Let's find the true average IQ of Sup Forums. Post em'
Link to test: iqtest.dk
I will compile once I believe we have enough data. I'm hoping for at least 100 samples.
Let's find the true average IQ of Sup Forums. Post em'
87 done by picking b,c,g,f,b,c...
it doesnt go up that high for this particular test. please post proof
please post proof
Legit test from professional tester.
The state tested me when I was 16 as a requirement for this indoctrination camp I was invited to attend at the University of Missouri. It was for the "gifted kids" in Missouri schools. They literally gathered the smartest kids they could find and attempted to condition them towards communism and white male hating.
Sure thing, bud
>Not posting IQ
I got 112. Though I have no fucking clue what some of those patterns were about.
Do they just 'click' for you guys, or what?
The latter patterns are hard as shit.
You just gotta see the two examples they give you then figure out the missing sequence.
I'm older than the targeted test audience so per the instructions 134+.
>the test felt easy
>never gotten this high on iq test before but I score at least 120
>people seem to usually post ~100
i dont habeeb it
This test was silly desu.
Got a score of 132 at the mensa website a few months ago so who knows.
and yet youre here on Sup Forums what a fuck up.
Hillary supporter here
watch trump fags have 60 IQ
Social apathy and social disenfranchisement are not uncommon among smart people.
I just took it again, and I got 112 again. This is very disappointing. I don't think I'm insanely intelligent, but I should be better than just a few tics above average.
I guess I got 7?
let the hate roll in
None Of These online iq tests are accurate, real iq tests are much more extensive
Okay, well I looked it up, and once they're explained a bit they make sense. What I don't understand is how I'm supposed to establish the 'rules' without any prompting.
The logic of most of them isn't difficult, it's the process of establishing what aspect you're supposed to distinguish on. I guess that's part of having a high IQ? Being able to intuit your way through and find the rules yourself?
Now that they're explained, I can do better. But it feels like cheating, so I won't bother. I guess I have to accept that I have middling intelligence.
>the real IQ test is not recognizing the IQ test is a parody and the site's backdrop is a bunch of tesselated assholes representing the people who take IQ tests seriously
That background is weird.
i refuse to believe a shitskin got a better score than i
i consider you too stupid to associate with get out of my sight
Here is a better one for you.
I answered all questions with A and got 79
Which is very generous considering that choosing A for all questions is the best impression for a moron.
The first time I tried it I answered 25 questions and got bored and chose A for the last 14 questions and got 108.
literally this quiz is retarded.
It adds like 30 points to your actual IQ.
Basically this
yea i think your the retarded one. the test is designed to just add to your score, not subtract. your story actually makes sense. it only counts the questions you got right. also some of the questions are worth more IQ points than the others i believe. not only that i think it also considers the level of question and idk maybe averages your score towards that level of IQ score.
Check this moron out.
Then how is anyone gonna score below 70?
If choosing answer A to all the questions gets you 79.
Don't you know that the average IQ in some regions in Africa is 70?
None of them will score less than 70 if they took this test.
because the test wasnt designed to score below 70 they didnt give questions in that range to opt in to that demographic jesus christ dont you know how this test works? in other words the test is incapable and acknowledges with the scale at the end that the range it tests in is 70-140 IQ dummy
Is having someone work out a load of shape patterns really the best way to measure their intellectual worth?
sounds like BS to me.
sheeit, maybe I have some Ashkenazi blood in my veins.
I'm too lazy to do this shit.
The last time I tried I got a 114 even though I didn't even finish all the questions.
maybe we should start by defining IQ for you. IQ basically measures your learning ability speed. Obviously the higher your IQ, the faster you grasp information. A pattern test where you have to reason out what is logically correct in the patterns is a good fast quick and wide indicator of how well you ccan understand something. patterns are life they are everywhere. anyways, yes i wish they could test for more aspects of IQ, but pattern recognition is pretty much the biggest one. The test at the end does say the results are within a standard deviation of 15, but when you take that into consideration: your score is not exact, but it is still correct to say that your actual IQ is near your test score. thats why these are somewhat legit.
trump or hillary?
It's like measuring the processing power of a computer. It doesn't tell you what programs are on the hard drive. Life experience, knowledge, skills, etc. will always be worth more than a few more IQ points. Unless you're at like 180, in which case everyone is an ant to you. I know plenty of high-IQ liberals. IQ =/ "intelligence"
Got 140 then cheated to figure out 36 and 39. On those two questions I got fixated on finding the "macro transformation" like a rotation or shifting of all the pieces or colors. Sometimes the pattern you're looking for just isn't there
Trump of course
thats a 100 percent mate ;3 gj glad to have you i hope you use your intelligence for chaotic good.
i failed that one too i think you are talking about the one where you have all those bar graph looking things. the other one im sure i failed was the 8 circles where they had an eye or 2 and they were either black or white. the middle one had 3 eyes. that one just did not make sense to me i just used my best judgment but it was a weak one without a solid basis of reason.
I see, maybe thats why I never learned my times tables
but I was still always top of my class. Really makes me think.
im smarter than you
and here you are shitposting on Sup Forums? legit af. Use your knowledge to suck the dick.
I scored 103 just for clarification
>implying I am not Graham's biggest fan
yea i guess that makes sense, P.S. NORMIE GTFO
based Graham
You said it yourself m8, Iq doesn't equal smartness
What IQ tests have you taken before?
If you say you've only taken online tests, then you've never actually taken an IQ test.
IQ equals learning speed. If i can learn faster than you, I can say I know more things, thus I am smarter. I can especially say this if we are around the same age.
i feel retarded amongst u guys doe
I'm an old cunt besides how does that explain why I was top of my class in school?
idk i think this particular IQ test is the most legit out of all the sleezy ones you find online. like i said, its a good indicator for where you lie on the curve. saying this IQ test is wrong is like saying the same questions provided in the linked test are NOT going to be found in an IQ test on paper.
Yeah that one fucked me up too, that's another one of the questions I got fixated on but I realized it was more like addition, with in and out being like positive and negative and the last circle of the row being the result. It should have tipped me off that they were starting to mix things up
you have a knack for obedience and memory. elementary school doesnt count middle school doesnt count and high school doesnt count its all obedience training. you probably shine well particulary in memory thats where your IQ is shining at its best. I wouldn't say your IQ doesnt match with your school record just yet. If I were you, before I made that hypothesis: I would challenge myself with something more difficult than school. And its up to you to correctly know what that is. Keep challenging yourself until you can't. Then you can start questioning and maybe retake the test again.
That doesn't make any sense mate, I have a terrible memory and we never learned by repetition.
then you were in special ed and the education sucked. mate i know my education wasnt thought provoking. i guess it could be said your education was designed to be passed by 100-110 IQs. In fact you can assume all the people who couldnt keep up with your grades were dumber than you. Thats believable. So, saying that your max IQ could actually be 115 because you have to beat out the other kids you grew up with. Yes this means your childhood friends were IQs of 90 80 70
It would be much more informative if people added the actual number of trials with their screenshot
3rd trial
you tried 3 times lmao!
I don't believe it, chum, there was a Chinese girl in my class and I always out did her.
Got 138 for the first time, forgot to save
All 'c' results in 79 :^)
>trying again
You dun goofed.
that, " chinese having high IQs" meme is such a fucking lie it really is up for debate.
some peopel say its because chinese cheat.
some people say its because chinese has a large homogenous population where only the smart ones are being tested.
Ive talked to plenty of chinese people before and they honestly cant do any imaginative thinking. what im trying to say is just be wary not to make this generalization about chinese, we might find the truth in the future. for your case: yes she was chinese and yes you were just smarter than her. so what? its possible.
Like anyone here posting their score
Don't kid yourselves
people are posting. do you think they are lying?
Redone, 145+
I have pushed different answers on the two problems I have hesitated on at the first time.
nah m8 she was smart af I still know her she had proper communist parents too
would you say you have a low EQ?
I got the same, i usually score 112-119 usually. I think i'm retarded anyway so its ok.
ok m8 either u were smarter than her or you werent which is it stop being humble and stop misreading the situation with her
I don't know what you're on about dude, all I'm saying is I am much smarter than the test would make me out to be.
I'm not upset because a computer called me dumb, I just think it's wrong.
When will people realize IQ is not real. And to say it is, is cringe?
you just forgot your original question were going to go full circle here soon . go take a benadryl and get out of my face.
I'm an entrepreneur, being emphatic is a must in my line of work. Also, make America great again.
Oh boy lets post a ten year old quiz with all the answers easy as shit to find for the thousandth time!
IQ >140 no cheating reporting in :^)
118, but I guess I shouldn't have been doing it at 3:10 AM.
There were no questions on verbal logic and sequences, only patterns which I don't think I do as well with.
Cherry picking single cases IQ is almost meaningless, however with large samples it works very well.
I think the definition of IQ needs to be redefined. I think people assumed it meant hard intelligence because of the I in IQ. IQ should be renamed LA. Learning Ability. Because intelligence is what you earn through that learning ability. And in a weak way, you can still say that you are more capable/smart than people with a lower Learning Ability.
You're off your chops, cock.
Did you just make this thread so you could laugh at people less intelligent than you?
thats why im going to calculate the standard deviation assuming at least 10% cheated.
not at all my only character flaw was thinking i could get through to you and answer all your questions
104 with 4 hours of sleep
I still have no idea what you're on about.
Do you have autism? - serious qestion
Anyone who takes a fucking online IQ test should be banned from Sup Forums. How god damn stupid can you fucks be to believe in an ONLINE non-professionally administered test?
Anyone who unironically clicks that link automatically has a sub-80 IQ.
>meme tests
I think that everything above 90 or even 100 is okay.
I've personally got around 121-125.
>Stop doing things I don't like.
>Stop having fun.
All of us know it doesn't have matter.
oh noes, someone does not conforms to my rules on the internetz
These threads are pure degeneracy, fuck off with your nigger-tier IQ. No Aryan man can be so stupid to take a fucking online IQ bullshit test.
118 :( I'm retarded