Don't worry goyim, us Jews got your back!

Don't worry goyim, us Jews got your back!

A marginally right wing candidate with the support of the Jewish infested media is still better than a globalist open borders candidate with the support of the Jewish infested media.

Thanks Best Ally!

:D :D :D

sorry pol, one meme or the other. either you admit trump is prime goy or the jews meme is self contradictary. also your personal response to this is also a good indicator of how much of a newfag you are

Thank you, based merchant.

You are truly my greatest ally.



yesssssssssssss good schlomo.

trump will defend israel hehe.

Damn Sup Forums got played

Realistically, if Sup Forums wanted a President who'd take on the kikes, they should have backed Rand or Bernie Sanders

Yes, Sanders is a kike, but he's the only one who had to balls to skip out on the AIPAC meeting

>sins of the father

>Had the balls to skip out on an AIPAC meeting
>Didn't have the balls to refuse to endorse Hillary Clinton, or run 3rd party, or even seriously attack her of DWS for any of the shenanigans at the DNC
>Thinking this fucking sock puppet would tank on an international banking cabal

Honestly Sup Forums why not team up with the Jews and exterminate the muslims? They're the actual problem threatening western civilization

I honestly think if Bernie didn't back Hillary, whether she wins or loses, she would take massive revenge on him and his family, and he knew that too.

Compare how he looked during Obama's speech, happy, clapping and having a good time, and to Clinton's acceptance speech, he looked like he wanted to throw up

Nice try goldstein but muslims wouldnt be a problem if your people didnt keep importing them


Toss around whatever buzzwords you want, but I'd gladly support Israel if they help us elect someone who will deport illegals.


>all these fags saying they'd support israel
this truly is neo/pol/

They're a problem everywhere. We're importing too much but no where near as devastating as euro cucks or as Hillary would like to. So why not team up with Jews and put an end to them

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

>if your people

With muslims we have actual opinion polls and data regarding their disgusting ideology and culture. With jews its all about some random 2-3 rich people, with no actual data regarding our will to import muslims into europe/NA (SPOILER: MOST OF US FUCKING DON'T, I hate sand people even more than niggers). So cut that meme out and admit that no race on earth is better at removing kebab than we are.

>The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
I see JIDF still shills on here

>le hating israel meme
I bet you unironically worship Hitler too, right?
Reddit is >>thataway>>, kiddo.

no problem with allying with Israel as long as the international globalist Jew is BTFO