How does it feel to pay fund this degeneracy?
You Pay for Gender Reassignment
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Damn it I was so close.
Probably one of the better uses of tax payer dollars, actually.
So you're a socialist?
It does speed up the suicides since reality sets in
>mental illness detected
That's statistically accurate. Let's hope this continues. But wouldn't it be cheaper to euthanize them than waste military funding on gender reassignment?
The military in its current form is sustained entirely with socialized funds. The least thing we can do is put the pussies and dicks where they belong.
Right, but how does cutting our soldiers' dicks off help defend the nation? I'm lost. Why are we paying for this?
>people push for higher rates of reassignment operations for trans-identifying people
>rates of suicide for trans-identifying people skyrocket
The fact that post-op they're more likely to commit suicide is so telling of the nature of their mental illness.
Really, we should be trying to get people to calm their emotions, think rationally, and realize that even if they have the occasional degenerate thought, doesn't mean they were born wrong.
Seriously, fuck people for normalizing this shit.
>You pay to raise their suicide rates
Does gender reassignment help us defeat ISIS?
If gender dysphoria were considered a legitimate medical condition, then all insurance and military healthcare alike would be paying for it just like we pool our resources for cancer, depression, zika, and every other medical condition that exists. The real question, is why does one consider this medical condition illegitimate such that it should be excluded from the system that sufferers of all other conditions benefit from?
Yes, this is the common fallacy that is offered by the left. That we must somehow treat society instead of treating the patient.
This fallacy inevitably ends with every baby being born a zikaberg.
Also, to add, it would probably help them a lot if they were told everyone has body image issues to a degree, but that doesn't mean they don't want those features really.
Places like Tumblr manipulate people's vague insecurities about their body and put it in their mind that it's because they were born wrong.
It's sick.
It would also help if to help these people, psychologists suggested they expand their identities past their fucking gender. I mean, for fuck's sake, there are so many other ways to define yourself; your political ideas, your hobbies, your job, etc. And that would take away from any idea that they were born wrong.
If it's recognized as a legit medical condition they can also be deemed unfit to serve. Paying for gender reassignment does not treat the condition. It merely enables it.
Isn't this treating the patient though? Being trans is literally a mental illness, so the cure to that must be gender reassignment.
Because SRS is never the cure.
Because if you're a schizo who believes your arm isn't actually yours, you shouldn't be adviced to cut it off.
There is no reversing this country
Even if Trump wins, in 8 years we'll have another Hillary or Obama.
I am leaving. This country is going to burn to the ground from all the evil shit it encourages, and with it anyone who stays.
Californian here - we have to pay for prison inmates to get the surgery if they want it. it's like $200,000 per person, thanks Jerry Brown.
Hugboxes serve to provide a sense of validation for the mentally ill. Just today a group of pedos tried to convince me that pedophilia is a legitimate sexual orientation and, again, suggested that society needs to be nice to pedos because that will magically make them stop wanting to fuck kids.
In reality, it is degenerate and deserves to be shamed as it is not welcome alongside the virtues that make up a functioning, healthy society.
No. This is everyone agreeing to partake in patient's delusions. It's extremely unhealthy.
Where to?
I need suggestions...
If they off themselves faster then sure whatever
A fool who persists in his folly will become wise
but i don't pay property tax
That's the exact same analogy I use. For everyone to just accept that a schizo is being spied on by the shadow government of lizard people would be detrimental to everyone involved.
Leftists don't think of the military as actually having a purpose. They don't recognize that it defends the nation or that nations actually have to be defended. All they see is a big government program that they can parasitize.
Are you white or are you a nigger or spic?
If you're the latter stay here and don't spread your cancer.
If you're the former, figure your own shit out because I don't want any liberals or brown people reading this to follow me. Go to an irrelevant island where you are not a space on a chess board for globalist kikes to conquer.
Are you talking about gender reassignment?
Jerry Brown is a fucking shithead. Also Californian. He approved the $15 min wage WHILE saying that they know it doesn't make economic sense.
Do you also "cure" schizophrenics by telling them that the voices they hear are real?
I'm planning on leaving as well, I think. But honestly no where is safe.
I'm currently abroad on business, and even in Japan there's evidence of SJW thought beginning to poison the minds of younger people here.
Based Denmark. Where being white is legal still.
Looks like they need a reminder.
can i get my gyno surgery paid for so i feel like more of a man? :(
The Jews hate Japan. I've been seeing them shill that open borders refugee shit hard. They hate that Japan is closed off and sitting on all that money. They see big dollar signs they have no control over.
>quick and ez doctoring
You guys sound very sure of yourselves. Are there any circumstances in which you would be willing to reconsider your positions?
... but there's truth to both positions.
Pedophilia is as much a sexual orientation as homosexuality is - it's actually quite malleable. Just as faggots can sometimes be attracted to grills and just like dykes can sometimes be attracted to guys, and just as heterosexuals can sometimes feel attracted to people from their own gender, you can sometimes feel attracted to children, and pedos who usually only feel attracted to children can also be attracted to adults once in a while.
In that sense, pedophilia is kind of a sexual orientation, though of course, unlike homosexuality, there is no consent when it comes to acting on said orientation, so while pedophilia IS somehow a sexual orientation, it's also true that it is degenerate and deserves to be shamed.
And then there's Comic LO, which publishes drawn porn, you know, you know, a bunch of porn comics, featuring children, every month. And then throws in a lot of ads in between the comics, telling you you're a sick fuck that deserves the death penalty if you are actually raping kids.
I'd say neither the faggots nor the pedos deserve something like a gay parade. You should leave sex in the bedroom, and when it comes to non-consensual orientations, to your hand.
The government should pay for test injections for those of us who feel we're swole, trapped in numale bodies
A true samurai.
I'm all for immigration, so long as they let so few in at a time that they are forced to assimilate.
It's when they let a butt fuck ton of people in a once and allow them to all live together that everything goes to shit.
All this shit is likely some form of money laundering. Hundreds of thousands of tax dollars moved back to private citizens every time gender reassignment is done. Also they charge way more because it's a government contract.
B-but my diabetes supplies are still $200 a month.
If true, then all of them simply need to be gassed.
They don't need to let in more than 100 people a year. It's completely unnecessary. There is literally no purpose. Anyone else can simply make a 1-2 month business trip.
You can't make people assimilate who are genetically predisposed to certain behavior.
Of the national variety
>Are there any circumstances in which you would be willing to reconsider your positions?
Sure. In any quantifiable, scientific (as in scientific method-based, not the current "social science" bullshit), not riding on feelings circumstance.
Hence why I posted Paul McHugh, who studied this shit properly for a long time in Johns Hopkins and, after proper scrutiny, found that, no, SRS is never the cure.
>splitting the banana
>when 99.9% of guys interested in traps want shemale tail
gender dysmorphs =/= bona fide traps -- they're head cases
He's going bald I believe.
we should pay for his hair transplant surgery
>If you're not dying for trannies in your army, you're a cuckold pussy lard ass.
>statistically accurate
citations??? isn't the opposite actually true or is that just a jewish lie?
Your write up of McHugh is intriguing. At no point did he ever study gender dysphoria. But, he has made several statements about the condition and successfully campaigned to stop Johns Hopkins from offering SRS. None of this comes from his personal research, as he hasn't done any on this condition. Makes one wonder where his opinions actually are coming from, then...
Are you a bot? That didn't seem remotely relevant.
I agree
>Let them eat cake
Let them get gender reassignment, it will make it easier for me to spot them on the street when it all goes down...
we should pay for a bullet to their brains
nothing more, nothing less
>Paul R. McHugh
>From 1975 till 2001, McHugh was the Henry Phipps Professor of Psychiatry and the director of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at the Johns Hopkins University. At the same time, he was psychiatrist-in-chief at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. He is currently University Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.[8]
>Johns Hopkins Hospital
>Medical achievements at Johns Hopkins include the first male-to-female sex reassignment surgery in the United States that took place in 1966 at the Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic.
that seems really unhealthy and the suicide rate for people who did the whole-hog surgery is sky-high
good news for the folks who always bitch about the military industrial complex i guess
finally, a leaf with common sense.
Maybe it's like the democrats supporting abortion thing where it's participatory/soft eugenics via the government
This is total and utter horseshit. This bullshit surgery is not cheap. Why can't I get cosmetic surgery or hair transplants or lipo paid for by the taxpayer when a tranny can?
doesn't the suicide rate among trannies go down after surgery as supported by mainstream studies?
the rate is still above your national average but it goes down from pre-op I think
please provide journal citations if you can
I agree with blue Peru.
Your post supports exactly what I said. Thanks for the admission. So we're square?
Its not a bad idea.
Happy trannies pay taxes, ones who an hero do not
provide journal citations for the opposite then. all i know is all ive heard
When it takes a postgraduate degree to have common sense.
I'd be down to pay for it if it were used as punishment on criminals.
God I hope the don gets the presidency so we dont have to pay for their reversal surgeries.
No fucking way
Yep I'm no longer paying my fucking taxes
If you agree with what I said here , yes, we're square.
Otherwise, you're twisting my words, in which case, kill yourself, you piece of shit sophist.
I really doubt a tranny will ever pay back 200-300k in taxes
And the military welfare continues to grow
Fuck you.
Turing represent. Even if you're a faggot who breaks the laws in a place where faggotry is outlawed, you shouldn't be forced to get all your hormones fucked up.
Trannies are worst than Mexicans because they host don't hold jobs
Why are you still pay taxes?
>American taxpayers are paying for fake pussies at $200k each
eternally cucked
Brain transplants for trans people when?
couldn't get any more mainstream than that but I'm pretty sure I read some studies that said the same thing on pubmed, specifically:
>The need for treatment is emphasized by the higher rate of mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and various addictions, as well as a higher suicide rate among untreated transsexual people than in the general population. Many of these problems, in the majority of cases, disappear or decrease significantly after a change of gender role and/or physical characteristics.
You're new here, aren't you?
Just promise them surgery if they serve a set amount of time in battle. Throw them to the sandniggers instead under false promise
the key word there is "untreated" - does that refer to the full reassignment or just horomones?
I don't have a problem with you, my friend. I was merely pointing out that despite his position within Johns Hopkins, his long resume, and the fact that Johns Hopkins had a history of performing SRS, he simply had no personal investment in this specific area whatsoever, with the sole exception of ending the practice at the hospital.
Your post here supports this.
Your post here is contrary however, as he was never a subject matter expert. Am I truly the one that's wrong here?
Peace to you, my brother.
Been in Sup Forums since 04 and in Sup Forums since back when it was called /n/.
Or, let me translate that so you can understand it: HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE
Ok what's your point? I don't want either fucking one. Go shill your "Mexicans are bro tier" bullshit somewhere else.
Thank you for being the voice of reason, Guatemala.
More hot T girls that want to fuck guys? Yes please. Brazil does the same thing.
why didn't you read the citations?
yes, they're post-op as in inverted penises and dead skin dildos
Worse than paying for abortions.
It makes no sense.
How is body mutilation considered treatment for a mental illness? What reputable doctor can make such a claim?
There certainly isn't any evidence that it is a viable treatment when suicide rates increase.
Then move to Brazil instead of trying to fuck up my spot.
I'm sorry, but that needs to be put down too
>director of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at the Johns Hopkins University during the whole period Johns Hopkins practiced SRS
>no personal investment in this specific area whatsoever
Some people.
/n/ huh? Very interesting. Really shows how oldschool you are.
except the suicide rates are shown in these studies to decrease which is how they can claim so in a factually supported manner
Is there any factual evidence to support the argument against this allegedly ineffective treatment?
It also speeds up the suicides of all the veterans who can can't see a doctor because this will make it take even longer for them to get treatment:(
I don't think most people here are interested in factual evidence.