Because they're dirty fucking kikes. There's a reason the Jews were expelled from every single nation they went to. The Muslims gave them mercy during the middle ages, and let them in, and look at what they're doing to the Muslims now. This is why no one likes jew rats.
Brandon Foster
You are right. It's not like they have been targeted for annihilation since four days after being approved. It's not like they were welcome.
Juan Moore
Because they were the 3rd Reich.
Read this and tell me the Germans weren't just used as a boogeyman to get the Jews to flea to Israel.
I believe there were some photos of Palestinians being held in camps, not to mention your barbaric bombings of them and unending conflict and seizing their land. I would normally do not give a fuck about 3rd world countries fighting with each other, but because your filthy noses are everywhere, I dislike such practices.
Noah Roberts
They run the FED, which has enslaved the whole world except for Iran and Best Korea.
Adrian Walker
>implying nazis tried to genocide
Andrew Myers
You're a huge moron.
Blake Wood
>And why does the US support their totalitarian, militaristic, barbaric ways? Guess who runs the US?