the producers, I wouldn't be surprised if their last name ends in (((berg))).
The creator of the show is a coalburning bisexual that wears granny glasses. (She's also a woman).
Rebecca Sugar is the main staff person and she used to draw gay furry porn before cartoon network had her draw kids cartoons
She drew gay furry porn as a career too
It's called empathy. You don't understand it because of your autism.
t. CTR agent
I'm calling bullshit
this was dumb. its like going sjw on hippos.
I want to fuck the bug gem.
I wear granny glasses.
i think they look fobby and asians girls talk to me about them
Peridot is bae
That was pretty cute. You'd honestly have to be nitpicking to find the SJW agenda in this.
>I have autism: he thread
I'm pro Trump MAGA all the way too faggot and hate SJWs and cultural marxism
>"We have a responsibility to protect these corrupted gems from any harm because we in turn are responsible for their corruption."
>"I'm a (insert whatever he is), how does it feel to be treated this way? Put yourself in the monster's shoes! I'm taking everything away from you!"
Rebecca Sugar more like Rebecca Shekel
>I'm calling bullshit
Google it, use the gift given to you.
So glad I never had TV growing up. I grew up on VHS copies of pre 1960s cartoons. Not perfect, but good fucking god it was no where near as degenerate as this shit.
they are responsible for their corruption though
No they're not, it was diamonds who did it.
But they aren't responsible for their corruption, I'm a hard line right wing holocaust denier and I don't see half the shit people complain about in this show.
It's a cute little show with a kid that cries a little too much, that's pretty much it.
I thought Homeworld doesn't have corrupted gems, that it was only something that happened on earth under Pink Diamonds watch
She also has Jewish ties
Don't worry Sup Forums, you're always right.
Tumblr actually believes that Steven and his father are jews.
>it's a Sup Forums confuses empathy with cuckoldry episode
Cartoon shows are becoming as vile as Hollywood and film. The messages are disgusting. They're politically correct and liberal to the point where I'm personally reverse offended.
>Mutliculture everywhere
>Amazonian non binary overpowered lesbian space rocks
>Almost all of the males in the show are pathetic
>Encouraging children to become anarchists
>Fanbase is composed of 80% of tumblr
Peetle episode heavily implied that the diamonds did something that corrupted everyone. And that whatever it was it involved singing.
Reminder that YD's VA has confirmed she has a future singing role....
I just watched a four minute clip, is Steven also supposed to be flamboyantly gay? Is that an established thing?
> Steven Universe tries to teach children Social Justice
How the fuck does that clip have anything to do with SJW's? I'm sure if you actually spen and ounce of effort you could have found an actually clip that was more sjw then that. Despite it`s insurable fanbase everything i`v sen from the show seems pretty good.
You're literally sperging out.
t. /sug/
Who fucking cares?
Seriously this does not matter
You know whats the best part about this being potential SJ shit?
Is that they didn't say "Lets make Finn from adventure time female forever!" or "Ed Edd n Eddy Remake but with females!"
They took the plunge, and made their own shit.
They can do as they please.
If it doesn't work, no one will watch it. But it works for them.
So good on them.
Ive watched some of the show, and besides your cherry pick, I don't understand this triggering.
Back to /trash/ faggots.
>M-muh lesbian space rocks
Read nigga READ
Don't be an SJ yourself and whine "CHANGE IT I DONT LIKE IT" or "BOYCOTT IT YOU FAGS"
>Almost all gems are female
>They have fem to fem romances
>Not sjw
Depends on which tumblr-ett you ask.
They head canon him as every sort of made up regressive left term there is.
The show just makes him like a slightly autistic young child.
This, there's a moment where they make an ebin statement about how le women r beoble too but nobody talks about that, this show is clearly trying to teach empathy in this scene
He is explaining empathy, not social justice.
It's main demographic is teenage-college student legbeards and autists
Actually Rebecca Sugar went on record when she came out as bisexual that diversity is an imporant part of SU because she wants everyone have someone they can identify with.
It's not really a secret as the show is about a bunch of gay space rocks.
It's just a bad Road Runner cartoon.
Rebecca Sugar and Ian Jones-Quartey. One of their writers is also a straight-edge ska fan. But to be fair the entire staff is the embodiment of every tired cliche you can think of.
Oh don't forget this
their newest "fusion"
What if somebody is a straight, white, male, non-complete faggot who believes in traditional values, isn't supportive of social justice, and isn't ashamed of their gender?
Do they have any representation in the show?
>hey kids, there's women in the world who also like women
>this is bad
are you one of those people who cover their kids eyes if you see two men walking down the street
Cartoon literally depicts a fat kid tranny, did you realy expect anything else?
>unironically being a fag-enabler
reddit is that way, kid.
Am I the only one who's deeply disturbed by their ripoff of the coyote and roadrunner cartoons?
> Actually falling for the Sup Forums meme
You're a Bronie by any other name. You take seriously what others started as a joke.
Reminder to only let your children watch red pilled cartoons such as MLP (which has episodes vilifying Marxism and egalitarianism)
You mean it hasn't already? What rock did you sleep under? Oh wait, I bet you slept under Orange BigMcLargeHuge Dyke Rock.
> Actually falling for the "Sup Forums meme" meme
I didn't think Canadians were this fucking dense. Wake the fuck up and smell the coffee you retard, because the "Sup Forums meme" is a meme in itself.
Read up on quantum memechanics when your balls drop.
You're funny.
See. The entire point that tumblr and their ilk make is that you and me don't need representation because we "'"'"dominate"'"'' the media scene. And therefore can he excluded.
SU and shows like it, are their safespaces you white CISHET male shitlord.
Fuck off???
I ignore the SJW stuff as irrelevant and focus on the stuff I want to put my dick inside of.
The show pay homage(rips off) a ridicules amount of things, mostly other cartoons and anime.
lesbian rocks have a numale friend. as much as the theme of the show is about sjw faggotry maybe the more obvious answer is its all in the kids head and he fantasizes about lesbians all day and im not sure if sjws are ok with a cis white male using women as sexual objects even if its in his mind
we should petition to have it taken off the air for objectifying women by representing them through the fantasies of some cis white male being projected onto his rock collection
wow...u know a lot about this show user...
really makes me think...
>But think about their feelings!!
This was the first thing that came to my mind.
Grew up on GI Joe, Ninja Turtles, and Transformers Gen 1
If you want a generation of pussies, educated them to be pussies...
>Pays tribute.
>Is nothing alike.
The reason its on a beach is cause they live on a beach, this is like comparing two other shows together because they had a steak meal in it.
ppfft...your generation is gone. Nothing but a bunch of useless wage slaved bigots without a proper education from their local university...
If you want a generation of idiots, teach them to love action and violence.
This generation's cartoons bring forth a new age of learning and thinking. We, the young philosophers of the current year will put out the fires of yesterday and do away with your racist and homophobic thoughts.
I love how that list doesn't mention the Initial D episode of SU.
The second I saw that fucking car I knew it was going to be a drifting episode.
I prefer when cartoons teach me the meaning of life
>People who grew up on GI Joe, Ninja Turtles, and transformers are either old and have jobs or kids
>Or they don't and still watch them and still collect toys
You're not fooling anyone faggot.
I don't know how I can convince you when if you chose to ignoring facts if you like.
I brows Sup Forums, so unfortunately I absorb a cretin amount of the show from being just slightly exposed to it.
meanwhile in fucking My Little Pony
>equality is bad
Top tier moral.
Empathy is innate
No need to teach it
explain niggers then.
Empathy required intelligence you fucking RETARD. The less intelligent, the less aware you are of other living beans. You have less of a capacity to think about the outcomes of certain actions when all you can think about are primal instincts; such as being a nigger.
>Wow a mother leaving a video behind her son.
>Every time this happens it must rip off Cowboy Bebop.
If you really want a rabbit hole to climb into, the whole premise of this fucking show is ripped off of another show anyway, Steven Universe is a Harem Anime disguised as a kids show, except Steven is fucking gay as shit.
Equality is only bad when it's imposed that everyone deserves the same without testing them to see if they are worthy of being deigned as an equal.
Give someone power without them understanding it's worth and it will be abused.
>harem anime
>except Steven is gay
this show is merely a far left circlejerk tumblr spawn that you conflate it with the semi erotic chinese cartoons circlejerk. Every single character except Steven's pathetic Homer Simpson dad is effeminate gay. They are not even Jojo's Bizarre Adventure gay or /f/ videos that romanticize buff strong dudes gay. No this is the other side of gay which is ambiguous hug box let all men worship our victimhood and weakness gay while the gay space rocks cry and sing about their inane nonsense. Steven is a fat weakling moron who wears Birkenstocks and has the power to make pink artifacts from his belly ring. It doesn't get any frillier than that. Harem anime however is sexual in nature which prevents it from ever getting this faggot tier.
The message here is essentially that if someone goes nuts and does something wrong, they're really just a victim. If you treat them like a bad person for doing bad things, you're only going to make them do more bad things.
What the perpetrators of this message fail to realize is that this incentivizes going nuts and doing bad things. The victim status is the highest position one can attain to in modern Western society. Thanks to liberals, victims are exempt from any blame for their wrongdoing, as whatever transgressions they commit are to be blamed on their victimhood status. Essentially, being a victim is a blank check to do whatever the hell you feel like, and if anyone dares criticize you, they become the bad guy.
This reflects the core value of modern leftism: nobody should be held accountable for their own actions.
Children's cartoons have been teaching what would today be called left-wing principles since before the goalpoasts were shifted to make what they are teaching left-wing. It's kind of hard to pitch a cartoon for children where the moral is "fuck all y'all bitches, I got mine. Bullies are cool, and whiners are just jealous losers looking for a handout. Empathy is for pussies." There are some adult cartoons/sit-coms like that.
Don't worry trump will save us
Steven isn't gay. He had kinky alien sex with his foster sister like 2 episodes ago and the little brown girl just last fucking week.
>fuck all y'all bitches, I got mine. Bullies are cool, and whiners are just jealous losers looking for a handout. Empathy is for pussies
If you really think about it, that's basically the moral of Spongebob.
>the moral of Spongebob.
>anything but pic-related
This and Clarence are shows made for literal retards.
>Empathy required intelligence you fucking RETARD.
Or distress pheromones. No sapience necessary.
That's less effective empathy, not less empathy
no it isn't dummy. Look where you are.
> Connies parents
> Sour Creams mom
> Stevens dad
> Conny x Steven
> Greg x Amethyst
> Rose chose ro make a child with Greg instead of being in a lesbian relationship with Pearl.
What more do you want!
>tfw have a figure of peridot because I think she's qt
You left out Lars and Sadie, although both are implied bisexual they're at least especially interested in eachother
Ronaldo had a girlfriend too. He was banging the cinema chick.
How slow are you?
That show is literally about lesbian space rocks who sing about fucking each other.
To be fair, they also sing about not being able to fuck eachother because they fucked up. And Steven sings about them fucking eachother too.