On facebook their saying ghostbusters failed due to racists who hate women...

On facebook their saying ghostbusters failed due to racists who hate women. Many posts are urging us to buy tickets to support women proving were not racist.

Does that ever work with movies to help promote the social agenda, it feels like these topics are better explored in documentaries right?

President Camacho is based


? Support Hollywood and million dollar paychecks, to prove what?

How does spending $ on an over priced ticket, to watch a horrible movie, prove anything?
All it proves is you're a useful idiot who will do anything he's told to, because of posts on a social networking site.

I thought it is about sexism? How cam it be about race?

> buffoon made to mock what idiots deem to be the alpha male - a wrestling/mma pornstar
> based

Idiocracy was about the need of eugenics

Because it wasn't taking existing characters and changing their race/gender for the sake of muh diversity?

they chose ugly fuckign women to remake mens characters from an already cult movie. what did they expect

I don't even know what the one on the left is.

Terry crews is funny
Women aren't

Camacho was ironic. Fucking normies and being on 0 levels of irony.

>a fucking football player is funnier than people who devoted thrir lives to comedy


What's his face didn't get the job because he's a black actor. He got it because it's a hard position to fill and he filled the qualifications. His position was to be the most American American an American can be. And he filled it pretty good

Remember to sage

Ugh. But it was under his Presidency that Problems actually got solved. Plants started to grow and a better government was established.

He wasn't the cause of the downfall of society but he was able to identify and help a smart and educated person actually society.

So yeah, he was.
>alpha male - a wrestling/mma pornstar

But what does that say about the past leaders? Were they all faggots and lefties/commies that let society fall so far?

Consider your rectum corrected

These people, they’re insignificant gnats, they’re losers, they have no lives of their own, they can probably barely pay for the wifi they’re using. Probably no jobs. I would say you’re looking at obese white men between 50 and 60 who are active Klan members or members of the Aryan Nation and there are millions of them.

I’m afraid to say that that contingency will be voting for the Republican ticket.

I thank you, Kek, for the trips. I only wish to deus vult and eradicate all shills.

If my post is righteous, it is only by your numerical guidance.


It could work, there are a lot of self loathing christcucks, regressives, and herd followers, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if this did the trick.

>funny original movie
>literally a movie already made except all main characters are women now

hmm really makes me think...

The Day After Tomorrow.
Unwatchably bad, bombed, tried to do political tie-in, backfired so badly there was fallout next time lefties tried to talk up the environment.
Has this ever worked? No. Sony and Hollywood are trying to change too much at once. Will Rogers and John Steinbeck and Frank Capra can soft sell socialism, but they were honestly objectively talented and skilled. Sony wants its agenda and it also wants to dictate how it sells its agenda, and it might find its work easier if it just concentrated on messing with one variable at a time.

The reason why one is SJW propaganda is because it's full of it, not because it has women it it.

It rides off the coat-tails of a classic movie only to spout feminism garbage.

The other one is actually an ORIGINAL movie, it's not a remake. It's actually funny and there aren't any political overtones, aside from the critique of consumerism

Wasn't the whole idea a black man was elected because the entire country was retarded? (This is a documentary on the 2008 elections)
And ghost busters just sucked and took away from the prequels. (Sjw propaganda) mah funny vagima

their saying women count as a race since race is defined as any subset of people with distinguishing characteristics which having a vagina is from men.

Black girls in real life are funny, but they chose the most boring black girl ever.

Trip confirm five-time Ultimate Smackdown champion …porn superstar …and president of the United States, Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, made America great again.


Yes, I'm sure you'd consider sheboon behavior to be funny, Tyrone. Or is this Le-a?

A devout, nofap christian football player no less.

Idiocracy was made in 2006. So no, on that first part.

This isn't real. Nobody is that retarded.

I'm pretty sure you missed the point of that movie.

Doesn't the main guy's speech at the end make no sense though?
It has been a while since I saw it but I remember it being something like...

>Man, just read a book and try harder, or something. Don't be so shit.

I don't see how that would be a curative measure for the dysgenic scenario outlined in the movie.

It wasn't suppose to make a lot of sense, joe was an idiot leading retards, he thought they actually invented a time machine.

a dumb Canadian, who's always been a total weirdo, thinks there's "millions of white men 50-60 who are active members of the Klan". Wow, more like maybe dozens, Danny-boy is more out of it than I though.
