BLM BTFO of Sup Forums

Wow, I love BLM now!

Sup Forums BTFO yet AGAIN! How will you guys recover from this?

Another metaphor, just to rub it in, is its like a firefighter saying "all houses matter" when ones on fire. You guys are so stupid!

Here it is Sup Forums btfo!

Another one for you LOSERS!

fuck off

Good point. I like the cancer comparison. Can I use it when I debate #alllivesmatter proponents on twitter and IRL?


This thread has been visited by the chink cop of nigger hate. Good luck and safe streets will come to you, but only if you post "good luck, ninja assassins!" in this thread.

Arthur Chu likes the bbc a little to much.

Thats it, im filtering canadians, bye.

here's your (You)

If Bob says "Bob deserves food", then Bob deserves no food because who even talks like that.

>1 Post by this ID


People say All Lives Matter because polite brutality is not an especially black problem. It affects everyone, and blacks aren't disproportionally effected by it when you consider their higher crime rate and thus interaction with the police.

Not only that, Black Lives Matter conducts itself like a terrorist separatist organization, its goals are ridiculous, and it totally ignores the main cause of the loss of black lives.



Maybe Bob should by food instead of fucking complaining that he deserves it

Difference is, cancer researchers don't go to ALS fundraisers and start beating those people up.

I was wondering why this thread was so terrible and then I noticed all the leafs posting.

>have house
>set it on fire
>complain it is on fire
>mad when you don't get sympathy from people who didn't set their own houses on fire

>WTF is the impulse behind changing Orlando vigils to #BlackLivesMatter. Do you crash strangers' funerals shouting BLACK PEOPLE ARE OPRESSED

>Sure is samefaggy in here.
And no that gook didn't BTFO anything. The only ones that run around, scream and interrupt others is the scum of BLM

Blm is a political tool to rally black voters to vote Democrat. Just like the tea party was for the Republicans.


The thing is that in reality, very few black lives actually matter. Only the ones that contribute to society in a positive manner should matter.

Hey now, we aren't all a bunch of socialist morons.

>Another metaphor, just to rub it in, is its like a firefighter saying "all houses matter" when ones on fire. You guys are so stupid!

The problem with that metaphor is that every house is on fire. They are smaller fires, like just engulfing one room in each house, but they are all on fire. The assumption that only black people are having problems with police violence is 100% false and predicated on "racism still a thing" being a better headline, so the for profit media is more inclined to tell you when a black person is killed than when a white person is killed (which, spoiler alert, happens at least as often).

>Hey now, we aren't all a bunch of socialist morons.

>ignoring these quints
the fuck, fampire?

1) A leaf posted this thread
2) It consists soley of a social media screenshot
3) OP is saying Sup Forums BTFO

This is a shill thread. You are all posting in a shill thread. either do not post, or at least put sage into the options field.

>pol BTFO
>checks flag



saging, don't worry, but i'm pretty sure this is just a troll thread meant to trigger ppl like you. shill threads are much less obvious