Listen to Mr. Cena before you get an attitude adjustment, Drumpfkins.
Listen to Mr. Cena before you get an attitude adjustment, Drumpfkins
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your info is out shill, better lay low
>love beyond age
Is John Cena a pedosexuality advocate?
We have guns. You don't. :^)
>this love will be reciprocated
what would john cena know about doing the right thing? his refusal to use his pull to put people over and bury everybody is what nearly killed the company he works for, which is now only surviving because it hired on every other big name on the planet and it's still bleeding ratings.
Jesus fucking christ
You just know Cena is voting for Trump in private.
I'm voting for her because she's not Trump. I think Trump would wreck this country, while I think Hillary will keep the status quo, so it's the status quo for me.Σ
The only ones hating based on race are the affirmative action, gender quotas, YOU ARE A FUCKING WHITE MALE crowd.
Trump just wants to enforce the law (borders). Nice try.
You can't beat superman.
>John Cena slams Trump
But he didn't
C'mon guys, we all know who paid him to say that shit.
>Goyim celebrities denouncing Trump to get more shekels and endorsements from the media.
cute. have a sage
Why guns are necessary when you are
Occupy Democrats meme, no source. I'm calling bullshit on that quote. Sage goes in option
Cena loves Trump.
Potential migrants to America are not US citizens yet, therefore have no constitutional right to complain.
Muslims can stay in their shit hole countries.
Room temperature IQ blue collar people usually look to stand up comedians and shock jocks as their philosophers, and then there's the rung below them who look to children's fake wrestling actors for that role, while pol's inspiration are our enemies, chaos and vengeance, the quest for neutering pol a fools errand, but flail to your hearts content. day of the rope!
Careful libtards or you will get a permanent attitude adjustment.
>caring about the opinion of a wrestler who's famous because of a meme where a guy screams his name and ear rapingly loud music plays
Did Cena just turn heel?
This is from some stupid commercial he did. Cena didn't say this about Trump.
Also, didn't Cena endorse Mitt Romney four years ago?
This had nothing to do with Trump.
It's a quote from a commercial he did unrelated to Trump.
Wrong, cucky. This was specifically directed at Drumpf.
What the fuck does this even mean?
>patriotism SHOULD be X
>therefore if you're not X you're not a patriot
Wrestlers shouldn't suck dick, so I guess he's not a wrestler.
Owens did, popped up that some bitch then bombed him down
He criticizes Trump because he is voting trump because Trump is the only WWE Hall of Famer to ever run for president.
> Free speech
> Patriotism
> Exercising free speech is unpatriotic
Gtf back to Tumblr you blue pill autistic trans nigger-sandfuck.
Damn it, Cena. Pick up a dictionary to look up the definition of patriotism.
He never said anything bad agaisnt Trump, i think Nigel Farage actually said something similar.
This litteraly has nothing to do with loving your country. But that's what you get for getting your political statements from a wrestler
Love to who?
Are you telling me patriotism means loving your enemy?
For some reason I don't think that's true John
I think you need to stick to wrestling guys in makeup or whatever you do
he was already famous as fuck before that meme even existed
His brother is a faggot so he's kinda stuck with the SJW bandwagon for PR reasons