>mornin' user! :3
Mornin' user! :3
top of the shit post to ya 'stralia
cheers big ears
Hey baby fill my mouth with your cum
Fuck off faggot
trap confirmed
Post dick and butt k
well of course, who else but the mentally ill would wear that hat?
Does this mean I'm gay now
sage fuck yourself trap poster
sa'matter mate I hurt your feelings?
Shame he will never have a daughter
trap boy sage
why would you want this to breed?
It's night time you autistic didgeridoo
Who's this semen serpent
its 2:27pm you fucking mouth breather
Only in burgerland. On my way to work here
I have that duvet cover!
Does this thing have nudes yet?
Its a trap. Do NOT fap. I repeat, do NOT fap. d
Give me one good reason why it's wrong to aspire to look like this.
Yet? They've been around for ages.
Warm fresh is my waifu
has whole videos
You live in Africa. I'm sorry
Well shit I always end up missing them whenever they get posted
Nice shitpost "m8". You're not convincing me its daytime outside
why does that dude have female features, its actually pretty unsettling
you wouldn't know from your mothers basement anyway
Jesus Christ what's with all the tranny shilling lately
Because it's hot
It's Sup Forums we're almost as gay as Sup Forums.
Thank you
It is your destiny
no, not even close
>implying it isnt just a few people that do it constantly
Post more of this cum catcher
Sorry to hear that you're gay
miss Australia 2016
You've went too far this time, Australia.
Hand over the bants.
jesus christ
Maybe. Maybe there's a decently sized polgbt sub-board culture.
Come on, dude.
I no longer control the bants mate
the bants control me!